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× I'm beautiful
You've told me all evening
and will tell me all night
but will I still be beautiful
in the morning? ×

× I'm beautifulYou've told me all eveningand will tell me all nightbut will I still be beautifulin the morning? ×

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Flashback time (bet you're glad this is finally happening)

The fourteen year old sighed, reading the list full of easy to do chores written down by his mother. He was home alone with his youngest brother named Joonhyuk. The boy was 2 years old and sitting on the colorful race mat, playing with some old race cars that had once belonged to his older siblings.

Jungkook looked at the list and noticed that on the bottom of it were the words 'give Joonhyuk a bath' were written. He frowned and looked back at his little brother, seeing the dirty patches on the younger's skin from playing in the garden a few hours ago. He decided to do the other tasks first since maybe when he finished those, his mother would be back from work and she could give Joonhyuk a bath.

He tidied the kitchen, cleaned the living room and bathroom and took out the trash. After he mowed the lawn and gave water to the plants he was finished. Wiping the sweat off his forehead he stared at the afternoon sun, implying that his siblings would be getting home from school soon. He stepped back inside and noticed that Joonhyuk had fallen asleep on the race mat. Jungkook chuckled at that and scooped the little one into his arms, decided on waking him up so he could finally give his lil bro a bath.

He put the younger in the freshly cleaned bathtub and started filling it with water. As the water was filling the tub, he heard the doorbell ring throughout the house. He frowned, wondering who could be at the door but remembered his mother's words. 'Don't open the door while I'm away'. So he didn't.

But the ringing went on while he searched for some soap. Groaning, he closed the faucet, the water a little too high for the child but not paying attention to it since he would only be gone for a second. He quickly told his brother to keep seated and went downstairs to look through the peephole of the front door.

The postman stood waiting on the other side, a bit impatient. Jungkook decided on opening the door and greeted the annoyed postman who had a package for the Jeon's.

"Juggukie!", he heard his brother call for him and he quickly glanced upstairs, wanting to go back to his little brother.

"Sign here", the postman spoke, "And here".

Jungkook quickly did as he was told and signed the documents. The postman suddenly realized he actually had forgotten his package in the car and went back to go fetch it. Jungkook sighed at that and waited for the postman to come back with it.

"Careful, it's breakable", the postman spoke, "Have a good day".

"You too", Jungkook mumbled before closing the door in the man's face and going back upstairs.

"I'm back Joo-"

The fragile package fell on the ground, the glass inside breaking in pieces.

But that was not the only thing that broke that day.

"J-Joonhyuk", the big brother trembled, "Joonhyuk!"

But alas, the two year old had tried climbing out of the bathtub to follow his big bro but had slipped and hit his head on the edge of the tub, resulting into him going unconscious. The too high water had drowned the child, resulting in him floating in the tub, only for Jungkook to find him in this state.


Jungkook woke up with sun rays invading the bedroom. He groaned and snuggled further into the covers, hugging the sleeping boy even closer. Taehyung, who was in boxers and a large shirt, tried turning around in the hold, facing the half awake gardener. He smiled though winced when he moved too much, a sharp paining shooting up his spine. Realization of what happened the night before slowly started seeping in, his eyes suddenly widening and his tummy started doing summersaults.

A small squeak escaped his lips as happiness engulfed him, pressing his face into the gardener's chest, trying to hide his excitement. But once he realized Jungkook was indeed still naked, except for his boxers, and he was basically pressing his face into the bare chest of the man he had sex with yesterday, his squeaks only got louder.

Jungkook, who got annoyed at the sudden noises trying to disturb his sleep, turned around, facing away from taehyung, but facing the window where sunlight was coming from.

The younger, now again silent, watched Jungkook turn and show off his muscled back-

"oh my god", taehyung whispered, seeing the numerous scratch marks he had engraved into the older's back last night. scared he had hurt Jungkook with them, he started shaking the other awake, who huffed in his half awake state.

"I'll be up in a minute", he mumbled but that minute didn't last long as the younger had climbed up onto the older, trying to shake him awake. He winced a little, feeling his bum hurt from last night's activities but not caring as he knew Jungkook was also hurting because of him.

"kookieeee", he whined, patting and poking the gardener's cheeks until the older finally peeked one eye open.

"oh hi taehyung", he smiled, seeing the younger sitting on top of him, "good morning".

The brunette frowned, "doesn't your back hurt?", he asked, "because if it does, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I guess I did it without really knowing I was doing it".

The embarrassment in his voice was clear and the flush accompanying it made the younger look soft in the morning light.

"it doesn't even hurt that bad taehyung", Jungkook smiled, "and I didn't mind it last night. it kinda made me feel even better".

Both boys' faces were now flushed, both boys' looking like tomatoes that early in the morning was indeed a funny sight. And both boys' knew there was actually nothing to be embarrassed about.


"I should drink wine more often", taehyung grinned, seeing the older hide the bottle away. The same wine bottle that had been the beginning of everything.

"drunk taehyung is cute", Jungkook spoke up, as he washed the glasses they had dirtied last night, "and clingy".

"and needy", taehyung mumbled, thinking the gardener hadn't heard him. Jungkook smiled at that and nodded in agreement.

The younger suddenly remembered something. Jungkook had told him he would finally inform taehyung about his past, but that never happened last night.

But the thing was, the mood between them was soft and relaxed and taehyung didn't want to ruin that. He didn't want Jungkook to cry because of him.

If only he knew the real story...


so if you hadn't realized, this story is partially based on Forrest Gump and partially based on the movie Rainmen  ( ˬ ◕✿)

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