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Taehyung sat huddled up inside of his room

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Taehyung sat huddled up inside of his room. It had been four days since his sleepover with Jungkook, and instead of everything being better between the two boys, it all went worse.

He, of course, didn't know about the talk Jungkook had had with his father so he thought the gardener had suddenly started avoiding him with his own intentions. His father hadn't expected this change of attitude to affect Taehyung in such a deep way. His son hadn't been outside or around the house ever since Jungkook disappeared out of his sight. He only stayed locked up in his room, holding sad tea parties and reading books which papers were now stained with shed tears.

Jungkook, on the other hand, wasn't feeling too good about it either. The said words bounced around inside of his head, cursing himself for being so utterly stupid. He promised not to hurt Taehyung, but he was forced to now or he could lose his job.

I want you to stay away from him. I only employed you to take care of some stupid plants. If I see you near him again, I'll be sure to inform your mother about your dismissal.

He sighed with bubbling frustration and kept shoveling up dirt. From where he was standing he could see Taehyung's window and the little shadow of the boy's position on the windowsill. He really wanted to yell out to him and apologize countless of times, spewing out the reason of his ignorance. But he couldn't. And so he kept silent, ignoring the desperate stare he knew he was getting.

Taehyung's father sighed and dropped his pencil on the desk. He couldn't concentrate on his sketching today. Taehyung hadn't joined him for breakfast that day, and neither did he for lunch. His worry grew every passing hour and it had reached a maximum now.

He stood up, the chair scraping backwards, and made his way to his son's room that was next to his. Knocking softly on the door, he wondered what he should say to the boy. But he couldn't come up with anything when a small 'yes' signalized him to enter.

He found the boy sitting on his windowsill, his face turned to look at the garden. Taehyung didn't move, knowing his father had walked inside and was taking a seat on his unmade bed. He really didn't feel like talking and the only person he wanted to talk to was outside, ignoring his presence.


The boy didn't budge which made his father sigh, drooping his shoulders.

"You haven't eaten at all today. I'm getting worried you know. The maids are fretting about it too".

His son still didn't give a sign of acknowledgement. The man didn't want to force his son to talk but this situation was getting out of hand. He couldn't let Taehyung's mental and physical health suffer from this.

The deadly silence in the room was broken by a soft sob. Taehyung's father stared at his son whose body was trembling from multiple loud cries racking through his small body. Taehyung had been trying to hold in his visible misery in front of his father but he couldn't keep it in any longer. Maybe it was his father's worried voice, or the fact he felt guilty for making the maids worry for him. Or maybe it was because Jungkook had just glanced at him and immediately turned his back to him, the gesture seeming like a jab into his big but fragile heart.

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