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I wanna fall inside your ghost
And fill up every hole inside my mind
And I want everyone to know
That I am half a soul divided

★I wanna fall inside your ghostAnd fill up every hole inside my mindAnd I want everyone to knowThat I am half a soul divided★

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Taehyung scrunched his nose, wiggling his body further into the warm spot of the mattress. He whined when yet another disturbance to his sleep was given to him. He nudged his pillow, which was actually Jungkook's arm, and tried going back to sleep.

The gardener sighed, noting how he had pecked Taehyung's nose & forehead without any hoped reaction coming from the other. It had taken him great courage to kiss the other's face but Taehyung was too sleepy to acknowledge anything besides going back to his dreams.

"Taehyung", Jungkook cooed, finally taking his courage to press a light kiss on the other's lips.

The younger boy's mind finally began to start their work for the day and registered their first task of the day- being kissed.

Red bloomed on the brunette's cheeks after the realization set in & his almond eyes flew open, confusion & shock evident in his brown eyes. Jungkook's cheeks were softly dusted pink as he sent the other a shy smile, indicating he too was unsure of his actions.

"Did- did you just kiss me?", the smaller asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Jungkook nodded and gave a grin when he got the reaction he wanted out of the other, seeing how shyness & a deep blush crashed down onto the younger.

Taehyung quickly hid underneath the comfy bedsheets, letting out a quiet shriek after realization now finally sank in completely.

Jungkook had kissed him. Jungkook kissed him. He had finally shared a kiss with Jungkook!

Yet another shriek escaped the other's lips which effectively made the oldest of the two chuckle. He stared fondly at the lump underneath the bedsheets where the little Charmander had hid himself to mentally freak out. He waited for the younger's embarrassment to settle down until the brown fluffy hair of Taehyung peeked out from underneath the covers, his eyes soon following as they warily looked at Jungkook.

"Why?", he asked with a small voice.

"Why what?", Jungkook asked.

Taehyung frowned, "Why did you kiss me?"

"Didn't you want me to?", the gardener asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"My question is if you wanted to", Taehyung mumbled, suddenly fearing Jungkook had been awake the other day when he had gone on his little adventure of giving Jungkook small hesitant kisses.

Their conversation was interrupted when the door opened, showing Taehyung's father wearing a white shirt with paint splatters all over the once clean fabric.

"It's time to wake up boys. Jungkook, you have half an hour until your work starts. Taehyung, your teacher will be here shortly".

Both males nodded and even though his father noticed the tension in the air & the blush on his son's face, he decided not to ask further questions. When he left, Jungkook immediately started throwing on clothes & wanting to have breakfast before his shift started, he left the room, not answering Taehyung's last question.

"I'm honestly so confused", the eighteen year old mumbled before falling back into the bed, fumbling with his onesie's tail.


Taehyung made the exercises his teacher had told him to do while the older man got himself some coffee. They were sitting outside since the weather was nice for once. The brunette had bundled up himself with a long sleeve shirt, a thick sweater and coat. His mustard colored scarf was neatly wrapped around his neck to protect him from any cold. His legs swung & hit the chair with every kick as he tried finishing the exercises without any mistakes. His tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration, which was suddenly broken when a familiar figure walked past him with a watering can in his left hand.

"Jungkook?", Taehyung quickly called out behind the other.

The gardener froze and turned around, not sure what the other wanted to talk about.

Taehyung glanced left & right to make sure no one was nearby to interrupt them. When he was sure no one was looking at them from the house, he made his way over to the older.

"Yes?", Jungkook asked, tilting his head since the other was acting a bit strange.

"I-I just um wanted", Taehyung's hands slipped on the older's shoulders as he stood on his tippy toes, "to give it back".

He pulled Jungkook a bit down since he couldn't fully reach the older, before pressing his lips against the gardener's for a few seconds. He closed his eyes while anxiety & butterflies bubbled up inside his tummy while gripping Jungkook's shoulders tighter in his hands.

When he pulled back, his cheeks had completely flushed red & he directed his gaze to the ground.

"You gave my kiss back?", Jungkook asked, staring amazed at the younger.

Taehyung only nodded, too embarrassed to say anything at all. He heard footsteps near him once again & felt a kiss being pressed to his forehead.

"I'll guess I'll have to give you kisses so you can always return them to me", Jungkook smiled before walking away, leaving a flustered & smiling boy behind.

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