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Taehyung's eyes widened once he realized why he had come outside in the first place

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Taehyung's eyes widened once he realized why he had come outside in the first place. He broke out into a sprint and chased after Jungkook, slowing down when he felt his heart hammering in his chest and his mouth continuously letting out pants.

"Jungkook", he called, coming to a halt in front of the confused older.

"Yes?", he asked, picking up a watering can.

"I actually came outside to tell you about my secret garden", Taehyung smiled, "You see that little forest at the end of the garden? Well if you walk into the middle of it, you'll see my garden. Please don't come there. I'm trying to plant the flowers there myself to show papa what a good boy I am!"

"B-But Master Kim t-told me to take care of all the plants in this garden", he tilted his head, "If I don't do that I won't get p-paid".

"Yes yes I know but he forgot to tell you about my secret garden so he sent me here", the younger replied, "The former gardener didn't come there either".

"Okay", Jungkook nodded, not dwelling any further on the subject, "B-By the way, it isn't good to be out in such warm clothes when it's warm out". He was proud knowing this, remembering how his mother had always told him her wisdom.

Taehyung looked down at his jeans and fluffy thick jacket. He realized he had forgotten his scarf because his neck and face felt very cold.

"I'm not allowed outside otherwise", Taehyung replied with a shrug, "It's not good for my health".

This made Jungkook's eyebrows furrow together but he dropped the topic, mentally telling himself the boy knew it better than he did and walked on.

Taehyung followed the guy with his eyes and shrugged. He didn't really seem like a talker or a warm person. Something felt a bit off about Jungkook but the younger decided to let it slide, it was not his place to judge a person as quick as that.

He skipped back inside, toed his shoes off and hung his jacket on the coat hanger. It was quiet in the house, something Taehyung quite liked about living on the country side. He picked up the book he had been reading before and plopped down onto the couch.

He finished it in a few hours and noticed how darkness had already fallen outside. Mary, the cooking maid, ringed the little bell that hung by the stove to tell the Kims dinner was ready.

"Did you talk to the new gardener?", father asked once he spotted Taehyung sitting at the kitchen table, blowing on his soup to make it cool down. The younger nodded and began eating, shortly after his father joined him.


It was Sunday and as the name said, it was very sunny outside. Taehyung had been sent outside again to get a little sun, but not without wearing his warm clothes again. He skipped over to his secret garden and set himself on the swing. He kicked his legs back and forth, enjoying the wind that rushed into his face. Taehyung treasured the wooden plate, tied with ropes to a tree branch, very much. His father and mother had hung the swing there when they knew they were getting a child. Though his mother had passed away before he got to know her, he still felt a connection with her.

But the swing was old and needed to be replaced soon. The ropes weren't as sturdy as they had been, and the wood was starting to rot. The branch couldn't lift the weight anymore and decided to snap, making the boy drop to the ground, scattering away before the branch could hit him on the head.

Taehyung cried out in pain once he felt the thick branch falling on his leg, trapping him underneath it. He started sobbing, panicking, yelling out for someone.

Jungkook, who had been busy fertilizing the plants, stopped in his tracks once he heard the loud noises coming from the forest. He tilted his head and dropped the fertilizer on the ground once he realized what it could be. His eyes widened as he sprinted to the forest, stopping at the edge where the trees began.

"Y-young master!", he panicked, wanting to run into the forest but he still (proudly) remembered the thing Taehyung told him yesterday. He couldn't go inside. He would get fired.

"H-Help!", he heard the younger's voice.

Jungkook balled his fists and ran inside, mentally kicking himself on the head for being so stupid. When he spotted Taehyung lying on the ground, crying loudly, he panicked yet again.

"No no no no", he chanted, unsure on what to do he stood frozen on the spot, his hands trembling.

"Jungkook", Taehyung spoke, with tears blurring his vision, "Branch".

Spotting the branch on the ground the older quickly went over to it and hauled it off the brunette's leg. He threw it in the other direction and picked up Taehyung, afraid to hurt him. The younger cried out in pain when Jungkook took him in his arms, touching his leg in the process.

"I'm s-sorry Young Master", Jungkook stuttered, beginning to run to the house while Taehyung cried in his hold. The older started yelling out for help, not trusting himself alone with the younger boy. He wanted someone else to take of the other because he couldn't be trusted around kids, he wasn't responsible enough near living things. That's why he got jobs that didn't require working along people or talking to others. In the garden, he could do what he was good at. Working and being on his own.

"Oh my god what happened", one of the maids yelled out who stood in the doorway.

"Branch on his leg", Jungkook tried to explain while laying the boy down on the couch. His father quickly ran downstairs because of all the commotion, only to see his son crying loudly.

"I already called an ambulance", one of the maids said while another one tried calming down Jungkook who only now began thinking about the consequences of going into the forest.

Little to say, the Kim's residence had never been this chaotic.

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