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I actually got this chapter idea because I dreamt of it this night. I literally dreamed this chapter as if I was in this universe. How fucking weird is that? I mean- I'm grateful since I got a chapter idea out of it the moment I woke up. But still... maybe I'm too hardcore involved in my books. Also: this chapter has a huge tip on Jungkook if you were still wondering what's 'wrong' with him.

 Also: this chapter has a huge tip on Jungkook if you were still wondering what's 'wrong' with him

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Taehyung woke up and was surprised to see Jungkook working in the garden. It had been two days since he had visited the older and it seemed the gardener had gotten better in that short amount of time. Taehyung got quite jealous of the strength the gardener's body seemed to preserve. Whenever Taehyung had a cold or a fever he would suffer for more than a week.

He averted his gaze from his window and went to the closet. Thick dark clouds hung in the sky and hid the sun perfectly. It seemed like one of those stormy days and Taehyung's face fell at the thought of his homework still being left untouched. He had been neglecting it for the past days but the books were now screaming for him to pay attention to them. His private teacher visited two days a week and Taehyung had to read and study on himself for the rest of the days. But ever since he became friends with Jungkook, he kind of forgot this responsibility.

He sighed and pulled on a mustard colored sweater and dark blue shorts. Wrapped in his fluffy blanket, he sat down in front of his desk and started on his mathematics exercises. Maid Mary came around with a plate filled with bacon and eggs and shortly left after making sure Taehyung didn't want anything else.

Jungkook was sweating from the labor he was doing. The shovel was dirtied with dirt from all the holes he had made but he kept going, wanting to finish the task his master had given him. Taehyung's father had left for a meeting in town that morning and had spoken with Jungkook shortly.

The gardener froze as a raindrop landed on his nose. He frowned and wiped it off his face. Not late after more raindrops fell, until the water gates seemed to have opened completely and unleash everything they could lose.

Jungkook dropped his shovel and ran inside, stopping on the house mat in case he'd make a mess. His clothes were drenched and water dripped from his shirt and jeans onto his shoes. A maid noticed him standing there like a lost puppy and got him a towel so he could at least dry himself a little.

Taehyung noticed the storm outside taking place. A rumble of thunder echoed through the house and he quickly ran to the window. Pressing his nose against the cool glass, his eyes searched for a certain gardener. When he couldn't spot Jungkook he soon made his way downstairs, only to be met by a drenched Jungkook who was trying to dry his hair with a pink towel.

Taehyung chuckled which caught the attention of the older. Jungkook showed a small smile and shrugged, as if to say he couldn't help being this soaked.

"I'll give you some dry clothes", Taehyung said and got back upstairs. Since his clothes would most likely not fit the other's broad chest, he made his way into his father's room.

He got out a black shirt and black sweatpants with matching socks. He rushed back downstairs and handed Jungkook the clothes before pushing him into the small bathroom that was situated close to the back door. The storm was still going on with full force and Taehyung realized Jungkook might not even be able to work today. And there was no way the younger was going to let him go home on his bike in this weather.

"Hey Jungkook", the younger knocked on the door which Jungkook had disappeared behind. The gardener walked out, giving a confused look to the brunette who stood still as if frozen.

"What is it?", the gardener asked confused, pulling on the shirt he had in his hand. Now fully dressed and his muscles being hidden by the black fabric, Taehyung finally got out of his starstruck daze. He hadn't expected the older to just walk out like that, without a shirt on and with his abs on full display.

Taehyung felt his cheeks go rosy and a shy smile made a way onto his lips. He rubbed the ball of his foot against the wooden flooring and cleared his throat, "I was wondering if you'd like to watch a movie?"

Jungkook tilted his head in confusion.

Taehyung's eyes were staring intensely at the floor, "Since you can't work in this storm".

The gardener wanted to protest, saying he could go home but the younger immediately refused.

"I'm not letting you go home on a bike when you've just recovered from a fever!"

The younger realized he had spoken a bit strongly and quickly lowered his voice again, "Please just wait until the storm is over. You can keep me company until then".

Jungkook allowed the smaller to pull him upstairs since he couldn't really refuse such a request. And in one way or another, Taehyung was also his boss.

He sat down on the fluffy bed as Taehyung dove down in search of his DVD's that were hidden somewhere underneath his bed. Jungkook looked around the room and his eyes fell on the papers sprawled across the wooden desk in the room. The gardener made his way over to the messy corner and glanced down at the things written on the pieces of paper. All sort of equations and formulas were sprawled messily across the paper, trying to work out certain questions. Jungkook frowned as his eyes glazed over by seeing all the things he could never understand. He quickly blinked away the tears that had suddenly appeared in his vision and turned around as Taehyung yelled out he had found the movies.

"Oh", Taehyung lowered the box filled with DVDs as he noticed the messy desk, "I was doing my homework before the storm started".

"Shouldn't you finish it?", Jungkook asked and frowned when he saw the younger shrug.

"I'll do it later. They're not that difficult anyway", Taehyung said as he got his laptop and dumped it onto the bed. Jungkook glanced one last time at the gibberish of mathematics and went over to the bed too.

Taehyung had crawled underneath the covers already and patted the space next to him. Jungkook slid down beside him and made himself comfortable, not minding the fact Taehyung was sort of leaning onto him since his shoulder was the perfect height to be the younger's cushion.

"Ready?", Taehyung asked, already pressing the play button.

"What are we watching?", Jungkook asked.

"One of my favorite movies", Taehyung smiled, "Forest Gump".


Also I drew the ground plan of Atama (It's not pretty since I'm a writer, not an artist)

Also I drew the ground plan of Atama (It's not pretty since I'm a writer, not an artist)

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I hope it helps visualizing ٩(๑❛❛๑)۶

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