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The week flew by with the two lovers being lost in each other, just finding each new piece of personality or quirky habit a new thing to love about their other half

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The week flew by with the two lovers being lost in each other, just finding each new piece of personality or quirky habit a new thing to love about their other half.

At the end of the week the maids were back, already cleaning the house and preparing everything at the crack of dawn. They were making sure the house was perfect for the arrival of their master that was planned in the afternoon, and his son was dreading that exact moment. He wasn't sure if his father would accept him being together with Jungkook- but nevertheless, he will stay with the gardener whatsoever his father will say.

"Good morning Young Master", one of the maids smiled as she noticed the sleepy boy waddling down the stair, the paw of his bunny plushie clutched tightly into his hand. He yawned back a reply while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his other closed hand.

The maids cooed at the groggy boy and their voices woke up the other sleeping boy in the house, the raven haired male confused why his little boyfriend wasn't sleeping next to him. He patted around and frowned when he felt no one in the bed so he quickly rolled out of it.

He stumbled out of the dark bedroom and into the bright hallway. A bit grumpy for not having his morning cuddles, he stumbled down the stairs, frown edged on his face in search of his boyfriend.

"Taehyung", he mumbled, seeing the figure of the boy standing in the living room. He threw his arms around the boy who shrieked at the sudden attack. The maids stared at the scene in surprise, Maid Mary almost dropping a plate she was drying. It was not every day they saw a shirtless – and toned – Jungkook wrapping himself around their Young Master.

"Jungkookie", Taehyung whined, feeling himself being pulled down by the almost back to sleep gardener who was putting all his weight onto his smaller boyfriend, lost in the other's warmth.

"Awe you guys are so adorable", one of the maids clapped her hands in delight, wanting to just snap a picture of the two to keep the moment framed forever. But sadly Jungkook woke up by the voice – that definitely wasn't his boyfriend's deep one – and untangled himself from his furiously heating up boyfriend. He quickly jumped back and looked down, realizing he was just in shorts and nothing else.

Taehyung looked back and gave him a small glare, cheeks tainted in the same red as Jungkook's.

"I-I'm j-just going to-", the gardener stuttered, pointing upstairs to show what he meant. Taehyung nodded slowly, his soft glare telling the gardener to get dressed quickly. He swiftly ran back up the stairs and the younger turned back to the maids with a smile on his face.

"Sorry for my boyfriend he's quite-".

"Boyfriend!?", the maids screeched and Taehyung quickly threw his hands onto his mouth, realization dawning upon him as he heard himself say the word.

"I-I'm just g-going to-", Taehyung stuttered before rushing upstairs himself.

The maids were left behind, staring at each other with shocked faces until one of them started laughing.

"Those kids are so adorable".

As they proceeded with their jobs, those two adorable kids were being flustered in the bedroom. Taehyung stormed inside, cheeks flushed and hands still clamped onto his mouth. Jungkook in the mean time was furiously pulling on a shirt he had found on the floor and glanced up at his boyfriend who cannonballed himself into bed before burritoing himself into the sheets.

"I am so embarrassed", Taehyung whined out, his voice coming out muffled by the layer of sheets wrapped around his small frame. Jungkook chuckled at that and stopped the boy from rolling around – left right left right – onto the bed. He caught the wriggling burrito into his arms and tried untangling him again.

"Jungkookie", Taehyung whined as his face got freed and his arms wiggled their way out of the hole to clutch the other's face in his hands and squishing it, making the gardener have pouty lips, "What will we do? Will father accept us?" He sighed and released the other before freeing himself out of the tangled bed sheets.

"It'll be alright Tae", the gardener smiled as his face got released, "And if he doesn't, we can still go live with my mom". He pecked the younger boy's nose and cuddled up to him, giving tiny kisses to Taehyung's neck to which the other giggled.

"You're so cute Jungkookie", the younger smiled, ruffling his boyfriend's hair, "I'm sure my father will accept you. He has to! I'm old enough to make my own decision now".

Jungkook smiled, "My mom loves you already so you won't have any trouble being accepted into her family".

"Family", Taehyung smiled, "Sounds nice.. When we marry I will finally have a mom! And siblings! Well... sort of. And oh! Maybe when we get older we can go live in town in that small house nearby that Chinese restaurant and we can have colorful roses in front of our windows and a nice little garden with an apple tree where we can have picnics every weekend in the shadow".

Jungkook's eyes widened, hearing the younger's thought about the future. He was glad he was included into it, but he hadn't expected his boyfriend to want all of this. His heart beat faster at the thought.

"A-And what about a dog?", he replied nervously, "Like a small poodle that could play with the kids. Or a golden retriever! I heard they are very friendly and energetic. And I could make a swing that goes with the tree! Or a whole swingset. O-Or a little wooden playhouse with slide and sandbox. I could make that. I could learn".

Taehyung gasped and grabbed his boyfriend's hands, "K-Kids? You want to adopt kids with me? You would do that? Even though you'd be scared?", he stumbled out, eyes boring into the older's.

"Of course. Even though I have my fears, I have to get over them. I may not be the smartest man, but my heart is big enough to be a father, and maybe even a good one".

Taehyung smiled brightly, tears brimming in his eyes. He cupped Jungkook's cheeks and pressed their lips together, kissing him hard.

I really really love you.

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