Chapter 47: Pinky Swear

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Waverly POV

James was crying silently as Lily hugged him tightly. The rest of us where standing around the counter, unsure of what to so. There was a dull pop.

“W-Waverly,” I heard West sob, he ran into the room and hugged me around the middle. He was covered in dirt and ash. He also had a long cut on his arm.

“I-It’s a-all-all my fault!” he sobbed into my side as I hugged him.

“Hey, West, calm down.” I soothed, pushing his hair back out of his blue eyes. “What happened?” I asked slowly.

“M-Me and F-Fabien and G-G-Gideon where-where g-going t-to the n-new s-sa-safe house. They-They found us.” He sobbed, wiping away tears from his face. “F-Fabien c-called f-for back up when-when I let us be seen,” he choked out. “A-Andrew and D-Delilah c-came.” He whispered.

“Oh West,” I said, pulling him into a tight hug.

“It-It’s all my fault!” he cried as he sobbed. He looked at James who was looking at him with the same shattered expression. “J-James I’m so so sorry.” His voice broke twice.

“West,” James said, getting up and kneeling down so he was looking up at West. “It…It’s not your fault.” He said, a shaky smile on his face.

“But it is,” West sniffed, I heard lightning crack outside, and rain start to pour.

“Listen to me,” James insisted. “This is not your fault.” He said, pushing his glasses up. “Ok, I don’t want to hear you say that again.” He ordered West.

“Ok,” West mumbled, tears still brimming in his eyes. James smiled a bit as West threw his arms around his neck in a tight hug.

“Waverly,” Sirius mumbled, I felt him unclasp the silver chain around my neck and slid something on it. I ran my fingers of the ring he gave me last year, and the heavier engagement ring. I watched as James went up to his room, Lily followed a moment after.

“He’ll be ok you know,” Sirius said, wrapping his arms around my waist as Alice took West to get cleaned up. “He’s crying now, but in a few days he’ll be ok. Back to his normal jackass self.” He tried to tease. I sucked in a deep breath and nodded.

I heard two pops and I saw the Fabien and Gideon rush in, in similar conditions as West.

“Waverly! We-”

“West is here, he’s fine.” I said flatly. “You can stay here. There’s room.” I mumbled. I turned to kiss Sirius on the cheek then I ran up to the room I shared with Lily. She wasn’t in her bed. I changed into clean pajamas and crawled under my covers.


Sirius POV

I was tangled up in my sheets. I couldn’t sleep, my mind kept racing with the thoughts of Mr. and Mrs. Potter being dead. They where more like my parents than my own.

The random cracks of lightning kept me up. I jumped when I heard my door open.

“Sirius?” Waverly asked, poking her head in. “You awake?”

“No, I’m sound asleep,” I muttered, looking up at the ceiling.

“Can…Can I sleep in here?” she asked quietly. I sat up and stared at her.

“Uh…Yeah, come ‘ere,” I said carefully, pulling the covers back. She came in, and I felt my eyes rake over her body. She was in a pair of short sleep shorts and a tight t-shirt. She curled under my covers and rested her head on my shoulder.

“West is still upset, I can’t do anything to help.” She whispered, her eyes shut.

“You can’t save him from everything, love,” I mumbled in her hair, bringing my arm around her and putting my hand on the small of her back.

“I’m supposed to,” she muttered, curling closer to me. I put my arm around her, and rested my cheek on her head. I reached down to play with the two rings on her necklace. She grabbed my hand, and squeezed it.

“How long until James and Lily’s wedding?” I asked randomly. James, Remus and Frank needed to get our dress robes yet…

“T-Two weeks,” she said, I saw tears fall down her cheeks. I brushed them away with my thumb, and kissed her forehead.

“It’ll be ok, you know,” I muttered again with my face buried in her soft hair.

“They treated me like their own kid,” she said quietly. I held her tighter. She was thinking of Tina.

“Hey,” I said softly, tipping her face up so she was looking at me. “It’s going to be alright.”

“When James and Lily get married, their going to go off and have kids or what ever. Remus is so awesome it’s only a matter of time before he finds a Mrs. Moony. Peter…God I hope he goes and dies on a hole. Franks and Alice will go off and be blissfully in love.” She rattled off. “You gonna leave me and West alone too?” she asked. I took her face gently in both of my hands and I looked her right in the eye.

“Waverly, I’ll always be here. I promise,” I told her.

“How about a pinky swear?” she asked. Holding up her pinky. I chuckled and wrapped my pinky around hers in front of her face.

“Pinky swear.” I said. I kissed our interlocked fingers, and moved up to kiss her cheek.

“Good,” she yawned, resting her head over my heart. I pulled the covers over both of us, and rested my cheek on her head.

“I love you,” I whispered in her ear.

“I love you more,” she said. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

“I’m sure I love you more,” I whispered.


Well, I have a BIG case of writers block. So, this chapter is a bit of a filler chapter. :/

I won't be updating for a few days, me and my mom have to go back to our old house and deal with a few legal things...

Did you know if you bury a St. Joseph statue facing the street it's supposed to help sell the house? So, we're going to do that. And get school clothes...Yay. I HATE shopping. :P Anyways, I won't be posting until Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest.


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