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Jungkook had no idea what was going on

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Jungkook had no idea what was going on. And usually that would be a normal situation for him. But now, so late at night and lying half naked in bed, he was freaking out about it.

It had all started normally. He read a bedtime story for the younger while Taehyung snuggled closer to the gardener, his face nuzzling into the soft cotton of his elephant onesie. The younger had yawned before falling asleep in the middle of the story, Jungkook finishing it on himself.

When Jungkook had tried falling asleep too, holding the younger closer for comfort, it had started.

He didn't know what triggered it, why it had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, but Taehyung had started crying.

And he had seen Taehyung crying before – but this wasn't the normal kind.

Instead of the fat tears rolling down his chin, it seemed as if no tears were being produced at all. His breath had gone ragged with only fast pants leaving his mouth and sweat dripping from his forehead. Jungkook wasn't sure if this was a nightmare or not, but he tried waking up the younger either way.

Taehyung had jerked away, his bright brown eyes standing confused until they latched onto Jungkook which effectively made his limbs also latch onto the gardener, making him koala hug him tightly.

"Dada", a soft childlike voice spoke with a deepness that sounded a lot like Taehyung's original voice.

Jungkook had gone frozen until he noticed that the younger was shuffling around, almost as if finding a perfect spot on his lap. The boy smiled brightly, his eyes going into crescents as he clapped his hands in happiness. Jungkook stared at the elephant onesie clad younger who had seemed to have totally given up on being his normal self.

"Whewe is bimky?", Taehyung asked confused, his head tilting in a way it made Jungkook almost coo out loud.

"Bimky?", Jungkook asked, mimicking the other's head tilt.

"Bimky!", Taehyung yelled out excitedly, pointing at his open mouth before shoving his thumb into it.

Jungkook got what he meant and found the pacifier lying on his usual spot on the night stand. He grabbed the thing and showed it to Taehyung who cheered in response.

"Fank you dada", the younger mumbled before stuffing the binky into his mouth. Jungkook smiled back at him and ran a hand through the other's hair. The soothing feeling made Taehyung's eyelids droop as he dropped forward, his head bumping against Jungkook's chest to give into the relaxing feeling.

"Go back to sleep Taehyungie", the gardener cooed, feeling the other breath against his skin.

"Downt wanna", the youngest mumbled in reply, his hands sliding up to play with the older's fingers.

Jungkook had no idea why Taehyung was acting like this. Sure, he had seen this side of the younger before, but that had only lasted for a few seconds or when he was tired. But now Taehyung was awake and acting like a full on child, even speaking like one.

"Aren't you tired little one?", Jungkook spoke, trying to behave around Taehyung like he would around his younger siblings.

"Nah", Taehyung spoke, shaking his head with confidence, "Wanna play wif dada!"

"But it's 2 am", the gardener frowned, "This isn't the time to play. This is the time to sleep".

But Taehyung wasn't having any of that. He whined before jumping out of Jungkook's lap and bolting out of the room, squeaking out a "hide and sheek!" before disappearing into the dark hallway.

"Taehyung!", Jungkook gasped, before running after the youngest, not wanting to be responsible if anything happened to the younger. He was worried young master would hurt himself. (and he would face the consequences) (but of course the worry for Taehyung was more important)

The house was dark and Jungkook didn't know which direction the other had disappeared into. So he ran downstairs in hopes to find him somewhere in the kitchen or living room. When he flicked on the lights of both rooms he realized Taehyung wasn't there either.

What he did realize was that the back door was open, meaning Taehyung had run outside, possibly even out of the garden.

This is what triggered Jungkook to stand frozen in the doorway, too paralyzed to do anything since his mind was too busy bringing up old memories and possible deaths Taehyung could run into.

Not again, he thought, please not again.

He didn't know whether to cry, to slump down, to run away, or run after the younger.

All he knew was that he shouldn't have taken on Taehyung's offer. He should've gone home. He shouldn't have asked Taehyung to tutor him. He shouldn't have kissed the boy.

He shouldn't have taken on this job.

Because no matter what he did, someone was going to get hurt because of his own stupidity.

And now it was Taehyung's turn.

He couldn't let that happen. But he also couldn't do this anymore.

That's why he woke up his master. Woke up the maids.  Woke up everyone that was sleeping.

Everyone searched for the younger. Even Jungkook, who was numb and frozen, not having bothered to put on a shirt. Maid Mary was the one who found him. The boy had slipped in a puddle and had hit his head on a tree. He was only unconscious, but for Jungkook, who had seen the same sight before, it was hell.

That night, he gave his resignation letter.

That night, he left the Kim's residence for good.


i told you to prepare for drama didnt i? well here it is! i promise things will be better & fluffy soon but for now you'll have to deal with this hehe

i'm glad more people are reading this now and claim this as their fav book! i hope i wont mess it up :o)

also i noticed lots of authors i follow are becoming friends with each other and i sometimes wonder how it would be to have like a groupchat will all the well known vkook writers and just talk about everything and anything

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