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This story reached 40 chapters precise
So I think it's wise
to end it here like that
but don't be too sad!
There will be some special chapters so don't fret
have fun with reading the last chapter of Atama (which in Japanese means head)

This story reached 40 chapters preciseSo I think it's wiseto end it here like thatbut don't be too sad!There will be some special chapters so don't frethave fun with reading the last chapter of Atama (which in Japanese means head)

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"That was such a great idea Jungkookie! You're so smart!", Taehyung brightly smiled, jumping into his boyfriend's arms who smiled his own bunny smile back.

Jungkook wasn't used to hearing that, but ever since he started dating the younger he had been hearing that phrase more and more (not that he ever complained). His self-esteem had gotten boosted each day, after each compliment his boyfriend gave him and it had gotten to the point that he believed it himself. Taehyung made him feel so smart, and each idea he brought was there because the younger brought out the best of him. Taehyung didn't hold back any praise since he knew how much the older loved being praised. He thought Jungkook was intelligent in his own way and wanted to show his boyfriend that each and every day in each and every way possible.

But now was not the time to indulge into their love for each other. They had people to see- one man they were both scared of – and one woman that was present to keep everything in control (mainly to keep the male in control).

Yes, Taehyung's father and Jungkook's mother were sitting downstairs, both a bit confused on why they were sat there. Jungkook's mother was there because her son had called her, saying there was something important going on at the mansion. The maids had informed Taehyung's father (right when he got back home from Paris) that he had to wait downstairs and that Taehyung would be joining him soon.

Now both sons were standing at the top of the stairs, hands intertwined and hearts beating extremely loud.

"It'll be fine. Mother will accept us and will keep your father in check", Jungkook spoke reassuringly, squeezing the smaller hand.

"I know she will. Your mom is one heck of a lady", Taehyung smiled back softly, squeezing the larger hand, "Let's do this".

They walked down, each step fueling their rapid hearts with more nerves. When they were at the last step of the stairs they saw their parents' gaze fly over to them, eyes immediately shifting to their intertwined hands.

Jungkook's mother immediately got a bright smile on her face, one that lit up her whole complexion as she jumped up and clasped her hands over her heart.

"Finally!", she grinned, watching the boys walk closer, "I knew my son would grow some balls and ask you out".

Jungkook's face flushed at that while Taehyung chuckled half-heartedly, eyes glancing to his father who still had a stoic expression on his face. Jungkook's mother realized the other's silence and turned her head to the couch, "Get up you old man and congratulate them".

This surprised both Kims while Jungkook just rolled his eyes at his mother's rude behavior. She was always like that ever since her husband left. She didn't care about holding back anymore nor being nice to higher ups. She talked how she wanted to talk to people, so Taehyung's father was no exception.

The older man cleared his throat and got up as well, hands nervously going behind his back, "I uhm- I'm surprised but also not as surprised as I should be. Of course I noticed something going on between you two. When I left you boys alone in the house after I went to Paris, I kind of expected things to escalate after that".

"So you're not angry?", Taehyung asked, voice small but hopeful.

His father smiled and walked over to his son.

"I'm just glad you found someone you're comfortable with and who doesn't judge you for who you are", his father smiled, placing his hands on his son's shoulders, "And I trust you not to judge Jungkook back, something I have done in the past and have been regretting ever since".

"It's okay Master Kim", Jungkook smiled, catching the guilt filled stare of the other, "You just wanted to protect your son. I understand".

"Still, I shouldn't have judged you before knowing the whole story", he grimaced, "I'm very sorry Jungkook".

The gardener smiled and shook his head, "Like I said already, it's fine".

"So cute", Jungkook's mother cooed, "I wish I was young again and could go through love all over again".

His son huffed, "Mom you're not that old. And like half of the town's men are running after you but you always turn them down". He flinched when his mother slapped his chest, her eyes narrowed, "Shush you".

The boys laughed at that while Mister Kim just rubbed his neck awkwardly, thinking how the hell do they run after her?? She's so scary while avoiding the woman's gaze.

"Well I hope this relationship won't interfere with Jungkook working for you", his mother spoke up, "He may be your future son-in-law but that doesn't mean you can't whoop his ass when he messes up your garden".

"Mooom~", Jungkook whined, Taehyung giggling at his boyfriend's embarrassment.

"I'll remember that", Taehyung's father nodded, "And now we're all here anyway, maybe we can have lunch together?"

"It's like a family lunch!", Taehyung beamed as he clapped his hands in delight, before pulling Jungkook over to the table.

"Yeah... family", Mister Kim whispered, gulping as Miss Jeon glanced back at him, a smile formed on her face.

"Can handle that much extended family?", she grinned.

"Y-yeah", he nodded, smile forming on his face, "The more the merrier".

And deep from within the kitchen a loud coo was heard from the hidden eavesdropping maids who were waiting with lunch.

"So cute~"

Like I said before there will be an extra chapter! Probably about Taehyung & Jungkook in the future.

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Follow me on @autumnaw for more taekook stories!

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