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Taehyung tip toed downstairs in order to not wake up Jungkook and met his father who sat at the dinner table already

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Taehyung tip toed downstairs in order to not wake up Jungkook and met his father who sat at the dinner table already. The maids smiled at their young master as he joined dinner with them. He stared at the food & glanced up at maid Mary who was already looking at him with concern.

"What is it Young Master?", she asked, her tone filled with concern. The ticking of the cutlery hitting the plates eventually stopped and silence filled the room. Taehyung looked through his bangs at all the concerned faces staring at him & it eventually broke through his calm appearance.

"T-There's something wrong with Jungkook", he gulped, fumbling with the fork in his hands, "He started crying just now and fell asleep. I tucked him in & went here but still- I can't help but worry for him. I-I don't know what to do".

Taehyung's father frowned, already realizing what could be troubling the gardener. He didn't want to inform Taehyung himself since he was sure it wasn't his place to say something as personal as that. He folded his hands and placed them underneath his chin.

"Taehyung", he spoke up, his eyes softening at hearing the quiet sniffles that were hidden behind the boy's brown locks, "He'll tell you eventually, I'm sure of it. You already have a large part of his trust and we can all tell you two are very close. So I'm sure when you'll gain his complete trust, he'll tell you. Right now, you just have to keep supporting him without asking him any questions".

"He loves you so you'll be the first he will give his trust to", maid Ji-hye smiled, anxiously flickering her gaze to watch the Master's reaction to her words. She thought about adding the word 'platonic' to her explanation but found it inappropriate to use & she was sure their love for each other was anything but platonic.

Taehyung bit down onto his bottom lip but nodded, hearing those words somewhat cleared his mind. He stared at the food and swallowed down the lump in his throat.

"Maid Mary? Can you maybe keep some food on the side for Jungkook? I'll bring it to him after dinner", he asked, hesitantly staring up at the said woman. A smile formed on her lips and she nodded.

"Don't worry young master. You know I always make too much food anyway".

Chuckles ran around the table & the company started eating again. Taehyung chewed on his beef, not actually tasting the food as his mind was still drifting away to the boy upstairs.

After dinner Taehyung walked back upstairs with a tray of food in his hands. He minded his step, not wanting another broken leg again, though he didn't mind having Jungkook to carry him upstairs & tuck him in again. He silently shuffled inside of his bedroom where soft snores could be heard from the gardener who was still fast asleep.

Taehyung smiled & set down the tray on his small white nightstand. He stared at the older for a while before crawling inside of the bed so he could join Jungkook. The covers were warm & the strong arms inviting as they unconsciously wrapped around him. The brunette giggled softly and nudged closer to the warm body, slotting his head right underneath the older's chin. He nuzzled his face into the hard chest and sighed in content.

"Jungkookie", he cooed, running his tan fingers along the other's bare arm. The other stirred in his sleep and moved his head a little. His nose ended up in the other's soft locks and the scent of blueberries filled his dreams.

"Kook", Taehyung mumbled pressing his nose into the crook of the older's neck, "Kookie".

His eyes flitted over to the gardener's bare skin and to the soft puffs of air that left the older's lips-

Taehyung bit down on his own bottom lip, biting back the urge to do something on impulse. He nudged the older's collarbone, hoping Jungkook would wake up, but on the other hand he didn't wake him to awaken since he couldn't stare at him like this when he was awake. He couldn't be mesmerized by the older's body when he was aware of it.

With great courage but a lot of shyness he placed a hesitant kiss on the older's junction between his neck and shoulder. When Jungkook didn't stir awake by this, he placed another one a bit further onto his neck. He neared Jungkook's face and his breath fanned over Taehyung's lips.

He couldn't do this. It would be like taking advantage of the older and he really didn't want that. He pulled back the urge to actually place his lips on the other's mouth and backed away.

He hadn't realized Jungkook had woken up by the first gentle kiss placed onto his skin. He had followed all the other kisses and had closed his eyes when the feeling of a warm breath hit his lips. He first was confused on what was happening, already knowing it was Taehyung by the familiar feel of holding the small boy in his arm. When he realized what was actually happening he was anticipating the kiss- but it never happened

Confused, he opened his eyes, only to see Taehyung having nuzzled himself back into the crook of his neck.

"Taehyungie", he spoke with a low morning voice. The husky tone reached the younger's eyes whose cheeks immediately flared red at the thought of Jungkook waking up because of those kisses.

"You're awake", Taehyung said, hiding the nervousness in his voice, "Maid Mary warmed up some food for you. You wanna eat?"

He slipped out of the older's grip and placed the tray down which had mashed potatoes and beef with peas & carrots on the side. Jungkook accepted the food and smiled sleepily.

"Thank you", he spoke before stuffing his mouth with food.

Taehyung giggled and stared at the sight, not realizing the heart eyes he was giving the other.

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