Chapter 13: 'Mum'

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Waverly POV

I was walking to the Hospital Wing from History of Magic, I had a bag with Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Licorice Wands and Bertie Bott’s Every Flavored Beans for the guys. Lily told me they had gotten hut doing something on the grounds last night. I smiled at Madam Pomfery.

“You wouldn’t happen to have an extra Chocolate Frog in there would you? To over look the fact that you are bringing sweets to students into the Hospital wing?” she asked, smiling slightly. I dug one out, and gave it to her smiling.

“Here you go Poppy,” I laughed.

“Oh, Mr. Black’s got you doing that too?” she sighed, I grinned.

“What can I say? All those clonks to the head and Brits have been a bad influence on me!” She smiled, and went to her small office off the main wing. I heard all four boys whispering in hushed tones franticly.

“Hey guys!” I said, cheerfully. All four heads snapped up to look at me with the same scared, panicked expression.

“What I do?” I asked, none of them said anything. “Come on guys! I brought you all food!” I saw Black prop himself up on hic cot, I saw he had most of his ribs taped up. I couldn’t help but smile slightly at the fact that he was shirtless.

“Got Pumpkin Pasties?” he asked, grinning at the bag.

“Yep,” I went around a frozen James, and pulled one out. I opened the bag wide so the other boys could see what I had in it. Peter grabbed a box of Every Flavored Beans, and James snatched a Licorice Wand.

“Hey! What’s a guy got to do to get a damn Chocolate Frog?” Remus asked, propping himself up slightly in his cot. I rolled my eyes and tossed him one.

“Never heard you swear before Remy,” I noted, grabbing Black’s pasty and taking a bite.

“I don’t joke around when it comes to chocolate,” he said seriously, ripping a leg off his squirming chocolate frog.

“I still think it’s weird that they move!” I said, sitting on the edge of Black’s cot as he munched on his pasty.

“You also think our accents are weird,” James pointed out.

“And the fact that we say ‘mum,’ and have manners,” Black said.

“Oh, you have manners and I don’t?” I asked him. I saw James try not to laugh. I flicked his arm that was in a sling hard. He grumbled and went over to sit by Remus. He was complaining about how he was crowded, so I tossed him another frog.

“You’ve never seen me at a fancy dinner,” he challenged.

“Sirius,” James piped up. “Last year at the End of School Feast, you belched so loud during Dumbledore’s speech he stopped and said ‘Thank you, Mr. Black.’” I was laughing so hard at the end of this story, I fell onto the floor. I saw Black looking at me with a strange look. I stopped laughing.

“What?” I asked him, he shrugged and looked away. I sat up, and rested my head on Black’s cot, and grabbed a Pumpkin Pasty. I heard him grumbled about me taking his food, but he didn’t call me on it.

“What happened to you guys anyways?” I asked, stuffing my face. I saw a bunch of blank looks.

“Well, we’ve been meaning to talk to you about this-” I heard Black start.

“Prank gone wrong. Us, boarhound, a can of meat sauce, not good,” Remy said quickly. Black was giving him a death glare. I saw Remy flick him off over my head. What was up his butt?

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