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things i need to point out before starting this chapter!

1. pretty much everything like 2700/3200 words are written by CLASSICHOBI and i sorta remixed my own writing into it haha

2. it doesn't include actual smut bc i didn't wanna write that and i don't think it is necessary in this story since this is overall a fluff book

3. yes you can get drunk by wine (referring to comments) when i was sixteen i drank 4 glasses of white wine and got wasted for the first time in my life so yeah taehyung is a bit drunk at the beginning. (sometimes i read stories where jungkook drinks like 2 bottles of tequila and doesn't feel a thing which is ridiculous because you're dead when that happens. Your body can't handle more than 60% alcohol in your bloodstream. one of my friends drank a whole bottle of wodka when he was fifteen and got transported to the hospital, got CPR because his heart stopped beating and only survived because he was quite fit for his age so yeah... pls research if you don't know anything about alcohol)

alright enough of my whining let's a go!

Needless to say that when the boys (finally) were able to open the bottle, and the rich liquid flowed in their mouths and slid through their throats, they began to feel a little tipsy. Taehyung let go of his insecurities and became a giggly mess, always trying to touch Jungkook in every way he could. He loved feeling the warmth underneath his touch, reveling in the strong arms of the other wrapped around him as they were squeezed onto the small couch.

Jungkook, on the other hand, didn't feel that much a difference. Maybe because he wasn't a lightweight or maybe because he hadn't drank as much as the enthusiastic younger. But either way, he didn't mind the other's touches and shy drunk kisses as they were fooling around on the couch.

As the evening got darker and turned into night, Jungkook thought it was a good idea to bring the younger to bed so they could sleep. He felt Taehyung nose his neck and snuggle into him as Jungkook wrapped his arms around the younger's thighs to lift him up. The younger giggled and wrapped his arms around the other's neck, feeling like he was flying high just by the fond look in the gardener's eyes.

Jungkook flicked off the lights, leaving the empty bottle of wine on the table as they made their way upstairs. He held a tight grip onto Taehyung as he went up the last few steps. The latter had his arms wrapped around the boy's neck, occasionally placing a soft kiss on the exposed part of his collarbones. Jungkook had a nice body, and Taehyung was kind of silently worshipping it at that moment.

The two had a long day. Well, a long week in general, so all Jungkook wanted to do was rush under the covers and allow Taehyung to fall apart in his arms. Soft giggles coming from the younger playing in the background, warmth from the thick covers, perhaps reading a disney book together, it just sounded like the best night ever. Jungkook had never had such a loving experience with a person before, so he was beyond eager to crawl into bed with Taehyung and cuddle.

Jungkook walked into the boy's room, glancing down at the floor to make sure he didn't step on Bamboozled. The little stuffed animal was on an adventure earlier, but must have been forgotten as Taehyung ran off somewhere to get his other stuffed animal friends. The boy didn't want to be rude to Taehyung's friends, rather be humble and respectful.

Jungkook approached the bed and set Taehyung on the bed, pulling back the blanket to try and maneuver it over it the younger's legs. He knew how bad Taehyung liked to cuddle with him so he could only hope the blanket bought him some time. Jungkook had been so focused on moving the blanket, he didn't notice Taehyung's staring.

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