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The boys had been trying to play frisbee since the weather was nice out

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The boys had been trying to play frisbee since the weather was nice out. The hedges were freshly shaved and the grass mowed (something Jungkook had done just before Taehyung's father had left) and the sunny weather with a gentle breeze was perfect for playing outside. But after realizing it acquired a lot of running, and Taehyung was wincing with every step he made, Jungkook decided on tucking the limping boy into bed and putting on a movie.

"But Jungkookie-", the boy whined, "It's such a nice day out".

"You need rest Tae", the gardener smiled, ruffling the boy's hair, "And I have an idea but you can't see it yet!"

The younger suspiciously narrowed his eyes but a small smile broke out on his face, "What are you planning?", he said curiously.

"You'll see", Jungkook smiled, "But you have to stay here until the movie ends and I promise we'll enjoy the nice weather after that. Is that alright?"

Taehyung nodded and heard Jungkook speak out the words, "Good boy", making his cheeks turn a light pink. He nuzzled into the warm bedcovers when the gardener left the room, watching the familiar Disney intro play onto the small laptop screen.

Meanwhile Jungkook scurried downstairs, very excited about the plan he had come up with that morning. He realized that when you loved someone, you took them out on dates. At least that's what happened in all the romantic movies his mother continuously watched. And since Taehyung and him had never gone on a date before (he didn't realize Taehyung saw dinner at the Chinese restaurant as their first date) he wanted to organize one himself.

He decided on visiting his mother first, knowing they have a picnic blanket somewhere laying around at home. When his father was still in the picture, they used to have family picnics next to the little creek just outside of town. He just hoped his mother hadn't burned the blanket together with all the other stuff that she had destroyed when he had left.

He rode his bike to his house and placed it against the fence before knocking on the door, already suspecting his little brother to open it. And as expected, the little boy opened the front door, peeking inbetween the gap to see who's there.

"Is mom home?", Jungkook asked, seeing his brother just stare at him like he always did. The youngest really had no facial expressions whatsoever and it kinda creeped the other siblings out. (and kinda also the whole town)

Jungkook sighed and pushed the door open, letting himself in since he knew his younger brother wouldn't be of any help. He noticed the twins sitting on the couch, watching Anpanman while bickering over splitting their candy. He quickly walked up the stairs in search of his mother who was probably catching up on some sleep or watching rom coms on her laptop.

He knocked on her bedroom door and heard her voice call him in. Cracking open the door, he saw his mom laying on her bed, old headphones on and secondhand laptop on her lap.

"Ah Jungkook", she smiled, "I hadn't expected you home yet. Is Mr. Kim back home already?"

The gardener shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed as his mother closed the laptop.

"When two people love each other they go on dates right?", Jungkook asked, nervously playing with his fingers.

His mom's eyes widened and she quickly took her son's hands in hers, "Did you exchange the "I love you's" already? That's so cute!"

Jungkook's cheeks flushed red, "I- no we didn't say that but since we made love that means we love each other! Right?"

And if Jungkook's mother's eyes hadn't been big enough, her eyes were now looking like they were going to burst right out of her sockets.

"Oh my god", she squeaked out before shaking her son around, "You had sex with him?"

"Uh- yeah yesterday", Jungkook mumbled, feeling himself being shaken around and getting a bit dizzy because of it.

"I am so happy for you Jungkookie!", she smiled, the smile almost breaking her face in half, "You found your special someone".

"Like the ones in the movies?", he asked hesitantly, his eyes lighting up, "Like the prince finds the princess?"

"It seems you've found your pretty little prince indeed", she smiled, pinching his cheek, "So you better take him out on a pretty little date too".

"I was thinking of a picnic since the weather is nice out", Jungkook replied, "So I was wondering if I could use the picnic blanket we always used".

She smiled at her son, relieved he finally found someone that could make him move on from his past.

"It's in the attic. And I have the old picnic basket we used to take with us lying around as well. Take it with you and prepare a lovely dinner for your lovely price", she winked, chuckling as her son's cheeks bloomed pink once again.

"Go have fun son!", she yelled after he closed the door, embarrassed by his mother once again.

In the mean time Taehyung was getting bored without the older by his side.

"I need to be a good boy", he mumbled to himself before letting out a yawn, "Jungkookie thinks I'm a good boy so I'll be one".

His eyes fluttered close, "This good boy is just going to take a nap".

And with that the younger fell asleep, letting the prince kissing sleeping beauty play out on the laptop without anyone watching it.

And with that Jungkook found his own sleeping beauty when he got home an hour later and Taehyung got woken up by his prince charming's kiss.



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