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"I really miss maid Mary at the moment"

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"I really miss maid Mary at the moment".

"Me too".

Both boys were standing in the kitchen, staring at an empty pot and some dry noodles that they put into it. They had no idea what to make or how to make it, and they were already starving. Jungkook sighed and turned on his heels, going to look into the fridge in case something useful would be in there.

"What if we order food? They always do that in the movies", Taehyung piped up, seeing the older frown at the empty fridge and slam it shut. The gardener turned around and complied once he saw the twinkling eyes of the younger. He watched as Taehyung tip toed to grab the house phone which laid on the highest cabinet and hand it to Jungkook. The gardener stared at it with a puzzled look and glanced back at Taehyung.

"What?", the younger asked, "You don't expect me to make the call right? That's so scary!"

"But who are we calling?", Jungkook asked, "I know there's a Chinese restaurant in town but I don't know its number".

"We could go here!", Taehyung jumped up, excitement filling his veins, "It'd be like an adventure!"

And it would be like our first date, the younger thought happily.

Jungkook arched an eyebrow and looked outside of the window, seeing his lonely bike standing in the garden next to the shed. Would he be able to safely get both of them to town? Would Master Kim approve of that?

"Come on, I'm starving", Taehyung whined, grabbing Jungkook by the hand to tug him outside.

Jungkook followed the younger, since he wasn't a person to defy orders, and locked the door behind him, shoving the key inside of his pocket. He watched as Taehyung skipped to the garage next the house where he got a yellow helmet, strapping it on top of his head. He had grabbed a warm coat on his way out and put it on, zipping it shut and wrapping a fluffy scarf around him. It was 8 in the evening so the usual warm weather was quickly cooling down to a chilly night. Jungkook was wearing a light and worn out jacket that he had gotten for his eighteenth birthday. He walked over to his bike and brought it to the gate, an excited Taehyung skipping behind him humming some song that cleared up the silence in the air.

"Be careful", Jungkook mumbled as he watched Taehyung climb on the bike, the small arms wrapping around the gardener's waist once he was sat. Jungkook breathed in and began paddling with confidence, hearing Taehyung squeal behind him and chuckle once they were out of the garden and out on the little street. It would take ten minutes to reach the town that was already dotted with streetlamps, making it look like starts shining from a distance.

The wind made both boys' hair fly in the wind, making the youngest chuckle, one hand messing with the older's brown hair. The houses got closer and closer until they eventually made it to the main street of the little town, Taehyung waving at the townsfolk who were enjoying the last sunrays of the day. They returned the waves with friendly smiles and raised eyebrows at each other once they realized it was the Kim's son who was on the backseat, riding with the Jeon kid.

They reached the restaurant which was luckily still open. After placing the bike next to the wall, they made their way into the small but cozy looking restaurant.

"Hello there", a friendly woman smiled, carrying two menus, "Table for two?"

Taehyung nodded and they were led to a seat in the back of the room. Few other people were in the restaurants, silently talking with each other and enjoying each other's presence.

They both got handed a menu card and ordered drinks immediately.

"Have you ever drunk alcohol Kookie?", the younger asked once they scanned the menu, licking lips at all the appetizing food choices.

"One time at a Christmas party", Jungkook remembered, squinting his eyes at the memory, "I didn't really like the taste I think".

Taehyung hummed, "I want to try it one day. Father never lets me take a sip whenever he opens a bottle of wine".

He gasps and lowers the card, coming face to face with Jungkook who merely looked at the boy with a puzzled look.

"We have a wine cellar underneath the house. We could totally take a bottle and try it", Taehyung grinned brightly, already ecstatic at the thought of doing something so rebellious.

"B-But what if Master Kim notices a bottle is missing?", Jungkook wondered, "Can't I get fired?"

"You're not working at the moment. And he's not paying you for nannying me. So just see this as two friends hanging out. He can't fire a friend!"

Two friends hanging out... Two boys on a date who have kissed multiple times... Practically the same isn't it?

"Alright", Jungkook shrugged, "But for now I want the fried noodles with sweet and sour sauce and chicken".

Taehyung smiled, "I'm taking the duck in orange sauce with fried rice".

And we can wash it all away with a bottle of red wine...or maybe white... or both...


i randomly decided to go for a run at 10 pm in the park near my dorm. i never jog. i dont do exercise. but there i was running in a dark city blasting fall out boy and coming back after a ten minute run. why am i so impulsive? lol

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