Chapter 8: Did I Just Call Him 'Sirius'?

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Waverly POV

I heard a quiet gasp from the people around us. “Don’t you all have life’s of your own?” I snapped, my voice shook. West was sitting next to me crying as I read the letter from a witch friend of Tina’s. It said she was visiting, and dark wizards came and took her. Tina was shouting to write to us at Hogwarts.

West was sobbing into my sweater as I pulled him to the boy’s dorms. I felt like I was a bubble about to burst. I waited until he was asleep, and asked Lily to wait next to him. I went down to the common room. I was about to go out to the Great Hall to get my bag, but I just broke.

I leaned against the wall, and slowly slid down the wall. I held my head in my hands as I sobbed. I heard the door open. I looked up to see Black standing over me, my bag in one hand.

“You ok?” he asked softly, sitting next to me. I shook my head no, but mumbled ‘Yes.’ I felt him sling his arm over my shoulders, and rest his cheek in my hair.

“I’m sure there are Aura’s all over looking for her,” he said, trying to help. I brought my arms around his neck, and buried my head in his chest as I cried. His arms wound around me, holding me close. Even thought we where on the cold stone floor, I was surprisingly comfortable in Sirius’s arms-Did I just call him 'Sirius'?

“Why are you so nice to me?” I mumbled. “I’ve been a bitch and a half to you ever since we met.”

I felt him draw circles on my back. “Because I know what type of person you are,” he said, his voice was husky, like he was about to cry too. “You don’t let people in.”

And that just brought on a whole new wave of tears. I hugged Sirius-Black-Sirius-WHAT EVER!-tighter, and I felt him squeeze my waist. I turned my head, so I was looking at him. The sunlight that was filtering through the windows flickered on his face, and caused his gray eyes to look completely silver. His long hair was falling over his eyes, casting long shadows over his handsome face.

He saw me looking at him, and shifted so I was looking him head on. His hand brushed my hair back, and I felt my cheeks get red as his fingers grazed my cheek. I felt his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. I froze. No. No. No. No.

I felt him lean in, and I jerked back. I scrambled to my feet, and wiped my face. Now I felt like crying more.

“Sorry,” I heard Sirius-BLACK! Damnit Waverly! YOU CALL HIM BLACK!-mumble.

“No, no you didn’t do anything,” I said, clearing my throat.

“But then-”

“Black, you said you knew me. I’m the type of person who doesn’t let anyone in,” I paused when he got up off the floor. “But I know you.” I saw that same flicker of insecure-ness in his eyes like the day at Diagon Ally. “You never get turned down, and you change girls faster than I change shirts. You…” I trailed off. He looked at me expectantly.

I sighed in conclusion. I felt my voice get thick again. “You just can’t handle me.”


Sirius POV

“You just can’t handle me.” She sighed. I think I would have rather been kicked in the crotch than hear that. Waverly gave me a sad look, and went up to the girls dorms quickly. I fell onto the sofa. I just stared at the fire, and waited for people to come in.

I’d had more then my fair share of girlfriend, and…acquaintances. I’m no saint; the first thing anyone who knows me will say. But Waverly…She was something else.

She was sarcastic, harsh, kickass, funny, smart, kind, head strong-Good God I’ve turned into James! He was always going on about how Lily was this-Lily said that. I never got how he could be so hung up on one girl. Well, I guess now I had a pretty good idea.

I sat back and thought about what is was about Waverly that made me forget about all the other girls I could basically have my pick from. Her hair was always in messy white/golden waves, her face always had this-this stunning smile/smirk that was full of confidence, she was one of the few girls who made the Hogwarts uniforms look good with out having the blouses basically unbuttoned.

I shook my head, and tried not to think of all this crap when she was crying up in her dorm and when I just got turned down a second time by her. Maybe it was that about her that fascinated me. I had my head in my hands, pulling at my long hair when I heard people come in.

“Padfoot! Padfoot what happened?” I heard James ask franticly. Waverly had so many good friends… “What’s this about-”

“Who-Know-Who took Tina, the woman they lived with in the States,” I heard Lily come down, and fall into a seat, she sighed. “I hate to see them like that.”

I looked up to see James next to Lily, she rested her head on his shoulder, and James looked like he was having so many emotions at the same time, all he could do was put his arm around her, and rest his chin on her head.

Remus was flipping through his dark arts book, like there would be an answer in there somewhere. Peter was just sitting there, doing nothing. I was still staring at the fire. I heard someone come down the steps.

“I’m going to see Dumbledore. Lils, keep an eye on West for me.” I heard Waverly mumble. She stopped at the door.

“Hey, Black,” she said, her voice was still think from when she cried. “I need to talk to you.”

I didn’t move. Remus lightly kicked my foot from his chair, his expression basically said ‘Just go.’ I heaved myself up, and followed Waverly out.

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