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"So that's settled then", Taehyung's father spoke, placing down his cup of tea with a smile on his lips, "I'll hire Jungkook again"

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"So that's settled then", Taehyung's father spoke, placing down his cup of tea with a smile on his lips, "I'll hire Jungkook again".

Jungkook's mother smiled as she took a sip of her raspberry flavored tea sweetened with sugar, "I'm glad you are doing this for us. We really owe you for this favor".

"No no, it's the other way around actually. Jungkook is doing me a favor. I've never had such a good and hardworking gardener like him before".

"I'm happy to hear that", the woman smiled, meeting the other's smile.

"He really has a way with plants".

Jungkook's mother chuckled, "He really does. I wish it would be the same with humans too but alas... He's still working on that".

"He seems to get along with my son just fine... A bit too fine maybe but there's nothing I could do about or have any say in", Taehyung's father cringed, thinking back at the fight he and his son had. The way Taehyung's eyes had stared at him with disbelief and disappointment when he had confessed about demanding Jungkook to stay away from him.

"Young love", Jungkook's mother smiled, "The parents never have a say in it and I guess that's the way it should be".


Jungkook started his work in the garden again, which was a great task at first. He wasted a lot of time shaving the hedges, pulling out weed or replacing withered flowers with new ones. It was on a particular hot day, when the sun stood high up in the air and tanned Jungkook beautifully, that the gardener looked up at Taehyung's balcony where he saw the younger staring at the sky, a cigarette dangling between his lips.

This shocked the older male as he quickly dropped his shovel and ran inside of the house, of course after slipping out of his shoes and making sure he was leaving no dirt behind. After a few furious knocks on the door he heard footsteps resonate and the door was whipped open.

"I don't want to talk right now", Taehyung spoke up, his deep voice serious and his eyes dull. The scent of tobacco lingered in the air and it took every ounce in Jungkook's body not to replace his confused expression with a disgusted one. The younger was also wearing clothes he'd normally never wear. Plain brown shorts with a black short thrown over it wasn't cute nor stylish, something that usually fit Taehyung.

Jungkook glanced inside of the room and his face fell once he noticed not one stuffie was seen on the bed nor toys on the floor.

"Are you okay?", the gardener asked, feeling his heart beat quicken. Something seemed seriously wrong with the other, "Why are you smoking. You know that's very bad for you right? My mom says only bad people smoke so you can't smoke Taehyung, you're not a bad person. In fact, you're very smart so please stop smoking. And why is your room so... boring? Where is PyonPyon? Or Bamboozled?"

He then looked behind the door and noticed the familiar teddy bear once again sitting in its place, "Kookie..."

"I stuffed them underneath my bed. They hogged up the space to sleep", Taehyung replied calmly before turning around going to sit on his bed.

"W-Why are you so different?", Jungkook asked confused, hesitantly stepping inside of the room, not sure if he was actually welcome, "You're not behaving like your usual self".

Taehyung let out a dry chuckle, "You think that's my normal self? The giddy childlike boy who sucks on pacifiers and sleeps with stuffed animals? Do you think that's normal behavior?"

Jungkook shrugged, feeling a bit defeated, "It's normal behavior for the Taehyung I know".

"It's my usual behavior, I must admit. But sometimes this side of Taehyung pops up and doesn't let himself show much", Taehyung frowned, "I don't know why I'm back to this again. I guess I was feeling sad and my little self couldn't handle it anymore".

The gardener was totally lost and the younger could tell. A deep sigh left his lips and he waved his words away, "Forget about that. You promised me you would tell me why you quit your job. Wanna tell me now?"

"I don't know", Jungkook mumbled, rubbing his foot against the floor, "You're acting so different now".

"You're not comfortable enough is that it? I'm not the boy you fell in love with-"

Jungkook's eyes widened and his head quickly shot up, "I-I never s-said any-anything about being in l-love-"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Aish, forget about it. Just go back to work and meet me again tomorrow. Maybe I'm back to my usual self by then".

Jungkook nodded, still not sure about what the other was talking about, but followed his orders anyway. With a frown he descended the stairs and shook the scent of tobacco out of his clothes.

Taehyung really was a mysterious puzzle, maybe much like himself.


Glad you enjoyed my fanfic recommendation last chapter :))) and can you believe i updated again??? Well i can't! i'm suddenly in the mood for writing a werewolf fanfiction but i cantttttt with all these other books i have going onnnn. sad life :(((

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