Chapter 19: Not a Cloud In The Sky

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This is just a short chapter, a blurb if you will, but I hadn't posted in awile, but I'll be posting again soon. If it seems like I'm abandoning this story, I'm not.

I'm in the prosess of moving 300 miles, so gimme a break! ;) I'm boing my best!

Waverly POV

I changed into my uniform, and waited for Lily. I was leaning against the wall of the train waiting for her.

“Well, hello,” I heard a voice drawl. I looked over my shoulder to see a seventh year Ravenclaw.

“Yes?” I asked, taking in his golden blonde hair and blue green eyes. I think he had smiled at me a few time in some of my classes last year. He wasn’t my type.

“I’m Xavier Knight,” he said, giving me a dazzling smile. “And you are?”

“Someone who can kick your ass.” I said. “But,” I made an over dramatic show of looking him up and down. “You can call me Waverly.”

“Well Waverly, how is it that I hadn’t heard about a…Attractive, American in Gryffindor?” he asked, leaning on the wall across from me.

“Maybe you just need to get better sources,” I said, batting my eyelashes slightly at him. He must have gone somewhere with sun, he had a nice tan…

“Well, give me something to ask them,” he asked. I thought of something right away.

“Ask them about the girl who decked Luscious Malfoy and Bellatrix Black on her first day.” I smiled at his baffled expression. Lily came out of the bathroom, and looked from Xavier’s expression, to my smug smirk. She grabbed my arm, and dragged me to the compartment.

“Do you know who you where talking to?” she hissed at me, sitting across from me. I sat on the floor in front of Black.

“No-Hey? Black? Can you give me a hand with my tie?” he nodded, and I sat between his legs on the floor. He put his hands around my neck. When they grazed the skin just under my ear, I blushed, and looked back at Lily.

“That was Xavier Knight. Captain of the Ravenclaw Quittitch team, Prefect not to mention amazingly gorgeous!” she mused, James rolled his eyes.

“And who’s Head Boy?” he asked. “Me, and Quidditch Captain.” I rolled my eyes at him, and leaned back. I felt Black gently stroke my hair, and I had the urge to jump up and kiss him-

I was still on the floor, sitting in between Black’s legs, my head resting on his knee. I felt hands under my chin, and tipping my head backwards to I was looking at him. “Why was Knight talking to you?”

“I’d tell you but your fingers are pushing on my jugular,” I gasped. He let my head go, and had a forced calm expression on his face. I smiled at him.

“Is little Siri jealous?” I asked, reaching back to pinch his cheek. He slapped my hand away, and made a face at me.

“I just don’t like him,” he grumbled. I looked at Remy. He rolled his eyes.

“Sirius has issues with any guy who has a girlfriend list almost as long as his. He also hates it when girls say-” He put on a high pitched girlie voice. “ ‘Xavier did that better,’ and ‘That’s not how Zavie did it!’”

“Thank you Moony!” Black said in a loud, pissed voice. “Would you like to tell all my secrets? Or just he ones that pertain to my Ex’s?” he asked. I rolled my eyes.

We all talked until it was time for the feast. We didn’t really watch the sorting.

I was stabbing a piece of a potato onto my fork, when I nudged Black’s elbow with mine. “The moon’s pretty tonight. Not a could in the sky,” I said, looking at the large, full moon out the window. He looked up.

“James,” he said, getting up. “R-Remus!” he said more franticly. Remus looked up, and over my head at the moon. He choked on his food and ran shaking from the Great Hall. James and Black followed him. I looked at Lily. She shrugged and got more potatoes.

After half an hour, I was getting a bit worried. Dumbledore told me people I cared about gave me the same affect on my Praesidio senses and West did. I felt like there was

danger somewhere. I got up, and went out to the court yard where I had seen them go. I heard growling and the lush tearing of flesh from the Whomping Willow. I ran there, and ducked behind some bushes. I peeked over, and clapped my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.

I saw a werewolf (WEREWOLF!) that was being cornered by a large stag, and-and Snuffles? The werewolf stood to its full height and howled. The dog pounced, and was thrown back into a rock whimpering.

I stood up from the bushes and put my palms forward. I shot sparking flames in a circle around the werewolf. It howled, and tried to get past the tall fames. The stag was still looking around the perimeter of the fire, and Snuffles was limping towards me. I slowly moved the wolf and the fire into a hole in the tree’s base. The stag gave this howl/moan at me, and charged after the werewolf. Snuffles walked up to me.

He put his front paws on my shoulders and pressed his nose to my forehead. I pet his head. “Go, I know your worried.” I smiled. He barked happily, and limped to the hole. I fell back onto the grass, and ran my fingers though my hair, pushing my bangs back. I was on the brink of hyperventilating.

There’s a werewolf going to Hogwarts.

Holy shit.

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