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Taehyung woke up with sunlight filtering through his light green curtains

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Taehyung woke up with sunlight filtering through his light green curtains. He yawned cutely before realizing the binky fell out of his mouth and onto his lap. With furrowed eyebrows he stared at the baby blue object and picked it up confused. He only remembered falling asleep in his secret garden and then-

Oh god no!

He quickly threw the pacifier as far away from him as possible which ended up rolling onto the floor. The brunette quickly regretted his action and scrambled out of bed to retrieve the binky again. He remembered what he had told Jungkook in his sleep drunken state and it was honestly the most embarrassing thing he had ever done.

A faint knock came from his white painted door and it opened just a little. Taehyung couldn't see who was behind it since he wasn't in bed anymore.

"Master Taehyung?"

The brunette boy's cheeks soon went a cherry red as he recognized the person's voice. He couldn't face Jungkook, not now, not ever.

He didn't realize though that Jungkook was panicking as soon as he realized the young boy's bed was empty. The maids had told him to go wake up Taehyung since it was already 11 am but how was he able to wake up someone who wasn't there? He also had no idea why he, as the gardener, had to do this job while there were enough maids in the house who could do this.

Jungkook now pushed the door open so it fell against the bedroom wall and finally noticed Taehyung standing frozen on the other end of the room. He was clutching his pacifier in one hand while his other was clutching the front of his shirt, in almost distress.

The older smiled relieved and walked over to the brunette. Taehyung shrieked and quickly hid the binky behind his back, wishing that it would magically disappear.

"There you are", Jungkook spoke, "I thought you had gone missing".

He then glanced at Taehyung's arm that seemed to be hiding something. The older tilted his head and frowned.

"Why are you hiding your pacifier?", he asked and soon enough Taehyung's cheeks returned back to its strawberry color.


He tried saying something, to come up with some sort of excuse, but his brain left him hanging at that moment and nothing could pop up in his mind. Jungkook didn't think anything of it though and grabbed Taehyung's arm to show him the binky. The younger stubbornly opened his hand and pouted when Jungkook took the pacifier from him.

The older glanced at the pacifier and back to the brunette's lips before taking the baby blue object and putting it gently into the younger's mouth. Taehyung's face felt like it was on a fire as he felt the familiar binky press between his teeth while a smiling Jungkook stared at the blushing boy.

He couldn't utter a word. The young boy was so confused, he didn't know what a normal response to this situation could be.

"The maids expect you downstairs soon. Apparently it's something about a welcome home party".

Taehyung immediately forgot about the weird situation he was in and limped excitedly to his closet. Flinging clothes around he finally found the fancy clothes his father once bought for him. The boy absolutely disliked the tight, uncolorful clothes but he knew his father would be happy if he wore it when he came back home.

"Do I have to carry you downstairs?", Jungkook asked, unaware of why the boy was acting so strange. Taehyung looked over his shoulder, pacifier still in mouth and shook his head.

Jungkook nodded, "Okay. You look cute by the way".

The older made his way downstairs and never realized the blush he left on Taehyung's cheeks and the binky that dropped out of his mouth because of shock.

He quickly picked it up again and shoved into his mouth again.

"He fwinks I'm cuwe?"


Taehyung's father smiled at the papers in his hand, content about his artworks that got sold very smoothly. As soon as the taxi dropped him off in front of the tall gate he could see his son waving to him from a distance. He was back in his wheelchair that was being pushed by the gardener and the maids surrounded them. Maid Mary was carrying a big cake which had the words 'welcome home' written on it with icing.

"You are all too nice", he smiled and pecked his son's head who had a bright boxy smile on his lips. He was surprised, but happy, to see his son wearing the clothes he once bought for him.

"I missed you father", Taehyung spoke, sad he couldn't hug his dad while sitting in the wheelchair. His father ruffled the brunette's soft hair and waved the papers in the air.

"Guess who sold all of his pieces?", he sing songed.

Taehyung's eyes went wide and he cheered for his dad, crawling out of his wheelchair before hugging his father tightly.

"I'm very happy for you father", he spoke, his face muffled against his dad's suit.

Jungkook on the other hand, was staring confused at the younger's choice of clothes. He had never seen the brunette wear such dull, colorless and tightfitting clothes. Taehyung would always wear wide shirts in bright or aesthetically pleasing colors, mostly matched with shorts. But the white dress shirt mixed with blank pants was an odd choice for the younger.

He had also seemed to have forgotten his two stuffies and pacifier today which confused Jungkook even more.

The group went inside to eat the buffet Maid Mary had made and to cut the cake to celebrate the house master being back home again.

After lunch Taehyung's father went to his art studio upstairs to put the forms away. Taehyung had overeaten himself and felt warm and fuzzy inside as he slouched further into the comfy chair. One of the maids noticed the younger's drowsy state and nudged Jungkook's arm who sat beside her, playing with the fork in his hand.

"Taehyung seems on the verge of falling asleep. Won't you be a dear and take him upstairs?"

Jungkook glanced at the brunette and realized the younger's eyes were already drooping. The gardener nodded and got out of his chair before walking over to Taehyung. The younger already sensed his presence and made grabby hands to the older, making all the maids coo at the cute sight. He was picked up bridal style by Jungkook and nuzzled his face further into the soft cotton of the gardener's sweater.

When Jungkook made his way to the stairs, they came across Taehyung's father who was coming down. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of his sleeping son being carried by the gardener.

"Hello Master", Jungkook said politely.

"Hello Jungkook", the man replied, "Are you taking my son upstairs?"

The gardener nodded, "Yes, one of the maids asked me to do so".

"Shall I take him? I don't want to bother you with this. You don't get paid to babysit my son", Taehyung's father spoke but Jungkook merely shook his head.

"I've been bringing him upstairs for the past week now. It's okay really. I see it as a workout", the brunette smiled.

"Well, alright then".

Jungkook went upstairs with Taehyung in his arms while the man was left standing in the hallway.

Does this mean he has seen Taehyung's stuffed animals, toys and overall childlike room?

He shook his head and went back to the dining room to eat some cake.

He's too stupid to think anything of it anyway.

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