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The boys were on their way back home, the cool evening air awakening them after their cozy dinner at the Chinese restaurant

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The boys were on their way back home, the cool evening air awakening them after their cozy dinner at the Chinese restaurant. Taehyung's arms were tightly wrapped around the gardener's waist, his face smudged against the older's broad back. He felt like cuddling and falling asleep next to Jungkook, but at the same he didn't want the night to end so quickly. He had been very excited about being a little drunk with Jungkook- but now, with a tummy full of food and the cool breeze ruffling his hair, he didn't feel like doing anything but sleep.

"We're here", Jungkook spoke up, almost startling the younger since he had been fighting sleep for the past minutes. It was almost 11 pm and the night sky was dark with clouds fogging over the brightly shining stars. The garden was equally as dark, slightly creeping the younger out as he stayed glued to Jungkook's side, not wanting to wander into the garden alone.

"Everything alright?", the gardener asked, noticing the other's off behavior.

Taehyung merely nodded and slipped his hand into the older's warmer one, "Just a tad scared of the dark", he chuckled dryly, tightening his grip on Jungkook's hand when he heard an owl screeching.

Jungkook smiled at that and released the younger's hand, making said boy frown cutely until he felt a hand snaking around his waist, pressing him against the gardener. The warmth Jungkook was radiating made the younger blush furiously so he quickly pushed his face into the older's side, wanting to hide his flushed cheeks.


Taehyung nodded shyly, still not used to being so close to the older and that hand- oh god that hand was sending tingles straight to his heart and he felt like throwing up butterflies.

"Let's go inside", Jungkook smiled, guiding the other to the other end of the garden where the back door of the house was situated. They quickly got inside, making Taehyung both sigh in relief & pout in disappointment. He liked the feeling of Jungkook protecting him.

But he quickly forgot about that once he spotted the comfy couch in the living room. He threw off his shoes and threw himself onto the couch, quickly making himself comfortable by throwing a random blanket that was already there over him.

He watched the gardener toe off his shoes and carefully lock the backdoor.

"Jungkook", he called out, seeing the older turn around and look at him. "Come here for a second".

The gardener complied and walked over to the couch, taking the spot Taehyung was patting on. As soon as he sat down, the younger cuddled up against him, throwing the blanket over Jungkook to share it with him.

"You're very cuddly today", the older chuckled, ruffling the other's hair who leaned into the touch.

"Aren't I always?", Taehyung pointed out, swinging a leg over the older's legs, "Now come cuddle I'm cold".

Jungkook smiled teasingly, "Aren't you always cold?",

"Shush you", the younger smiled embarrassed, bringing the other down with him so they could cuddle on the couch. He immediately felt strong arms wrap around him as he did the same, bringing his head to the crook of Jungkook's neck, pressing his nose against the older's shoulder. His breath fanned against the sensitive skin, making Jungkook shiver once in a while.

Taehyung closed his eyes, feeling the older's hands sliding up and down his back, creating a soothing feeling that was enough to send the younger in a lovestruck daze.

"J-Jungkook", Taehyung mumbled out shyly, his hands gripping the gardener's shirt.

The older hummed, inhaling the blueberry scent Taehyung's hair was bathed in. His eyes fluttered open when Taehyung took a long time to reply. He looked down in concern and brought the other up by the waist so they were face to face.

Taehyung's eyes widened at this and he quickly averted them to the side, not daring to look Jungkook in the eye.

"What's wrong?", the gardener asked, worry lacing his voice.

"I-I uhm was w-wondering if you um could you know", Taehyung stuttered, almost forgetting to breathe, "If you could k-kiss me".

Jungkook arched an eyebrow, wondering why Taehyung seemed so awkward asking this when they had kissed before. The gardener didn't need to be asked twice because in only a matter of seconds Taehyung felt lips press against his own, softly moving in a slow pace that made the younger's heart melt. A warm hand gripped his cheek and he drowned in the feeling of Jungkook being pressed against him, kissing him like he was the world's most fragile person. Obnoxiously loud kissing sounds filled the room but neither of them cared as they were drunk on the taste of each other's lips. Taehyung's hands slid to the back of Jungkook's neck, pressing him even closer against himself and began playing with the other's brown hair.

The younger decided to take it a step further and felt audacious as he opened his mouth letting the other roam his tongue around. Jungkook was new to this too so they didn't care whether their nose awkwardly bumped against each other or if Jungkook's tongue dragged against a sensitive spot in Taehyung's mouth which made the younger giggle by the ticklish feeling.

As they relished in the feeling of the moment, they pulled back, gasping for air and softly smiling at each other, the youngest of the two feeling his cheeks flush like there was no tomorrow.

"Taehyung", Jungkook spoke up, slipping his hand to the dip of the younger's waist.

The younger giggled at the ticklish feeling and hummed, staring the gardener in the eyes.

"I was wondering I could kiss you again".

"Come here you turnip", Taehyung smiled brightly, "Let's never ask that question again".

Soon their lips crashed into each other again, the same thing happening with their hearts.

Soon their lips crashed into each other again, the same thing happening with their hearts

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fluffy enough ???

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