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After dinner, Jungkook helped the maids with washing the dishes while Taehyung went upstairs to finish his homework

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After dinner, Jungkook helped the maids with washing the dishes while Taehyung went upstairs to finish his homework. The thunder was still rumbling in the air and his windows shuddered from the strong wind raging outside. The boy fiddled with the pencil between his fingers while staring at the equations printed on the paper. He wasn't thinking about mathematics, bur rather about the gardener downstairs.

He didn't want Jungkook to go home in a weather like this, but the storm didn't seen to calm down and the sun had already set. He thought about having a sleepover with Jungkook and giggled at the thought of having a pillow fight with the older. He shook his head and tried focusing back on his homework.

A huge clap of lighting made the boy yelp and dive underneath his desk. He whimpered and pushed himself more into the corner of the little space. Counting the seconds he tried to guess how far away the storm was situated from their house.

Lighting crackled in the air and he started counting.

"One, two, three-"

Thunder rumbled and the boy's expression turned grim. The storm was nearing their house.

The boy wrapped his arms around his body and drew his knees closer to his chin. He really hated bad weather, and especially at night. His father would usually calm him down and stay with him until Taehyung was fast asleep. But his father wouldn't be home until late and-

"Oh no father", he cried out, realizing his father could be caught up in this storm. He shook his head and tried thinking positive thoughts. He was overreacting. It was only a storm. Just some rain and thunder. His father would be alright.

In the meantime Jungkook was done with the dishes and was told to check on Taehyung. The maids knew their young master wasn't too fond of storms and also knew Jungkook was good with caring for the younger.

The gardener knocked on the bedroom door but couldn't hear an answer. He frowned and pushed open the door eventually. He closed it behind him and gazed around the room, trying to find the younger. He wasn't sitting at his desk but his little lamp was illuminating his stacks of homework. As Jungkook made his way over to the desk he finally realized a little figure huddled underneath it, calling out his name softly.

Jungkook crouched down and frowned as he examined the state Taehyung was in.

"What's wrong?", he asked, holding out his hand which Taehyung immediately clutched in both of his hands. Jungkook got the younger out and was surprised when small arms wrapped around his torso.

"I'm scawed", Taehyung spoke with a muffled voice.

Jungkook looked down at the younger who was almost a head smaller than him and smiled.

"There's nothing to be scared of", he replied, hesitantly ruffling the younger's hair. He felt the boy lean into his touch and smiled even wider.

"Jungkook", he mumbled, his cheek pressed against the other's broad chest while fingers ran through his hair. He heard the gardener hum and bit his lip nervously.

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