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Taehyung sat on the new swing after trying to haul himself up if for what felt like hours

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Taehyung sat on the new swing after trying to haul himself up if for what felt like hours. He huffed and finally started kicking his one healthy leg back and forth, humming a silent tune to himself. He wondered where Jungkook was, since the gardener was nowhere to be seen. He had searched for him but decided to give up after a while, since he thought the gardener maybe didn't want be found.

So he was on his own for today, which he didn't specifically mind since he had been on his own since he was young. His father was a busy man, trying to paint as much as possible, and the maids weren't really the best buddies to play with.

He wondered if he could get his playmobile outside to play with it. He really liked playing in the garden but his toys weren't allowed outside. His dad only bought new stuffies or toys for him on one condition, they needed to stay inside of the house.

But his dad wasn't here now, was he?

He squealed and got off the swing, settling himself into his wheelchair again before wheeling to the front door. Wait- he couldn't get back up the stairs without Jungkook's help- He could try it on his own no? He was a big boy after all!

Getting out of the wheelchair, Taehyung placed his hands on the second step of the staircase and set his bum on the first step. Using the strength he had in his arms and one leg, he tried getting up the staircase, which didn't get him very far before he got exhausted. His arms wobbled and his healthy leg felt sore after just a few steps.

Taehyung grumbled at himself and pouted, crossing his arms and sitting on the stairs like a little child. Jungkook, who had stuffed his face full of Maid's Mary's freshly baked cookies, walked past the stairs, only to hear the younger calling out to him. He stopped in his tracks and looked to the staircase, furrowing his eyebrows when he noticed the younger sitting on the seventh step of it.

"Young master Taehyung?", he asked confused.

Taehyung stuck out his arms and made grabby hands towards the older. The older raised an eyebrow in confusion but went up the steps anyway, picking the older up into his arms before proceeding the walk up the stairs.

"What were you doing there?", he asked once they were in Taehyung's room. The younger didn't listen and dived underneath the bed, getting out his Playmobile vacation house and camper. He placed the said things on his bed and got out his Playmobile boat, fishing out a little pool too since the boat could actually float on water.

"I wanted to get my toys but couldn't get up the stairs", Taehyung explained after shoving a few things in the gardener's hands, "And I couldn't find you anywhere so I tried it myself".

"And you got not far", the brunette replied confused, "How weak are you?"

Taehyung's face fell at that statement and shrugged, "I was born too soon".

Jungkook frowned but decided to keep silent.

"Where were you anyway?", Taehyung asked, clearing his throat, "My father doesn't pay you to eat cookies".

"Maid Mary asked me to buy groceries since the other maids were too busy. I got cookies as a reward", he spoke, "Do you need to get downstairs again?"

Taehyung nodded and was once again carried to the garden by Jungkook whose hands were carrying the Playmobile camper and boat. Taehyung felt a bit awkward around the older now. It felt as if they had a fall out when Jungkook accused him of being weak.

Taehyung didn't want to tell him the whole story since he didn't trust his voice to keep steady. It always cracked or faltered whenever he talked about his mother.

Jungkook placed Taehyung in his secret garden since no one could see him playing there. The gardener didn't really understand why the younger wanted to be so secretive but filled the pool with water anyway and let Taehyung play by himself outside while he went to take care of the plants again.

When it got dark outside and the maids called Taehyung inside for dinner, Jungkook was already getting ready to go back home. He quickly realized Taehyung wouldn't be able to go inside himself since his wheelchair still stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Young master?", he called once he reached the secret garden, stopping in front of the brunette who was curled up into a ball, his head laying on one of the playmobile figures. Soft puffs of air left his mouth and Jungkook picked him up carefully, removing the little figure that stuck to Taehyung's cheek. He brought the sleeping younger inside and once the maids saw the cute young master sleeping in the gardener's arms, they instantly cooed.

"Bring him to bed Jungkook. I'll warm up his food once he wakes up", maid Mary told him and once again Jungkook was carrying the younger up the stairs. He placed the brunette on his bed, unsure on what to do, he decided on doing what his mother always did. He tried tucking in the younger, though it wasn't perfectly done, and pressed PyonPyon against his right side while Stripey laid on his left. He then placed a soft kiss on Taehyung's forehead which made the younger smile and his eyes fluttered open once Jungkook was ready to leave.

"D-Dada?", he mumbled out, stretching out his arm to grab the older's hand, "Miss my binky".

Jungkook arched an eyebrow in confusion and noticed the little blue pacifier on the younger's bedside table. He picked up the thing and showed it to Taehyung who quickly snatched it away and shoved it into his mouth.

The younger's eyes fluttered closed and once again he had drifted away into dreamland. Jungkook quietly left the room and went down the stairs, telling the maids goodbye before riding his bike home.

That was kinda weird... but cute.

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