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You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah
There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have
You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad

☆ You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad ☆

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Taehyung hummed as he rumbled into the mess which was his attic. He knew lots of his old school books were stocked here and he was willing to dive into every box in search of the books. He really wanted to help Jungkook, especially after hearing the story about his past.

Yes, maybe Jungkook wasn't one of the smartest people around. But that didn't mean he didn't deserve a proper education. And that's what Taehyung wanted to help the older with, as a friend, a teacher, and lover.

He got giddy at the thought and rummaged for another half hour until he found the books he had used years ago. As he wobbled downstairs with the heavy paperbacks stuffed in his arms, he crossed his father who was on his way to his painting room.

"What are you going to do with those? Aren't these your old books?", his father asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Mhm", Taehyung nodded, his legs wobbling underneath the heavy weight of the books, "I'm tutoring Jungkook".

His father raised an eyebrow at that and his face was clear. He wasn't too pleased with hearing those words leave his son's mouth.

"And who came up with that idea?"

Now, Taehyung knew what that look meant. He also knew Jungkook would be scolded if he told the truth. So Taehyung smiled at his father and spoke, "I did. Since I noticed he had trouble reading and always talked like he couldn't do easy math so I proposed to tutor him. He agreed".

"I see", Taehyung's father nodded in thought and walked further without any other comment.

The boy sighed in relief and quickly scurried to his room to finally drop the books on his bed. His arms were hurting from standing in the hallway too long but he was happy he had been able to find the books in the first place. Jungkook was working in the garden like always, and would join them for dinner, something that had been happening a lot lately. After dinner they would start studying & Taehyung felt giddy at the thought of spending time with the gardener again.

After their shared kisses he knew things had changed between them. Sure, they had always been close and yeah, they had always been a bit lovey dovey. But just the thought of getting kisses and making out-

Taehyung's cheeks reddened to the point he felt as if he was heating up the whole room.

He cupped his cheeks and imagined his hands burning just by touching his cherry red cheeks. He giggled and quickly skipped to the closet to search for some cute clothes- not to impress the older with or anything- and changed before jumping onto his bed. The mattress bounced as the lightweight giggled, going up and down, before grabbing his bunny plushie and holding it close to his chest.

"I'm so nervous", he breathed out to PyonPyon, "Like- my heart is hammering in my chest at just the thought of him- one day I'll explode like BOOM and there'll be Taehyung everywhere. That better not happen. Jungkookie would be sad, I'm sure of it. Better not go boom boom".

He mumbled softly, slowly slipping into his little space. He glanced down at his pastel yellow hoodie matched with baby blue shorts and grew happy at seeing the bright colors. He swayed the bunny around in the air as if it was an airplane and made woosh woosh sounds with it. Giggles filled the air and soon were replaced by snores as the small boy fell asleep, the bunny squished against his cheek.

His legs were pulled against his chest as his arms were sprawled across the mattress. Drool dripped off his lips and soaked the stuffie lying against his cheek, something most people would find disgusting, but for the person standing in the doorway, it was the cutest sight of the day.

"Why do I always find you asleep?", Jungkook mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief as he neared the boy. As he sat down on the mattress, he noticed the books sprawled out on the end of the bed. They had collected dust from being in the attic for years and in cursive letters it stated which subject they belonged to.

Math, Physics, English, Biology, Chemistry, Cultural sciences, ... the list went on.

The older felt a little fear creep up on him by seeing all the different subjects he knew nothing about. He was scared the younger would come to the realization he was actually just really stupid & give up on him.

But deep down he knew Taehyung wasn't a person to do that. The boy had nothing but kindness and forgiveness stored inside of his heart. Even after hearing about Jungkook's past he had reacted nothing but positive words.

The gardener just hoped Taehyung would do the same if he ever came to know about that other part of Jungkook's past.

But it was better if he never knew.


i'm very tired so sorry if there are any mistakes in here. hopefully i'll be able to update more and get past my writer's block soon. fighting!!

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