Chapter 5: Do That Again, I Dare You

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{One month after Waverly and West go to Hogwarts. She dosnt really have any real friends, but is somewhat close to the Marauders}

Waverly POV

I smiled slightly as I went from Potions to History of Magic. I sat in the middle front next to Lily. Hey! What can I say? I’m a kick ass person who loves to learn.

I leaned back in my seat, and waited for class to start.

“Hey, Waverly?” I heard Lily ask.

“Hm?” I mumbled. I got the feeling she didn’t like me that much…

“I’m sorry if I gave you the impression I didn’t like you. I guess I’m not used to being around another person who is as smart as me,” Lily said sheepishly. I smiled slightly.

I had been doing extremely well in all my classes, much to my professor’s surprise. “It’s fine Lily. Really.” I said, pulling out a piece of parchment, and a quill. I have no idea what’s wrong with using a notebook and a pencil, but no one did here. I fumbled with my quill, and it snapped in my fingers.

“Well damn,” I muttered, I saw Lily giggle next to me. “You think this is funny?” I laughed, trying to stay serious. “I’ll show you funny!” My one hand was still covered in wet, shimmery ink. I shook my hand over Lily’s paper and face. She squealed and laughed.

“Ah, girl bonding time,” I heard a voice say. I turned around to see James and Remus. I smiled politely, and Lily grimaced.

“Can we help you?” I asked, still getting over my laugh fit.

“I just wanted to ask Evens-”

“NO!” Lily yelled, jumping up, and turning red.

James got a large smile on her face, and leaned on a desk. “Ah, Evens, you know you can’t resist me.” He teased, I rolled my eyes, and sat back down. Lily was standing hollering at James who was just smiling like a dumb idiot at her. Remus was shifting awkwardly from foot to foot. I got sick of it, and pulled his sleeve so he fell into a seat.

He landed in the seat with a ‘Ohgf!’ I laughed, and tried to write with a quill again, I heard Remus laugh when I snapped another one. “What? I grew up on crayons and pencils. Not feather quills! I didn’t even know people still used these!” I said throwing my quill down.

Remus was trying hard not to laugh. I rolled my eyes, and flicked my fingers at him, getting the shimmery ink all over his face. He stopped laughing, and seemed stunned. I laughed now, tipping my head back. I leaned my chair back on it’s back legs, and balanced there.

I saw a smirking, long haired someone looking at me. I suddenly realized there was a strong possibility he could see up my blouse. I sat back up, and my hair swung over my face. I ran my fingers through it, pushing it back.

“You still owe me,” I heard Black say in a girl-ish sing-song voice. I threw one of my quills at him. He dodged it neatly, and it hit a Slytherin with greasy black hair. I opened my mouth to apologize, but the quill came zooming back and got the shimmery black ink in my hair.

“Stupid little mud-blood,” I heard Lily gasp slightly. I knew why.

I got up, and leaned on the kids desk. “Say that again, I dare you.” I taunted. He just sneered at me, and rolled his eyes. “Scared?”

“Of a little muggle-born? Never.” He said, looking up from his potions book.

“Prove it Slytherin prick.” I snapped. I heard Lily telling me to just drop it, and the guys where telling me to whop his ass at a duel. I saw him flinch at the word ‘duel.’

“Tonight. 11:00 pm, court yard. Bring a back up because your going to need someone to drag your sorry little butt back to the dungeons.” I said, greasy head looked a bit scared. I gave a smile/wicked grin and walked back to the desk. I saw Lily get up and go talk to Grease Ball in a frantic, hushed voice.

“Yank, you are crazy.” I heard Black ask, chuckling slightly.

“Maybe, maybe not. Why?” I asked, trying a third time to write my name at the top of my paper.

“Snivellus may be the biggest prick on the planet, but he can duel…really well.” James explained. I nodded, Black was still just smirking. I poked him hard in the ribs.

“What has you all smile-ly?” I asked, smiling. I was still a bit concerned that Lily was arguing with…What’s-His-Face.

“Your so confident it’s funny!” he said, sitting behind me.

“Well, you just got nominated as my back-up!” I said, sweetly. He flicked me off, and I did the same to him, causing James and Remus to laugh uncontrollably. I turned to see Professor Quirk had written today’s topic on the black board.

Praesidios and Cogitatio Lectors.

Sirius POV

I was now roped into being Waverly’s back-up for a duel with a guy I hated. Wonderful.

I saw Waverly looking extremely absorbed in the lesson. I sighed, and figured if I paid attention, I might have something to talk to her about.

“Praesidios and Cogitatio Lectors are two different people, with an extraordinary bond. They are almost always siblings, or parents and children.” Professor Quirk started. “Cogitatio Lectors are witches or wizards with extraordinary gifts. Such as levitating with out wands, invisibility, and rarely mind reading. These people are at high risk to Dark Creatures, and Dark Magic in general. That is where the Praesidio comes in.”

I saw Waverly taking frantic notes. A large pile of 6 or 7 broken quill was gathering by her paper. I smiled slightly, and shook my head. Darn Yank couldn’t use a quill.

“A Praesidio is like a protector; a body guard of sorts. They have extra powers, all to protect the Cogitatio Lector from the dangers that follow them. They have the ability to create things that only skilled witches and wizards have spent years learning if the safety of the Cogitatio Lector under there protection is in danger. They learn and adept quickly, and are generally head strong-”

The loud clang of the clock tower bells made everyone jump.

“We will continue this conversation tomorrow.” Prof. Quirk sighed, erasing the board. Waverly was flipping through the 6 pages of notes she took.

“Hey, Yank,” I said, smacking my palms on her desk. She jumped, and stared up at me. This was weird, she didn’t seem like the jumpy type. “You ok?”

“Y-Yeah,” she said, it sounded forced. She got up, and shook her head. “We need to talk.” She said, grabbing my tie and towed me out of the class room. I saw James and Remus staring at us. I winked at them, and they just rolled their eyes.

“Do that again, Black, see what happens.” Waverly said, not looking back at me.

Damn this girl had me.


OOOOOOH! New minnie-plot!

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