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The art gallery was bustling with people and even more so with beautiful flowers that were stretched all around the building, and they had even made their way inside. In every corner there was at least some sort of plant decorating the art gallery. Jungkook was whistling a tune as he happily strut over to some lilies with a watering can in his hand.

It had been five years since he had started dating Taehyung and the couple had been stronger than ever. Taehyung's father had started his own art gallery after saving up enough money from selling his own paintings. Of course, his paintings now were featured in his own gallery, but he had always dreamt of being someone that could help beginning painters, such as he had been.

He had assigned Taehyung as his chief director. Even though Taehyung's father was a smart man, he was better with paint brushes than numbers, and he knew his son was more than capable enough for managing that part of the company. His son had seemed agreed but had one condition before he'd consider the offer. He wanted Jungkook to be part of the business too. Jungkook had stopped working for Taehyung's father because the older male found it a bit weird to have his son in law watering his plants every day.

Jungkook had protested, saying he loved taking care of their garden, and so the male was allowed to do so, but only in the weekends. The rest of the days he worked at the company that was now filled to the brim with flowers, the scent of them overwhelming every visitor. The blooming daffodils that were in front of the building matched with the yellow lining of the windows, something Jungkook had intended from the beginning when he planted the flowers.

Right now, after doing his tour of watering his beloved lilies and roses, he decided to stop and take a break. Maybe even visit Taehyung if he had the time. But before he could do anything, he bumped into some male who looked like he was wearing an expensive jacket. The male had two other men by his side, both dressed in expensive suits and carrying important looking documents.

"Watch where you're going idiot", the guy in the middle spoke, patting his dark blue shirt that was now soaked from the water that had spilled from Jungkook's watering can. The younger male spluttered, quickly grabbing the watering can off the floor in a hurry. "Can't even apologize?", another man spoke, giving him a filthy look, "Are you stupid or something?"

Jungkook was used to this kind of behavior. It had been a long time since he heard someone say it in his face though, since people were always cautious whenever Taehyung was around. Everyone knew what a big shot his younger boyfriend was, so they didn't dare say anything out loud.

"I-I'm sorry", Jungkook spoke up, though it was more of a mumble than anything, "Excuse me". He tried walking away but was stopped by a tug at his wrist, the touch hurting a bit more than he liked to admit.

"We're not finished yet", the male spoke, tugging him back until Jungkook stumbled backwards and landed on his bum. He hissed, the fall having hurt his ass and he did not like the way the three men were staring at him from their standing point, seemingly dominating him. "You're paying for this shirt", the man in the middle said, pointing at his wet shirt.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side, eyes raised in confusion, "It's just water. It does not stain". Though it was the best thing he could come up to defend himself, it did not seem to please the other men. Anger was evident on their faces and the main guy stepped forward, towering over the gardener. "I don't fucking care".

"Excuse me".

Jungkook's head snapped to the deep voice that belonged to his boyfriend. His boyfriend of five years, who had stepped out of his office and into the almost empty hallway, had a deep frown etched into his face. He recognized the men that were harassing his boyfriend as the three artists that had an appointment to see his father. They were beginning artists and liked to be featured in the upcoming exhibition.

"Ah Mister Kim", one of the men smiled, completely ignoring the matter of his wet shirt and stepped towards Taehyung, "I was just on my way to see your father-".

"Don't even bother". The men seemed shocked at the cold tone of his voice, his eyes hardening as he looked at the artists. His eyes then softened when his gaze met Jungkook's. The gardener quickly pushed himself off the floor, his movement attracting the men's attention again.

"If it's about my appearance", the man with the wet shirt began, "This guy ran into me with his watering can-".

Taehyung clicked his tongue which effectively made the man's words falter. "That guy is my boyfriend". Their eyes widened, realizing what they did to anger Mister Kim that much. "I don't care if your paintings are any good. We don't showcase art that belongs to absolute assholes. No matter how well drawn they may be".

With that he turned on his heels and walked towards his office, beckoning for Jungkook to follow him. The gardener spared the men one last glance before he scurried after his boyfriend who was taking long angry strides. "Are you okay?", he decided to ask Taehyung as he basically barged into his own office. Taehyung shook his head, "Why are you always the one asking me that when it's you they're targeting?"

"I'm sorry", Jungkook replied, his gaze now fixated on the floor as Taehyung closed the door behind him. He hated disappointing his boyfriend, which was something he did every day, in is perspective. Of course Taehyung didn't see it that way.

Taehyung pushed the older down onto his office chair before climbing into his lap. Jungkook's arms wrapped around his way almost automatically which was something that made the younger smile. "You didn't do anything to apologize for. Those men were angry at you for no reason and I couldn't stand seeing them bully you for even a second longer".

"You may have lost good artists because of me", Jungkook spoke up, putting his head on top of Taehyung's shoulder in an embrace. The younger shook his head and put his hands on Jungkook's face, bringing him back out of hiding.

"If their paintings were anything like their personalities, then their works belong in the trash", Taehyung spoke, nose bumping against Jungkook's. The older was still frowning though, his lips pulled down in sadness, "But they looked like really smart men-"

"Jungkook", his boyfriend spoke up sternly, "How many times must I say this? They may be smart in their head, but you, above all, are the smartest right here". His finger bumped against Jungkook's chest, right above the place were his heart was beating. The gardener smiled, before pressing his lips against his boyfriend's, the younger kissing back with as much love as he could.

They really were happy.

They really were in love.

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