Chapter 7: Tina

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Waverly POV

I was winning.

And about to disarm Snape, when I was thrown backwards from a jet of red sparks. I looked up, and I saw Crazy Eyes smirk at me, and blow on the tip of her wand. I saw Snape with his wand in my face, he had a blank look on his face. I propped my self up on my elbows.

“Are you going to help me up, or beat me Snape?” I snapped, seeing my wand a foot away. He didn’t move, he didn’t even twitch a muscle.

“Us the spell Severus!” Crazy Eyes hissed, I saw Black look like he was going to blow them both away. I sent him a look, and he stayed put reluctantly. “Us the damn spell!” Crazy Eyes hissed again.

“Sectumsempra!” Snape hissed, then turned on a heel to leave. I gasped in pain. I fell back onto the cobblestone as I felt blood pour from every inch of my body. I coughed up blood as Black tried to help me up. I braced myself on his arms, and I stood up.

“Hey! Snape!” I called, blood was dribbling out of my mouth. I saw him stop, and turn on a heel.

“I’ll want a rematch.” I called, he didn’t give any sign he heard me. Crazy Eyes started to throw cusses and curses at me. Snape grabbed her arm and towed her to the dungeons. I swayed on my feet.

“Hey Black?” I asked, struggling to keep my eyes open.

“What?” he asked, I noticed he was covered in my blood.

“Now I owe you two,” I mumbled.

“What do you-”

That was all I got before I collapsed.


Sirius POV

“Now I owe you two,” she gargled.

“What do you-Waverly!” She swayed and fell backwards. I caught her, and just stood there for a second. She coughed up blood, and it dribbled over her shirt.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her quickly to the Hospital Wing.

“POPPY!” I hollered, just to annoy her.

“Mr. Black! Why must you-Oh my!” I set Waverly down on a cot, and was about to leave when I felt Waverly grasp my hand tightly. I looked at her unconscious face, and sighed.

“Apparently she wants me to stay,” I said nervously. She didn’t say anything, she just worked on a potion that would slow the bleeding. She whimpered when Madam Pomfery dabbed something on her cuts. She squeezed my hand so hard I winced.

Most of the cuts where on her arms, face and upper torso. I helped Madam Pomfery wrap her arms in gauze, and put butterflies on her face (A/N: Butterflies are those little thin strips of tape for long deep cuts{I had a friend read this, they didn’t know that.).

I was exhausted. Madam Pomfery told me to go and get some sleep. But I couldn’t get mu hand out of Waverly’s. I just sat in a chair next to her bed. I leaned my chin on the edge of her mattress. I fell asleep with my face close to hers.


Waverly POV

I was vagley aware that I was in a bed, I just had no idea how I got there. Maybe Black took me to the hospital wing. No, he’s not that nice.

I opened my eyes, and I saw the face of Sirius Black. When he was sleeping his face looked younger than 16. He didn’t have that smug, cocky smirk, even in his sleep he had a small half smile on his face.

Then something hit me.

I opened my eyes, and saw the face of Sirius Black.

I jerked back, causing me to gasp in pain, causing him to jerk awake, and he fell onto the floor. Apparently we had been holding hands because I was yanked on top of him.

“Um-Er-Why in the name of hell are we holding hands?” I asked, jerking my hand away, and wincing.

He laughed, hard. He gently rolled me over, and pulled me back into the cot. I snuggled into the soft covers.

“POPPY! SHE’S AWAKE!” Black hollered, I winced. “Sorry,” he said, chuckling.

I felt my head being tipped back, and a potion being poured down my throat. I gagged and coughed up a bunch. “What was that?”

“That was a healing potion,” Madam Pomfery explained, handing me a clean uniform. “Just be careful today, dear.” Then she rushed off to help a kid who had their wand up their…Ew. How is that possible?

“Get out so I can change, Black,” I grumbled.

“You’re sure you don’t need any help-”

“Out!” I laughed and pushed him out. I tugged on my skirt and stared at my short sleeved blouse and sweater vest. There was no way I was going to be able to put this on myself, but I didn’t want to have Black to see me in my camisole, and then ask him to help button my shirt. I stared at it a bit longer. I pulled my arms through the sleeves, and tried to button it. When I winced the third time, I heard Black chuckle.

“Need any help?” he asked, I could almost hear him smirking.

“If I say yes, do I only owe you 1?” I asked, trying again to button it.

“If you let me do this you’ll owe me zero!” he teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine!” I let my arms drop, and he came back in smirking. He opened his mouth, but I put my hand over his mouth. “One word, I kill you.” I said, he was smirking, but he said noting as he buttoned my blouse, and pulled my sweated vest over my head. I grabbed my bag, and looked in the mirror as we left.

My face was covered in cuts held together with butterflies, and my arms where wrapped in gauze, and my hair was in a messy bun. I pulled out the binder, and shook out my hair. I saw Black staring at me, and I gave him the ‘What?’ look. He just rolled his eyes, and kept looking. I let my hair fall in my face and I looked down.

I played with my tie in my hands and me and Black went to the Great Hall.

I looked up at Black, and felt a warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach when I looked in his gray eyes shot through with silver. I turned my head when I looked at him, and he caught me staring.

“What?” he asked, sitting next to James.

“Nothing, nothing,” I sighed, sitting next to him. “Um-Er-Can you give me a hand?” I asked, holding out my tie.

“Let’s see,” he said, pretending to think seriously about it. “Have a girl let me put my arms around her neck, and have my hands-”

“It’s a yes or no question Padfoot!” I heard James moan. “Just tie her damn tie!” Black was laughing as he got up, and put his hands around my neck and tied my tie. I saw a few girls look towards up, like they would kill to be in my place.

“Thanks,” I sighed, tucking in into my sweater vest, and sprinkling sugar onto my oatmeal.

“W-Waverly!” I heard West yell, I eminently thought of what place on a Slytherin I could hit next, but I saw him running from the other end of the table with a letter in his hand. I spun around so I could face him. He caught me in a tight hug.

“H-He took her!” he sobbed into my shoulder. “H-he j-just took her!”

“West! West calm down,” I held him at arms length. “Who took who?”

“T-Tina!” he sobbed out. “H-He-Wh-Who-M-Mu-Must-N-N-Not-B-B-Be-N-N-Named t-took her!” he sobbed.


Ooooooo! You-KNow-Who in the '70's! I wonder if he had an afro and had tie-dyed t-shirts? HA HA HA HA HA!

What? I'm kidding.

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