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The stairs creaked as the gardener walked up, a bit hesitant to reach the end of it

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The stairs creaked as the gardener walked up, a bit hesitant to reach the end of it. He knew he had to face Taehyung one way or another, but he hadn't expected to do that today. He wanted to get more time for this, to think things through, or just run away and escape to Mexico. A deep sigh left his lips as he rubbed his sweaty hands up and down his pants. He had ended up standing before the younger's closed bedroom door, contemplating on what to say. As he raised his hand in the air to finally just knock and get things over with, he heard the soft voice of Taehyung coming from inside the room. It seemed as if he was talking to somebody but Jungkook wasn't able to hear another voice reply. He shuffled closer and put his ear against the door in hopes to understand a little of what the younger was saying.

"-bwuises on my awm awe still thewe but they awe getting bettew kookie so don't wowwy. I'm sowwy fow wowwying you. I was weally into jumping on my bed and fell down. I won't do it again Kookie, I pwomise".

The gardener frowned at those words and he wondered who the hell this person was. Wasn't that supposed to be his nickname? So why was Taehyung pretending to be talking to him?

When he heard no answer coming from another person that was supposedly in Taehyung's room, he finally knocked on the white bedroom door. Shuffling was heard and a small voice saying, "Go away papa", came from the other side of the door.

"It's Jungkook", the older said, cringing as he heard his voice crack, "I came to see you".

More shuffling was heard until the door was opened just a bit, two almond eyes peeking through the crack. They widened once they spotted the gardener and Jungkook took this as a sign to push the door open completely.

Taehyung stumbled backwards at the force and tumbled onto his bum, making a hiss slip through his lips. With teary eyes he stared at the older who stared back at him with an apologetic look.

"Kookie came back?", the smaller boy whispered, chewing onto his bottom lip, "But Kookie left TaeTae fowevew".

This made Jungkook's face fall even more and he quickly crouched down in front of the sad younger. Slowly he reached out his hand to take the younger's hand in his, softly caressing the back of it with his thumb. "I'm sorry for leaving Taehyung. I was scared".

"Of me?", Taehyung asked, his wide eyes standing innocently as he focused on the hand holding his.

"No", Jungkook shook his head, chuckling a little, "I'm not scared of you. I'm scared of what I could do to you".

The smaller didn't understand what the other was saying but let himself be pulled up by Jungkook nonetheless. He didn't spend a second standing on his feet before leaping onto Jungkook and clutching the other's shirt tightly into his hands. He had missed the gardener a lot, and he was willing to never let go of him again. Jungkook smiled down at the little leech holding him prison. He ruffled the other's fluffy hair and hugged him back, feeling Taehyung lean into his hold.

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