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Jungkook slept over at his master's house once again

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Jungkook slept over at his master's house once again. Mr. Kim didn't mind it too much this time. His son, in contrast, was overjoyed & nervous to be with Jungkook a bit longer than he had expected. He lend Jungkook his father's sweatpants once again, and also this time, the older preferred sleeping without any shirt on.

Taehyung diverted his eyes once again from the unholy body presented in front of him. The gardener wasn't aware of the flustered mess standing in the same room as him as he slipped out of his jeans and into comfier sweatpants. Once he turned around the other had done the same, pretending as if fixing the uneven strings of his Charmander onesie. Taehyung heard footsteps going over to the bed before hearing it sink in. He shyly dared glancing behind him, quietly shrieking when he noticed Jungkook lying on the bed, his toned body on full display.

The gardener looked at him expectantly, confused why Taehyung looked so tired, but had been making no effort on climbing into the bed. He watched the younger near him with hesitant shuffling before the little Charmander crawled into bed with him, immediately throwing the duvet over himself before snuggling into his bunny stuffie.

"Are you sure you'll be able to fall asleep after taking a nap?", Taehyung asked in a quiet voice as he wiggled around, trying to find a comfortable spot to lay in. Jungkook only shrugged, mentally knowing he wasn't that tired to go to bed already, but also being aware of the fact Taehyung looked anything but energetic at the moment. The smaller boy yawned & nuzzled his face into the fluffy pillow, ready to be taken to dreamland.

Jungkook doubted between closing his eyes or keeping them glued on the peaceful & innocent boy beside him. He wasn't tired at all but he didn't dare telling the other. He also knew the moment he'd close his eyes, his mind would drift off to other places and he really didn't want to go there once again in front of Taehyung. He had broken down once already, he didn't want there to be another time.

"Kookie?", the brunette mumbled sleepily. Jungkook hummed and anticipated what the other would tell him. "Can you shuffle a bit closer? 'M cold".

This made the older smile goofily before shuffling closer to the other, almost being able to touch him. Taehyung rolled on his side & draped a leg over Jungkook's before latching onto the older's chest & nuzzling into his warmth.

"Do you need your binky?", Jungkook asked, noticing the pacifier laying on the nightstand close to Taehyung. The younger only hummed and felt Jungkook reach out to it before getting it off the nightstand & into the boy's mouth. Taehyung sighed happily & nuzzled back into place, softly chewing on the binky.

"Youwe so wawm", he mumbled, his groggy state not being embarrassed about his childish behavior. He knew Jungkook would never judge him & he was free to act like he wanted to with the gardener. "Pyon Pyon wiw be mawd I'm not cuddling hew", he continued & let out a little yawn, "But I fouwnd anothew bunny now & he's wawmew".

Jungkook chuckled at the other's sleepy mumbles & ran a hand through Taehyung's brown locks.

"Go to sleep Taehyungie", he whispered & felt the younger nod before he effectively fell asleep. Jungkook was left staring into the darkness, clutching the boy between his arms like he needed to be protected from the world.

He wondered what would have happened when Taehyung had indeed kissed him earlier that day. He wondered how Taehyung would have responded when he realized Jungkook had been awake that whole time. He wondered how it would be like to kiss Taehyung & watch him blush from embarrassment. He wondered how it would be to cuddle up to him like his every night & read bed time stories every now and then.

He wondered how it would be like to be with Taehyung.

And he wondered what this feeling of happiness in his chest meant at all.


Just wanna clear up almost none of those little poems are written by me.

Mad_Gatty is drawing a coming book based on this fanfiction :-) it was honestly a surprise someone got inspired by my books & wanted to draw one! A huge thank you Mad_Gatty !! I'll let you know when the first chapter is out!!!

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