Chapter 21: Expelled

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(November 14, Sirius’s Seventeenth Birthday)

Waverly POV

I was with Frank and Alice, sitting on the opposite side of the table as Black, James, Remy, Peter and Lily. I didn’t want to deal with them now. I shoveled more food on my plate, and stared over at Black, he had on a ridiculous hat that screamed ‘Happy Birthday’ every time someone poked it.

The fact that it was his birthday made it even harder to be mad at him. He and the others where just trying to keep me safe. And, they did. Knowing me, I would have been right there next to him, and screwed something up along the way.

I sighed, and looked over at them again; Black was running from a bunch of sixth years who wanted to give him 17 birthday kisses. He ran and hid behind me. I pretended to not notice him.

“Hey! Waverly!” He hissed in my ear, I couldn’t help but shiver from him being so close. “Make them go away!” hissed, I felt him hide his face in my hair.

“If I do, will you go away?” I asked, seeing Alice grinning at us.

“Sure!” he whispered excitedly.

“Hey! Six-lets!” I yelled over the giggling girls trying to get around me. “Get your little asses away! Now!” I said in my most threatening voice.

“Why should we?”

“Yeah! Your not his girlfriend!”


That really, really pissed me off. I did the first thing that I thought of. I grabbed Black’s tie and pulled him up. I smashed my lips to his, and held him there for a second. When I pushed him back, I almost laughed at his expression. His eyes where wide and glassy. His mouth was slack, and he was stuttering for words.

God he was just as good a kisser as he was in all of my dreams.

I looked back to the stunned sixth years. “Shoo.” I said. they ran in all different directions. I sat back down, ignoring the stunned, long haired boy who had fallen next to me, and the looks of my other friends sitting a ways away.

“Uh-Um-Wave?” Black asked, looking at me with those damn gorgeous gray eyes.

“What?” I sighed, not looking up. My cheeks where bright red.

“Can-Can I talk to you? In privet?” he muttered under his breath, leaning closer to me.

“Su-Sure,” I tried not to stutter, but, his face was only inches from mine.

I got up and followed next to him. Apparently I wasn’t going fast enough, because he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to an empty corridor.

“What do you want Black?” I sighed, he sat on the floor, and patted the spot next to him. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. I played with the laces on my red high tops.

“Waverly you have to forgive us,” he said, pulling his screaming hat off his head, and silencing it with a flick of his wand.


“No. Listen,” he said, putting a hand over my mouth. “We’re really, really sorry we didn’t tell you. Remus didn’t want to hurt you. And-And I know I should have told you that I was the dog you where talking to. But I just thought if you found out you would-well, react how you did. But I wanted to know more about you because your funny, and sweet, and pretty-”

“You think I’m pretty?” I asked, cutting him off and leaning back doubtfully. He pursed his lips and swallowed loudly.

“Well, yeah,” he shrugged. “You are.” I smiled, and got up.

You Can't Handle Me (A Sirius Black Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now