Chapter 46: Order of Merlin, First Class

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“What?” I asked simply, my eyes widening.

“Mary me,” he repeated, propping himself up on his elbows, a smile on his face.

“Where in the name of hell did that come from?” I asked, getting up and pasing around the grass. I pulled my hair back, and held my hand at the crown of my head as my heart raced.

“Well, I love you, more than pretty much everything. You love me, and when two people love each other, they get married,” he explained, sitting up and flipping his hair out of his face.

“But we’re only 17!” I said, throwing my hands up. “I can’t even have a legal drink back in the states!”

“There’s a drinking age there? Ugh, remind me not to go there,” Sirius laughed.

“Oh be serious!” I said, my eyes widening at him.

“I am-”

“THIS IS NOT THE TIME!” I yelled, I heard someone swear loudly in French at us.

“Désolé monsieur! Nous étions juste de quitter. ” I called to him. {French for: Sorry sir! We where just leaving!} I looked back at Sirius, and gulped.

“I-I never thought I’d get married,” I mused, bringing my hands to my chest and playing with the ring I had around my neck. I never took it off. “I was always so worried about West, or my parents, or Tina…I never thought about it.”

“Not even when we started to date?” Sirius asked, getting up and putting a hand on my waist. His thumb trailed to the word on my hip. I shivered and arched my back slightly as his fingers traced down my temple and his thumb the raised letters on the skin of my stomach. I shivered again as his finger ran along a long, thin scar from Snape’s damn spell. “Mary me.” He breathed, begging.

I pushed him back. “No.” I said flatly, I smirked slightly and he did the same. I Apperated to the Burrow.

I slammed the door open, and saw Lily, James, Remus, Alice, Frank and the Weasley’s staring at me. I sat down, and tried to jump into conversation.

“Wasn’t there another one, short, fat, little lump of a boy?” Mr. Weasley asked us. I stiffened at the mention of Peter. I still didn’t trust him.

“Yeah,” James sighed. “I don’t know where he is. He checked in a few weeks ago, but we haven’t heard anything from him. I’m actually getting worried.” He admitted.

“Maybe he got stepped on as a rat,” I said coldly. Remus gave me a look. “What? You guys know I don’t trust him!”

“Based on what?” Lily asked, being her normal diplomatic self. I paused.

“It-It’s my Presidio sixth sense!” I finely said, crossing my arms. Frank and Alice snickered, so I kicked them lightly under the table. I stiffened when I heard Sirius’s motorcycle land outside.

“WAVERLY ANNABELLA TRINKET!” I heard him bellow.

“Ooo, what did you do?” Frank asked, grinning. I crossed my arms, and slid down in my chair.

“Get your hot little ass out here!” he screamed, throwing the door open. I just blinked at him and he stared back at me. “Marry me.” He insisted. I could practicly feel the jaws in the room drop.

“No.” I said in the same tone.

“Marry me.” He said again.


“Marry me.”


“Marry me.”


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