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Taehyung sneaked outside with his purple bunny plushie and his tiger plushie stuffed under his shirt incase the maids would notice

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Taehyung sneaked outside with his purple bunny plushie and his tiger plushie stuffed under his shirt incase the maids would notice. He quickly wheeled to the garden and into his secret hiding place. His eyebrows furrowed together once he noticed someone else in his camp. He recognized the person as Jungkook who was looking up, as if searching for something.

"Hey", Taehyung called, coming to a stop a few feet away from the gardener, "Didn't I tell you to not come in here?"

Jungkook's gaze fell on him and the older shrugged, "Your father told me to hang a new swing in your secret garden since you wouldn't be able to do it".

"Oh...", Taehyung replied, "So you're looking for a good branch right now?"

"Yup, one that won't snap", he nodded, looking back up at the trees. He then furrowed his eyebrows and gazed back down, at Taehyung's belly to be exact.

"Are you pregnant or something?", he asked and saw the boy's cheek flush red. The younger lifted up his shirt which made his two stuffies tumble out.

"I brought them with me so they could see the new flowers I planted", Taehyung mumbled, stroking his bunny's ear.

"Oh, that's cute", Jungkook replied before he grabbed the ladder lying on the ground and setting it against one of the trees. Taehyung followed the older's movements with a dumbfounded look on his face.

'He didn't even blink at my statement'

The wounded boy decided to be brave today, and take things a step further.

"Do you want to know their names?", he asked the older who was climbing the ladder.

"Sure", the brunette replied, glancing back at the younger who was playing with the stuffed animals on his lap.

"Well this is PyonPyon", Taehyung said, holding out of his purple bunny, "It's the sound a bunny makes when it jumps".

Jungkook hummed, a small smile appearing on his lips as he saw the younger's eyes light up as he talked on.

"And this is Stripey because- well- he has stripes and stuff", Taehyung mumbled on, his cheeks flaring up, "I was seven when I named him so I blame young Taehyung".

This made Jungkook chuckle and the younger was amazed at the sound. He couldn't believe someone actually accepted his childish side and he was also quit surprised he had seen Jungkook laugh.

"Do you have more of those animals?", Jungkook asked once he tied the swing to a thick looking branch.

Taehyung's healthy leg swung happily as he played with Stripey's tail. The eighteen year old stared up at the other with a surprised expression until it changed into an excited one.

"I have tons! I can show them to you since- um I'll need your help again getting up the stairs", Taehyung mumbled, fumbling with the bunny's ear. Jungkook froze for a second but told himself that everything would be okay. He didn't drop Taehyung yesterday, so today he wouldn't do that either.

When Jungkook was finished hanging the swing, he wheeled Taehyung back inside, and once again, the two made their way upstairs. The younger clung onto Jungkook as if he was a baby koala and realized he didn't have a koala plushie yet. He knew what he could ask the Easter bunny!

When he was safe in his room and placed onto his bed, he crawled to the multiple cushions that laid against his headrest. He removed them which made multiple stuffed animals appear that had been hidden behind the cushions.

Jungkook looked in awe at the different colors and animals, some very small and others really big. One giant teddy bear stood in the corner of Taehyung's room but was hidden when the door stood open.

"You really do have a lot", Jungkook said, seeing Taehyung nod enthusiastically.

The younger grabbed a polar bear stuffie and gave it to Jungkook, "This is Boobear because he looks like someone gave him a good scare which made him very pale!"

"And this is Survivor", he handed Jungkook a dinosaur stuffie that was missing a leg, "First of all because he survived the meteorite which destroyed all dinosaurs. But also because the neighbor's dog once pounced on me, grabbed him, and ripped off his leg before I could get him back".

He giggled at the memory and Jungkook smiled softly at him.

"Oh oh! This one is one of my favorites", he smiled, but dropped his voice to a whisper, "Don't tell PyonPyon I said that. She gets jealous easily".

He stuffed the panda plushie in Jungkook's hands which were overflowing with stuffed animals. Taehyung giggled awkwardly at the purple bunny that sat next to him as if the bunny had heard him talk and was judging him hard.

"What's his name?"

Taehyung looked back up at the brunette, "Bamboozled".

Jungkook nodded, looking at the stuffies in his arms. He didn't find it weird the younger seemed so obsessed with child stuff. He didn't want to judge someone, since he knew how it felt to be on the other end.

"And the big bear in the corner?", he asked, not really willing to leave just yet.

Taehyung's eyes settled on the big brown teddy bear that sat lonely in the corner.

"My mom had bought it for me when she was pregnant. She never got the chance to give it to me so it's left unnamed", he mumbled sadly, fumbling with his fingers.

"Oh...", Jungkook replied, realizing the topic was sensitive.

Both of them looked so different, but deep inside they were quite the same.

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