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I'm not a little kid now; watch me get big now

✿ I'm not a little kid now; watch me get big now ✿

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"Bye papa, have a good trip!"

The little one waved the shiny white car goodbye, throwing his both arms in the air until his shoulders hurt from all the waving. Jungkook glanced at the smiling younger and felt a bit confused. Last time Taehyung's father left for a few days, the younger was devastated. And now he seemed like he couldn't get any more happier. He felt a strange feeling rush through his veins, a small smile tugging at his lips when he got the thought it may be because of him.

Once the white car drove through the big gate Taehyung dropped his hands, immediately slipping one into Jungkook's larger one.

"Let's go get my toys and bring them all outside!", Taehyung giggled excitedly before pulling the older towards the stairs. The gardener remembered the younger wasn't allowed to bring his toys outside in case people could see them. But now his father & maids weren't home, that rule didn't seem to work anymore.

"Easy there little one", Jungkook halted Taehyung as he wanted to run up the stairs, "I don't want you to break a leg again".

Taehyung glanced behind him and gave the gardener a bright boxy smile, "If that happens I'll have you to care for me, don't I?"

With this he slipped out of Jungkook's grip and went up the stairs, this time a bit more carefully.

He's so different from last week.

The gardener shook his head and followed the other up the stairs, already hearing the rumbling sounds coming from Taehyung's bedroom. When he walked inside, stuffies and what looked like a police station made out of playmobil, was stuffed into his arms.

"Do you really need so many toys?", Jungkook wondered, seeing the younger collect more playmobil and some tea cups. Taehyung looked at him, a gasp leaving his lips. "You can never have enough toys mister Jeon".

The older rolled his eyes and trudged downstairs, hearing the other following him with wobbling feet due the many things in his hands. Just as he reached the bottom stairs he heard a short shriek behind him & a weight hitting him full force. Jungkook fell onto the ground, dropping all the stuff in his arms before feeling a weight land on top of his back. A soft 'ouch' was heard and he knew Taehyung had fallen down the stairs, effectively knocking him down with it.

"Are you okay?", the gardener mumbled, groaning as he opened his eyes but feeling fine (except his chest hurt a little from falling onto the hard tiles). A sniffling sound was heard and Jungkook's eyes widened as quick as he had heard it. He rapidly turned onto his back, making Taehyung slide off him, the younger crying into his hands.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?", the gardener asked, concern lacing his voice. He brought the other into his lap and carefully examined the younger's arms, looking for any bruises or broken bones.

"I-I-I'm o-ok-kay", Taehyung sobbed, hiding his face into the crook of the older's neck.

The older frowned and ran his hand through the other's brown hair, "Why are you crying then?"

"B-Bec-ause I hurt y-you", the younger whimpered, tightly clutching onto the other.

This made Jungkook chuckle as he playfully ruffled Taehyung's fluffy hair, "I'm not hurt little one. I was just surprised". Taehyung whined and tried slapping the gardener's hand away from his once neatly combed hair. "Kookieeee!"

"Come on. Let's get these outside", Jungkook smiled, awkwardly glancing at the broken police station. He sighed, seeing all the pieces being strewn on the ground. He should be able to rebuild it. But it would take a moment.

Guess I'm playing with playmobile for today.

"Wee hoo wee hoo!"

The little blue police car raced through the grass as Taehyung made an obnoxiously loud noise with it. He watched Jungkook run away with the thief in hands that had just stolen the King's beloved crown! He chased after it and made gun sounds as if the police men were shooting down the criminal.

"Pew pew die you thief!", he called out, seeing the criminal stumble down and hit the ground, "Ha ha! That's karma for you!"

The police car tried slowing down but its speed was too fast and the car drove over the thief, killing him in the progress.

"You can't just kill a criminal Taehyung!", Jungkook gasped, seeing the younger sheepishly smile at the playmobil car in his hands. Taehyung waved the comment away, "Woops. We'll just file it as an accident and no one will know". He looked left and right before picking up the playmobil thief and throwing it somewhere between the flowers. "See? Now no one will know", the younger smiled before getting up from the grass, "What time is it?"

Jungkook looked onto his watch and it took a moment before he answered with, "Twelve past four".

Taehyung gasped. "That means it's tea time! Let's hurry!"

And Jungkook let himself be once again pulled along to join a tea party for stuffies.


so many books so little time so much want to update so little inspiration

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