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Jungkook silently hummed, a visible sway of his hips accompanying his singing as he stirred the eggs in a blue bowl

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Jungkook silently hummed, a visible sway of his hips accompanying his singing as he stirred the eggs in a blue bowl. He was baking bacon and was about to add the scrambled eggs into the pan when a sudden noise diverted his attention. He glanced outside and saw his mother getting out of her tiny red car, standing in front of the closed gates.

The gardener quickly turned down the fire and wiped his hands on the pink apron he was wearing. His mother was waiting for him at the gate, hands on hips and an awaiting look on her face. He ran as fast as he could to the gate, not wanting to keep his mother waiting.

"Mom?", Jungkook panted, confused on why his mother paid him a surprise visit. He opened the gates for her and she quickly walked back to her car, opening one of the back doors. A young child was in her arms and Jungkook recognized the girl as their neighbor's daughter.

"Look-", his mother started, already seeing the panic flashing in her son's eyes, "I was supposed to babysit her until her parents came back from work, but the twins got sick and I need to bring them to the doctor-"

"Can't someone else care for her?", Jungkook croaked out. His mother shook her head and neared him with the two year old.

"It's only for a short while until I return-", she tried to reason but her son quickly stepped back.

"Mom", he croaked out, eyes falling into a pit of sadness, "I don't want... last time... I can't".

"I trust you Jungkookie", his mother spoke softly, "Besides, Taehyung will be there to look after her too. You'll be fine. She'll be fine".


The back door of the house opened, showing a confused boy with hair dark because of the shower he just took, standing in the door way. Taehyung glanced between Jungkook, his mother and the toddler in her arms who was sucking on a pacifier. The boy frowned at that, jealous of the colorful rainbow pacifier the child had which seemed brand-new in comparison to his old worn out one.

"It'll be fine", Jungkook's mother spoke, quickly putting the toddler onto the ground who set a few steps into the gardener's direction (who tried his best not to back away). The little girl wobbled and gripped onto Jungkook's jeans, trying to climb onto his legs as she looked up at him with bright blue eyes. It was evident she was a child of two blonde foreigners who came all the way from Sweden.

His mother had grabbed a teddy bear from the back seat in the meantime and threw it into her son's direction.

"See? She already has taken a liking to you", his mother smiled, before hastily glancing back at her car, "I should go now. I'll come pick her up as soon as possible. Bye now. Love you!"

She jogged to the driver's seat and slipped into the car, ignoring her son's protests. She grinned and waved him goodbye as he drove away, leaving the little girl in both boys' care.

"Why do we have a child now?", Taehyung asked, suddenly having appeared next to the gardener's side who got startled by the sudden voice. He had been too in trance, staring at the little vulnerable girl now left in his care. He absolutely feared everything about this situation.

"Mom dropped her off. She has to take the twins to the doctor", he explained, slightly hesitant about picking up the little girl. Should he just hold her hand and lead her to the door? But what if she falls and hits her head and die???

"I'll take her", Taehyung spoke, seeing the evident distress on the other's face, "Come here love".

He grabbed the girl and carried her inside with Jungkok hot on his trail. The toddler was cuddling her teddy close to her which made Taehyung glance at the stuffed animal.

"My stuffies are better", he muttered silently, placing the girl down onto the couch.

"What should we do now?", he asked once Jungkook appeared by his side again, "I don't know how to care of children".

"Give her some of your toys", Jungkook spoke dryly, "It will keep her busy".

The younger gasped dramatically at this and held his heart, "Give my priced toys to some unknown child?? How dare you insist that!"

The gardener stared at him with dull eyes, not surprised by the dramatic act. He pointed to the girl that was already starting to throw a tantrum because of boredom.

"I'll just put her outside in the sandbox so she can build some sand castles or something", Taehyung sighed, "She can have my sand buckets and shovels".

Jungkook nodded at this, going back to the kitchen to start his breakfast again.

"Be right back", Taehyung called before shutting the back door, heading out with the little girl.

The gardener hummed as he put on the stove again, adding the eggs to the now cold bacon.


Be right back?


The bacon was left forgetten as the back door slammed shut.


please check out my newest creation: vkook author's unite book!!!

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