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This story is soft and pure
It doesn't need to be oversexualized
And if you weren't sure
doesn't matter how you fantasize
Jungkook's dick and pacifier aren't synonyms

✿This story is soft and pureIt doesn't need to be oversexualizedAnd if you weren't suredoesn't matter how you fantasizeJungkook's dick and pacifier aren't synonyms✿

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Jungkook realized that the weight on his shoulder had disappeared. He glanced at the side and noticed Taehyung's head lulling forward as the boy was fast asleep. A small smile graced the gardener's lips and he gently pushed the other's head back to lay on his shoulder.

The movie had almost ended and his mood had gotten quite better by watching the story proceed and see the main character Forrest finally be happy with himself. When the end credits played Jungkook shut he laptop and placed it on the bedside table. He wondered if he should wake up Taehyung but decided against it since the younger seemed at peace.

He slid out of the bed and placed Pyonpyon on the bed as his replacement. Of course the stuffed bunny didn't contain the heat Jungkook was providing him with. So unconsciously the younger began to whimper as he lost his warmth and pillow.

Jungkook watched the brunette in worry and frantically went on a search for the younger's pacifier. He thought Taehyung might needed it to sleep well. He found the little thing on the end of Taehyung's desk and quickly headed back to the bed with the binky dangling between his fingers.

The younger was on the verge of waking up, but soon relaxed again at the familiar feeling of the pacifier resting between his teeth. His eyes fluttered back closed and he nuzzled his head further into the pillow Jungkook had used to get back some warmth.

The gardener smiled and flicked off the lights before closing the door behind him. Walking down the stairs, he caught the scent of steak in the air and right at that moment, maid Mary walked out of the kitchen, carrying a huge plate where steaks were stacked upon each other. The woman noticed the hungry raven haired male standing at the back door and chuckled.

"You can join us for dinner if you want", she smiled, "Master isn't going to be home until late this night. And uhm where's Taehyung?"

"Oh he fell asleep during the movie we watched so I tucked him in", Jungkook replied. He was unsure whether to join the maids who sat around the table since he didn't want to intrude. He could just go home, since Taehyung was asleep now and couldn't exactly stop him from doing so.

"You're so nice Jungkook", one of the maids replied, "You'd be a good nanny".

This made the male tense up and he quickly shook his head.

"I'll stick with plants", he replied almost too fast. The maid frowned slightly but decided to ignore it. Jungkook scratched his neck nervously. At least if plants died you weren't really punished for it.

"Come join us", another maid smiled.

"Should I wake up Taehyung first?", Jungkook asked, "He's been asleep for a while now".

Maid Mary seemed to ponder before nodding, "That boy does sleep a lot and I'm sure he still needs to finish some homework. And he can't do that with an empty stomach and a sluggish mind".

Jungkook nodded and went back up the stairs. He really didn't want to wake up the younger but it would be best for him. 

He opened the door and peeked through it, seeing the younger still sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling with short little puffs of air. Jungkook wasn't really sure how to wake up the younger without startling him. He sighed and placed himself on the edge of the bed, slowly reaching out his hand before shaking the brunette's arm gently. Taehyung mumbled in his sleep and turned on his side, facing Jungkook.

"Taehyung", he whispered, "Wake up. Dinner's ready".

The younger's eyes fluttered open and he sleepily hummed before nuzzling his face further into Pyonpyon. He unconsciously smiled at the warmth radiating off Jungkook. He now realized why he had suddenly felt so cold in his sleep.

"Dif I faw asweep duwing the mowie?", Taehyung yawned, his binky still tucked in his mouth. He sat up in bed and ruffled his hair sleepily. Jungkook chuckled and fixed Taehyung's bed hair that stuck to every angle imaginable. The younger's cheek heated up at the action and he quickly went a lot shyer than before. He also now noticed the pacifier and quickly pulled it out before smiling sheepishly.

"You didn't even make it halfway", Jungkook replied before taking the younger's hand in his to pull him out of bed, "Let's go. Maid Mary invited me to dinner and I'm very hungry".

Taehyung had to giggle at this, though his main focus was on the larger hand holding his tightly. He tried to ignore the weird warm feeling rushing through him and focused on the very happy looking gardener.

He's actually really cute when he's like this.

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