Chapter 10: It's Just You

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Sirius POV

Well, I went down to see Waverly, and I ended up Snuffles. But, that’s what I get when I chicken out and go as my Animagus form! Stupid-STUPID-STUPID! I sighed, and came out of the forest, fixing my hair. It always got messed up when I shifted into a dog.

I caught up with James, who was leaning over a calendar with Remus. “What day?” I asked.

“The 14, next Friday,” Remus sighed. “This sucks.”

“Aw, is our furry buddy sad?” I said in a high pitched voice. He flicked me off, but didn’t actually look at me. “Moony! I’m shocked!” He rolled his eyes.

“Hey guys,” I heard Waverly sigh, and fall into a seat next to James. I was used to this. She and James where tight, like brother sister tight. I don’t know why this occurred to me, I just brushed it off.

“What are you talking about?” she asked, looking over Moony’s shoulder. He scrambled to get all the calendars and moon charts back into his bag.

“Nothing,” he mumbled, I sighed. Moony was a terrible liar.

“Remy,” Waverly said, Remus rolled his eyes and groaned. He hated to be called ‘Remy.’ “You suck at lying!” she joked.

“Oh, and you can tell when we lie?” I asked her, gesturing to me and James. I saw Remus shoot me a look of thanks.

“Well duh,” she said, rolling her eyes. She began idly picking at the gauze bandages on her arms. James slapped her hands away, and she made a face at him, but stopped. “I’m a girl, it’s one of the perks.”

I snorted. “If I lied, you would never know,” I taunted her, getting up and heading to DADA. She followed me.

“I would know, because you can’t lie to me,” she said, batting her long, dark eye lashes at me, her navy eyes sparkled. They looked like little sapphires…

“Oh, but I could.” I sighed, sitting next to her in class. I saw James, Remus and Peter come in a bit later; they sat in our usual seats in the back. Me and Waverly where still talking about how she could tell if I was lying to her.

“Hello class,” I heard Professor Harley say. He stood with his hands behind his back.

“Today, we are going to try to create Patronus’s,” he said. I knew how already. I just zoned out, and had paper birds and sent them at attack James and Remus. Peter cried when I sent them at him...Wuss.

When we where supposed to go and try to make Patronus’s, I went back to sit with James. We where talking about something when I saw a silver dog bound across the room. It barked, and stopped in front of me. I blinked. It nuzzled Remus’s neck, I laughed as he batted the air until it disintegrated. I was still a little stunned.

I had a dog Patronus.

“Padfoot, was that yours?” James asked me. I shook my head no. “Then who’s was it?”

“I have no idea.” I mumbled.

“You know what that means, right?” Remus asked me, I shook my head, looking around to see who could have made the dog. “Um…Er…If two people have the same Patronus, they generally…erm…”

“Oh spit it out Moony!” I said, still looking for who could have made the dog.

“They-They…” He trailed off and sighed. “They generally have strong feelings for one another.” I whipped my head over to look at him.

“What?” I asked, running my fingers thought my hair to get it out of my face.

“Wow.” Peter said, I forgot he was here. “Padfoot has a girlie-friend!” he snickered, his chubby face screwing up in a smiled.

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