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His mother's voice made the male look up from the children's book he was trying to decipher. He had given up on reading or studying ever since he left the Kim's residence but after meeting Maid Mary the other day, he had picked up reading again. In his hands right now was a children's book that belonged to his younger siblings.

"Yes?", he asked, seeing the lady stand in front of him, her hands sternly placed on her hips. She had a scary aura going on and Jungkook immediately felt like something was wrong. He dropped the book onto his lap, giving his attention to his mother.

"Yes?", he asked, a bit scared of what was about to come. His mother was wearing a striped apron that had a pocket at the front. She fished out a phone from her pocket and pressed a few buttons, showing him the lit up screen.

Mister Kim called: 11:24

Mister Kim called: 11:30

Mister Kim called 12:01

Mister Kim called 12:30

"I lost my phone for a while since someone seemed to have misplaced it so I wouldn't find it. After finding it stuffed inside of my underwear drawer and noticing all those missed notification I reasoned somebody may wanted me to not answer those calls. But since it seemed Mister Kim was trying to reach me persistently I called him back", she spoke, seeing her son's expression grow into a guilty and fearful one as his figure shrank, "He requested me to bring you to his house so you two could talk since you are trying to ignore him. He wants to hire you again. Isn't that great news?"

Jungkook didn't reply and only gulped at the given information. There was no way he was setting foot there again. But when Mrs. Jeon wanted something, there was no way out of her grasp.

Not only ten minutes later was the muscled male thrown into the passenger seat of the car by his mother, who slammed the door shut once he was seated. She dusted off her apron and took place behind the steering wheel. "Buckle up", she spoke sternly before driving onto the streets and driving out of town.

His mother knew why Jungkook didn't want to go there. She knew why he had stopped going to work. And she also knew what her son was going through. She had seen in before, when he was fourteen and the incident happened. Her sweet son had never been the same since then, but she felt like Jungkook needed to let it go. Everyone else had, so why couldn't he? He was ruining his life by holding onto the past and as his mother, she wanted to help him get back on track. If she let him sulk at home forever, dwell in guilt and self-pity for the rest of his life, she would fail as a mother. And even though she had many children, she didn't want one of them to be loved less.

"Jungkook", she spoke up after minutes of silence. The Kim's residence came in view and the iron gate was already opened for their arrival. "I know what you're thinking. You don't want to face them because you think you were the one at fault. You think you ruined their life and don't want to mess up even more. But I'll tell you now son, you not being in their lives is even harder for them. That Taehyung kid really likes you and he wants you to come back. I know you like him too, so don't try to fight it. No one but yourself is angry with you".

The male's lips trembled but he bit back the urge to cry. They passed the gates and parked close to the house. Jungkook admired the garden, that was once filled with pretty flowers and cut hedges, was now bewildered and dull. He hadn't only let his master and Taehyung down, but also his plants.

His mother ushered him out of the car so they could get inside. The maids were already standing outside to greet the guests, their faces shining with hope as they saw Jungkook stepping out of the car. Small squeals sounded and on the count of three they ran up to the male to give him a hug. Even though they were old maids and were supposed to be respectable, they couldn't contain their happiness once they saw Jungkook back.

"We missed you", they all said while Jungkook was being surprised at the sudden group hug. His mother gave him a raised eyebrow and ushered him to hug them back. He hadn't expected it but he couldn't help but smile once he felt his cheeks being pinched and his hair being motherly ruffled by the joyous women.

"Ahem", a deep voice cleared his throat, the owner of the voice giving the maids a pointed look.

The older women quickly released Jungkook and scurried back into the house, giving apologetic looks to the master of the house. Taehyung's father smiled as Jungkook tried flattening his hair again.

"It seems they missed you very much", he chuckled, seeing the sheepish smile on the boy's face, "Come inside. We have a lot to discuss".

"Actually-", Jungkook's mother butted in, stepping closer to her son, "Maybe Jungkook wants to see Taehyung first. We can discuss while they meet again".

Taehyung's father's face turned grim but he gave a curt nod anyway. His gaze flickered to Jungkook who was stood frozen, just thinking about seeing the younger back making his body stop functioning.

"He's upstairs in his room", Taehyung's father spoke, "Be careful though, he's not really himself".

Jungkook swallowed harshly and nodded quickly before scurrying inside.

Taehyung's father smiled at Jungkook's mother, "Tea?"

"That sounds wonderful".


Next chapter will surely be interesting!

Ps. I was wondering if you guys wanted to do a Q/A with the author. If you have any questions about me, this book, my other works, my future plans, current works or my inspirations,... you can ask me in the comments and I'll answer them next chapter :-)

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