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Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, soon squinting at the bright rays of sunshine invading the room

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Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, soon squinting at the bright rays of sunshine invading the room. He squirmed around, not willing to wake up yet, when he noticed his moving was strained. He groaned, opening his eyes once again to be faced with a naked - perfectly sculpted ahem - torso right in front of his nose.

"Oh my fluffy god", the youngest gasped, cheeks blooming red at the close proximity. He smiled brightly, full box grin on display in a lovesick manner, once he noticed the firm hands placed on his hips and the nose pressed into his hair.

They weren't on the couch anymore, where Taehyung eventually had fallen asleep after cuddling - and making out - with Jungkook for hours. His cheeks burned even harder at the thought of the gardener carrying him up the stairs without him knowing.

What if he had been snoring? Or drooling? Or having some kind of embarrassing dream!

Oh gosh no! Please tell me I looked like a pretty princess when asleep!

The pretty princess got startled by a sudden moving of hands. Rough fingers slid from sharp hipbones to a soft tummy, Taehyung's shirt ridding up with the glide of Jungkook's fingers.

"Good morning", a gruff voice echoed in his ears, making the youngest boy jolt in surprise.

"Good morning Kookie", Taehyung mumbled, stifling a giggle as the gardener's fingers trailed back down, tracing shapes on the other's tan tummy. Said tummy suddenly growled loudly, making both boys silent.

"Guess someone is hungry", Jungkook chuckled, releasing the smaller so he could get out of bed. The younger whimpered at the loss of warmth and desperately rolled onto the spot where Jungkook had slept.

The gardener threw on his shirt and jeans before glancing back at the human burrito named Taehyung who was wriggling around in search of a comfortable position. The human burrito suddenly rolled near the edge of the bed, Taehyung now in a fight with the blankets that were tangled with his body.

"Jungkookieee", the burrito whined, rolling left and right, unable to free himself.

"What is it Taehyung?", Jungkook asked, slightly amused at the sight in front of him.

"I'm stuck", came the short but pouty reply. Taehyung rolled one more time to the right and shrieked once realization came that there was no more bed on that side, only the way down to the floor.

Lucky for him, Jungkook had seen this move coming and picked up the burrito before he could knock into the nightstand.

"It's 9 in the morning and you're already causing a ruckus", Jungkook sighed, unrolling the younger from the burrito until at least his face was out in the open.

"Hi", Taehyung cutely smiled, cheeks flushed from being in the sheet burrito for so long, and hair messy from the exact same thing, "Fancy seeing you here Jungkookie".

The older rolled his eyes and untangled Taehyung even further until the younger was back on his feet, rid of any blanket. With wary eyes he glared at the sheet that was once his captor and then glanced back at Jungkook with a smile.

"Let's go eat breakfast!", Taehyung cheered before trying to run out to door, only to be stopped by:

"Taehyung. You're no wearing any pants".

With eyes big from horror, the younger glanced down at his legs, only to see his unicorn undies on full display. He shrieked and lunged for the blanket once again to cover up himself.

"How did that happen?", he gasped for air, following Jungkook's finger that was pointed to the bed. There, on his side of the mattress were his pair of pants.

"You must have kicked them out in your sleep", the gardener shrugged, "Jeans are pretty uncomfortable to sleep in".

Taehyung grumbled at himself for being so stupid and then glanced back at Jungkook.

"Could you – eh – go downstairs already? I'm going to take a quick shower and fully dress myself".

The gardener nodded, not that bothered by seeing Taehyung's unicorn undies – they were actually quite cute – and followed the other's instructions.

"Alright, see you downstairs", he saluted before going out the door, but not before quickly glancing over his shoulder to see Taehyung's ass wrapped in pink unicorn undies. The younger was only holding the sheets in front of him, not aware Jungkook would be so sly to glance back before walking out of the door.

But that was not a problem. Jungkook would find out just how sly the younger could be too.

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