Chapter 24: *Mental Sigh*

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Three Days Later

Waverly POV

I was walking from History of Magic to the Great Hall for lunch. I sat next to Sirius and moaned, hitting my head on the table.

“You ok?” he asked, putting an arm around my shoulders. We weren’t really dating, per say, but we would something hold hands, I would rest my head on his shoulder, and we would flirt mercilessly in front of people.

“I don’t feel well,” I moaned, leaning into his chest, he put an arm around me.

“Hey, Moony,” he asked over my head, throwing a quill at him. “How many day-”

“Tonight, Padfoot,” he moaned, pushing his salad around on his plate.

“Oh,” he mumbled. I knew what they where all talking about, and why Remy was looking suicidal. He bit me, and there was a slight chance I was a werewolf, like him. The thought made my head spin, so I didn’t think about it.

“I really, really want a rare stake,” I moaned, wrinkling my nose at my plate of potatoes and salad like Remy.

“Nope,” Sirius said, poking my ribs. He had nominated himself to keep my carnivorous eating habits, and a new, strange craving for rare meat at bay. I pouted, and made my eyes really wide as I looked up at him. “That’s not fair,” he said after a moment, his own gray eyes looking like little silver pools of storm clouds.

“Please?” I asked, batting my eyelashes up at him.

“No,” he said, almost laughing, I rolled my eyes in defeat and shoved a potato in my mouth.

“Are you happy?” I asked with my mouth full.

“I was until I saw that,” he laughed. I made a face at him, and heard James say something to Lily. Her eyes widened, and she put a hand over James’s huge grin.

“James M. Potter!” She hissed, blushing furiously, he just smirked.

“So, a stag huh?” I said idly, James nodded.

“Yeah.” He said, stuffing his face with food. Lily was pushing her food around, looking at James. “What?” he asked, laughing slightly. She smiled slightly and mumbled ‘Nothing.’

“Why a stag?” I asked.

“I don’t know. It’s my Patronus,” he shrugged.

“So your Animagus is your Patronus?” I asked, remembering how mine was a dog that reminded me of when Sirius was Snuffles. Huh.

“Yeah,” he sighed. I giggled suddenly.

“What?” Remy asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

“Stag!” I said, putting my hands on my head like a stag. He just rolled his eyes and put an arm around Lily. Sirius got what I was implying and choked on his food he was laughing so hard.

“Ha ha very funny,” he sighed, gently kissing Lily’s still flaming cheek.

“So since stags have horns, doest that mean your horn-”

“STAGS HAVE ANTLERS!” James yelled, his glasses sliding down his nose. “NOT HORNS!”

“That’s a yes!” Sirius yelled, as I leaned on him I was laughing so hard. Even Remy cracked a grin. Peter tilted his head to one side.

“I don’t get it.” he stated, we all stopped.

“Well, Peter,” Sirius said seriously {Hey! I just go that!}. “When boys and girls reach a certain age, they have these-” I clapped my hand over his mouth.

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