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The afternoon rolled around and Jungkook had finally calmed down after talking with Taehyung

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The afternoon rolled around and Jungkook had finally calmed down after talking with Taehyung. They had been playing with the child, reading her stories and even holding a tea party (where she tried to eat the fake plastic muffins which resulted into a screaming Jungkook once again) until Jungkook's mom appeared at the front gates to come pick her up.

"Thank you for looking after her. I bet Rosaline will be happy", she smiled, pinching both Taehyung as well as Jungkook's cheeks, "Maybe she'll even give you something in return".

"Appew wie?", Jungkook tried saying as his cheek got assaulted. Taehyung glanced at him and laughed at the hopeful and shiny eyes of the older. Rosaline's apple pie seemed to have a huge effect on him.

"Maybe", his mother laughs before releasing both boys (and their aching cheeks) and climbing into her car, "Bye guys!"

Both boys waved her goodbye, seeing the car get out of the driveway and onto the street.

"Glad that kid is gone", Taehyung mumbled, placing his hands on his hips, "Though I'll miss her cute smile".

The gardener turned to him, "You have a cute smile too", which made the younger's eyes widen and his cheeks flush red. "Shut up", he muttered before grabbing Jungkook's wrist and dragging him inside.

Taehyung was glad the little girl was gone, because her being gone meant he got his alone time with Jungkook back. Giddy at the thought, he flung himself onto the couch, seeing the gardener stop and stare at the clock ticking on the wall.

"We should probably eat soon", he said, watching the seconds pass by, almost making the clock hit 6. He heard the younger huff and turned to him. "I'm not hungry", Taehyung whined, stretching his limbs, making him look like a starfish on the couch.

A sudden idea struck the younger's mind and he quickly shot up. Gaze going from Jungkook to the door going down the wine cellar. "But I am quite thirsty".

The gardener tilted his head, "Should I get you some water?"

"Water is so bland", Taehyung shook his head and lifted his hand to point at the cellar door, "I fancy a special drink at the moment".

Jungkook followed the other's pointed finger and realized where the other was heading to.

"Oh", he hummed in realization, "Well- I guess I can get a bottle of wine if you want. But I'm not sure I'm allowed into the cellar and don't know anything about wine".

Taehyung brightly smiled, glad the other finally caught on, "I'll pick something out. You can go grab something to eat if you want".

Jungkook nodded and turned around, mumbling something to himself.

"I think I saw some chicken nuggets in the freezer".


Taehyung carried a dusted bottle in his hands, the black bottle almost hiding the wine inside. The name displayed 'Shiraz' and it was bottled in 1999. The younger placed the bottle on the table in the living room and giggled at the thought of drinking alcohol, something his father didn't allow him to do.

He noticed Jungkook standing in the kitchen, chewing on a chicken nugget topped with ketchup and mayo. Taehyung creeped up on him and when he thought the moment was right, he jumped onto the gardener's back, latching his limbs onto the other's broad figure.

"Heya", he yelled, scaring the older so he started coughing up chicken. Taehyung smiled sheepishly and tried hitting Jungkook on the back to prevent him for choking.

"You startled me", Jungkook coughed, placing one hand on the counter while another went to hold up Taehyung's thigh that was wrapped around his waist.

"Sorry", the younger giggled, before stretching out one hand to grab one of the last chicken nuggets, starting to munch on it, "I found a bottle of red wine".

"Good", Jungkook nodded, before walking over to the sink to wash his hands, carrying Taehyung around with him. He then felt the younger slide off him and go up to a cabinet to find two cups.

He then grabbed Jungkook by the arm and pulled him into the living room, pushing him down on the couch.

"I'm so excited", Taehyung grinned, holding up the bottle, "It's 16 percent. That's not much right?"

The gardener shrugged and examined the black bottle. Taehyung frowned and glanced at the top of the bottle.

"Now um how do we open it?"


sorry for the long wait! I promise next chapter will be very very very exciting

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