Chapter 25: No, Your Not

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Waverly POV

The sun was setting, Remy was depressed, sitting alone under a tree until he started to transform. Then he would go to the tunnel when he started to transform. I was sitting next to Lily in the grass; I was wearing my old clothes, just in case.

I was staring at the sky nervously. I made Frank and Alice take Lily back to the castle before the sun set. I wanted to just go and sit alone in the forest, but the boys instated on staying with me.

“It’s going to be ok,” Sirius muttered in my ear, pulling me close. “I’m going to be right here the entire time.” He whispered, pulling his sweater off and over my head. It was warm, and I cuddled into it gratefully

“No, your not,” I said, jumping back. He pulled me back down next to him.

“Yes, I am.” He instated, almost mad.

“No, your not. James will,” I said, looking at James who nodded yes, pulling me into a one armed hug.


“Sirius if I come at you all werewolf-ed out, are you going to hesitate to defend yourself?” I cut him off, rising an eyebrow.


“James will, mainly because I made Lily make him promise, but still. You are going with Remy. End. Of. Story.” I said, staring at his conflicted gray eyes.

“Wave,” he sighed, brushing my hair back. “You cant expect me too-”

“Yes I can! And I do!” I snapped, shooing James and Peter away.

“No. No, I’m going to be right next to you,” he said, holding his ground. “There’s no changing my mind.”

“Venez sur Sirius, vous savez que vous grotte,” I said slowly, running my hand up and down his arm. {Means: Come on Sirius, you know you’ll cave.}

“Waverly,” he warned, closing his eyes “Thats not fair-”

“Vous savez que vous voulez. J'ai mes moyens et que vous n'oseriez pas me défier. Votre jeu ou non. Votre toujours pas rester ici, Snuffles.” I purred, playing with his hair as I leaned closer to him. He stiffened, not looking at me. {Means: You know you want. I have my ways and you would not dare challenge me. Your game or not. Your not going to stay here Snuffles.}

“Regardez-moi.” I whispered in French. “Look at me.” I repeated in English. I could see the sun set over BlackLake, leaving a long orange trail in the glassy surface. He opened his intense silver eyes and looked shattered.

“Fine,” he whispered. “Fine, I’ll go.” He stood up and hugged me tight. I didn’t want to let go when he dropped his arms.

“Just-Just come back, ok?” he asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my air. “Don’t go running off to the Forrest. Wouldn’t be Hogwarts without you.”

“I promise,” I smiled weakly. He kissed my forehead, and his lips trailed to my cheek and ended at the corner of my lips.

“Good,” he whispered, backing away and grabbing Remy up and towing him closer to the Whomping Willow. Peter trailing after him.

I sat next to James in the grass. “What now, Prongs?” I asked, swinging my head over to look at him.

“We wait,” he sighed, looking at the blank sky. I laid back in the grass, and slowly drifted to sleep burying my face in Sirius’s sweater.

Sirius POV

Remus had knocked himself out, and was laying on the floor of the Shrieking Shack. I was human, sitting on the shredded sofa waiting for the sun to come up and I could go and see if Waverly was ok. Remus had told me that it wasn’t the fact that they shifted forms that caused all the emotional stress. It was the fact that they didn’t remember what they did when they where in there other form.

I lost count of all the times Remus had almost clawed my face off. But, if that where Waverly…I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t. She was right.

If I had stayed, I wouldn’t have been able to defend myself against her. Waverly was usually right, about almost everything. She was smart, funny, that wicked, rebellious streak made her even more beautiful than she already was.

She really was stunning. I thought so from the moment I saw her in the book shop. And everyday, I find something new about her that I don’t want to louse. A few weeks before I asked her out. I think it was the first week of school. One of my Ex’s came up to me and was all touchy-feely. I told her I wasn’t in the mood.

Isis just cocked her hip at me, and narrowed her eyes. “Who is she?” she asked, for some reason happy.

“Who’s who?” I asked, looking back at my homework.

“The girl you have the hots for. Spill it Siri,” she said, sitting across from me. I hated when she called me ‘Siri.’ Made me feel like a child.

“No one,” I mumbled. “Can you leave? Please?”

“Not until you tell me who!” she insisted. I rolled my eyes and looked at Waverly on the other side of the hall, balancing a pensile on her nose while Alice and Lily talked about something. She and Remus where having a contest to see who could last longer. She won. Isis followed my gaze.

“Ooooooh, it’s your little American friend!” she squealed. I rolled my eyes at her.

“Please, pretend you have a brain,” I said snidely, making a slight face a her. She was still shoving her chest in my face.

“She likes you,” she sighed, throwing her things in her bag.

“Yeah, sure,” I laughed.

“Trust me Sirius,” Isis laughed and walked away. I joined up with Waverly as I left the Hall.

“Who’s the slut?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at Isis (Hufflepuff) who was sitting in Zabinni’s lap. I rolled my eyes.

“A horrible, depressed mistake,” I sighed, I slung my arm around her shoulders, and she wriggled out of my grasp.

“What have I told you Black?” she asked, a smirk on her face.

“Remind me?” I laughed, cupping my hand behind my ear dramatically.

“YOU CAN’T HANDLE ME!” she screamed, taking off down the hall. I followed her. Her robe billowed out behind her and her hair swung in the long, louse braid. I fell next to her in the common room. I yanked the hair tie out of her braid, and ran my fingers through her long, wavy hair. It shown in the sun like it was covered in little diamonds…

“Why’d you do that?” she asked me, her navy eyes where big an innocent. It was suppressing how the girl who hit people and set things on fire was innocent, but she was.

I shrugged. “Looks better louse and down,” I sighed. she blushed and got up.

“I have to study,” she mumbled. I watched her leave, and was thrown back into the moment.

I was still on the floor of the Shrieking Shack, the sun was coming up. Remus was human and pulling on a pair of pants. I scrambled to my feet and ran through the tunnel.

“Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok.” I whispered as I ran, I burst out the tunnel door, my heart hammering. I leaned against the tree, catching my breath as I took in the sight before me…


Well, it's 12:04 in the AM, and I'm still not tierd. Crap. Anyways, enjoy my story!

PS~ Should Waverly be a werewolf, or not? Comment.

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