Chapter 27: DON'T BURN IT!

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Waverly POV

I was half asleep in Potions, when I felt someone sit next to me at the desk. I smiled as Sirius put his arm around my waist and leaned me against him. “What’s the map?” I asked randomly.

“Hm?” he mumbled, filling out his sheet. Mine was done in my folder, a good thing about being a Praesidio, I basically had a supper brain.

“The map Frank and Alice where talking about,” I said, looking up at his gray eyes. The flickering candles of the dim room made it feel like we where totally alone. They also caused shadows to dance across his face and his damn gorgeous bedroom eyes.


“Sirius,” I warned, sitting up, raking my hair back.

“Class dismissed!” Slughorn called. Sirius ran out of the room, grabbing James, Remy and Peter on his way. I sighed, I didn’t feel like running. I walked with Alice and Lily to the common room, laughing about some stupid thing Peter did.

I flung the common room door open, and saw the boys huddled over an old piece of parchment. I snuck up behind them, and grabbed it.

“Waverly!” Remy snapped, reaching for it. I made a few sparks dance along my palms in my other hand.

“What the hell is this?” I asked, spreading in on the table, looking at the blank flaps.

“Um-A spare piece of parchment?” James stuttered. I lifted up by the corner, and a small fire erupted from my palm.

“Wave-Wave what are you doing?” Sirius said, a scared look on his face.

“‘It’s just a spare piece of parchment,’” I quoted, lowering it so the sparks made little red dots on the page.

“OK WE’LL TELL YOU!” Remy screamed. “DON’T BURN IT!”

I sucked the fire back in my palm, and dropped the paper.

James took out his wand, and tapped the pages. “I solemnly swear I’m up to no good.”

“Classy,” I laughed, James made a face at me. My eyes widened as I saw ink appear on the page.

‘Messer’s-’ “Really? Messer’s?” I laughed, looking up at them. They all grinned, and nodded. ‘Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map.’

“Ok, so you made a map-Whoa,” I smiled as Sirius opened the pages. I saw little floor prints with small scrolls with our names on it. I saw Frank and Alice in the hall, Lily in the corner of the library, Filch was moving around the corridors, I could see students hiding as he walked right past.

“You guys made this?” I asked, looking at all the names on the pages.

“Yup, one of out better ideas,” Remy said, fixing the small holes I made in the kitchens.

I blushed. “Sorry about that. I was pissed you guys kept more from me,” I admitted. Sirius put an arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple. “So this shows everyone in the castle?” I asked, looking back at the map, leaning into Sirius.

“Every person, every minute, every day,” James said, exited to talk about it.

“Cool,” I said, smiling.


Sirius POV

It was later, and I was thinking of a Christmas/Birthday gift for Waverly. She was looking at the map on the table, I was laying on the sofa playing with her hair.

“What do you want for Christmas?” I asked randomly.

“Nothing,” she answered quick.

“Birthday?” I asked in the same tone.

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