Chapter 39: Oh How I Love to Be Me

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Waverly POV

I woke up with Alice sitting next to me.

“YOU AND SIRIUS ARE DATING!” she screamed, I moaned, and rolled over, pulling a pillow over my head. I ignored Lily and her squealing, and talking at rapid fire paces.

“Oh my God GET OUT AND LET ME SLEEP!” I yelled, they snickered, and get out.

I heard a door open, and someone flip me over. I grinned up at Sirius who was smirking down at me. “Come on, get up,” he said, grabbing my waist and pushing me into the bathroom; shutting the door behind me.

“I hate you!” I moaned, starting the water in the shower.

“Love you too!” he laughed, I smiled, and heard the door slam.

<Exactly the time it takes Waverly to shower, blow dry her hair, and get dressed>

I was grinning as I hooped into a seat next to Sirius.

“You are a nightmare to wake up,” he complained, shaking his head.

“Wow, sorry I made your life so terrible,” I joked, piling bacon on my plate.

“As you should be!” he grumbled, I rolled my eyes, and grabbed his face. I kissed him quick, and right when he was going to kiss me back, I pulled away.

“You are totally, and completely aloud to be as difficult as you want in the morning.” He said with a serious {No pun intended} look on his face.

“Aw!” Lily squealed. “You two are so cute!”

“Well,” Sirius started. “I guess my devilishly handsome, drop-dead-gorgeous, kick-in-your pants amazing looks could be classified as cute.” I cleared my throat, and gave him a look.

“Your not bad either,” he joked, poking my ribs. I giggled. “Oooo, I forgot your ticklish!” he laughed. I yelped, and scrambled to my feet. He grabbed my waist, an I ended up in his lap as I laughed.

“Stop it!” I demanded, he kissed my neck quick, and let me up. My face was flushed, and it wasn’t helping that Sirius had an arm around my waist.

“Well,” James yawned, and fixed his glasses. “I’m hungover.” He moaned.


Sirius POV

“I told you the punch was spiked,” Waverly said, rolling her eyes.

“Ah,” James said in a high-pitched voice to try and mimic Waverly. “I’m Waverly and I don’t get hungover.”

“Damn strait Bed-Head!” she said throwing a piece of bacon at him. He caught it, and shoved it in his mouth. I smiled, and looked down at her. She saw me staring at her, and dropped her food. “What?”

“You’re brilliant. You know that?” I asked randomly.

“Why thank you,” she smiled, the bells tolled, and we got up to go to class. We where walking down to Potions, when I grabbed her hand and linked out fingers.

“Huh,” she said, lifting our hands, and looking at them.

“What?” I asked, smiling at her in-over-her-head expression, it looked odd on her.

“Never held anyone’s hand. Well, besides my brother,” she thought, tilting her head.

“Ah, you’re a virgin to hand holding!” I teased, she made a face at me, and shoved my chest lightly. I pretended to be offended, and she just rolled her eyes.

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