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"Don't leave the child alone!"

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"Don't leave the child alone!"

Taehyung flinched at the sudden appearance of the gardener who had dashed outside in panic. The little girl stared at the panicked older guy with wide doe eyes, dropping her little red shovel in the white sand. Taehyung's mouth fell open as well when Jungkook stumbled and came to a halt in front of the both of them.

"Don't leave the bacon alone!", the younger then yelled, flailing his hands around and ran back inside, leaving a panting Jungkook behind.

The gardener stared at the blonde girl who was staring back at him with equal intensity.

"At least you're still alive", he sighed, wiping the sweat off his forehead before awkwardly smiling at the child. Her little red shoes were placed next to the sand box and her red dress was already covered in sand.

Jungkook pulled a funny face to make her laugh since her blank stare was slightly creeping him out.

She giggled and squished her cheeks before grabbing a handful of sand and shoving it down her throat.

The gardener screeched once again, startling Taehyung once again.

"Wash gowing own now?", he spoke through a mouthful of slightly burnt bacon. He winced as he bit on completely burnt piece. "Such a waste of bacon...", he pouted, "What's gotten into Jungkook's head?"

He shrugged and kept shoving eggs and bacon into his mouth until he decided on sauntering back into the garden, where a panicked Jungkook was trying to make the girl spit out the dirty, spit soaked sand.

"She ate sand!", Jungkook yelled, flailing around as he kept hitting her back as the girl had gone into a coughing fit.

Taehyung came to a halt and watched the scene with slightly amused eyes.

He'd be a good father one day.

The younger gasped at himself and hit his cheek, slapping himself out of his daydream.

Get your head out of the gutter Taehyung! This is no time for daddy thoughts!

He straightened his posture and neared the two, gently pulling Jungkook away from the spluttering girl.

"Just get her some water", the younger spoke, trying to calm down the gardener, knowing he'd listen to him. Jungkook quickly nodded and ran off to grab a glass of water, leaving Taehyung once again alone with the girl.

"You're quite the troublemaker, aren't you?", Taehyung sighed, watching the girl scrunch her nose at the taste of sand in her mouth, "You've been here for fifteen minutes and Jungkook is already freaked out of his mind".

He picked up the girl and carried her inside, meeting Jungkook on the way in who almost tripped on the doorstep. He shoved the glass of water in Taehyung's hands, earning a raised eyebrow from the younger.

"I'll go to my room and get her some of my toys", Taehyung spoke as he made the girl drink the water, "You go eat breakfast and calm down for the time being".

The gardener nodded and sulked into the kitchen, only now realizing just how weird he had behaved in front of Taehyung. The said boy placed the little girl on his bed and pulled out his doll house, showing it to the curious girl. She giggled and clapped her hands, signalizing her excitement.

He then took the dollhouse and the girl back downstairs, setting her down onto the ground with the dollhouse in front of her. "Now you'll stay here and quietly play with these dolls while I go fix Jungkook back to his normal state".

The girl only gurgled happily which made Taehyung roll his eyes. He really felt like the grown up for once, which was weird considering he was a little most of the time.

"Jungkook", he called out, stepping into the kitchen where Jungkook was nibbling on some bread, "We need to talk".

The gardener meekly nodded and watched Taehyung sit down beside him. The younger folded his hands with a sigh, "Ever since that girl arrived here you've been acting all weirdly. I've been thinking about it and I noticed how it's the same behavior you've had whenever you had to take care of me. I know something happened in your past which made you like this but please, you know you can tell me right, and you said you would tell me when the time was right. But when will it be right?".

Jungkook looked up from the spot on the table he had been intensely staring at, "I-" His voice broke and he quickly cleared his throat, not wanting to sound any weaker than he was already, "I'm afraid you'll hate me".

Taehyung's eyes softened and the corners of his lips were tugged downwards, "I could never hate you Jungkook. I like you too much to ever do that".

"I'll tell you", Jungkook sniffled, "But not now. Maybe later tonight".

Taehyung nodded, and grabbed the older's hand that was on the table, intertwining their fingers, "I promise I won't treat you differently after you told me".

Jungkook stared up at him, releasing their hands and showing him his pinky, "Pinky promise?"

The younger giggled, feeling like their roles had reversed. He laced their pinkies together and smiled, "Pinky promise".


ooooh jungkook is about to tell the secret about his past. many have probably guessed it already in earlier chapters but i still didn't want to reveal it so soon bc they had to completely trust each other first

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