He talked to me today.

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Millie's pov

I woke up to someone pounding on my door.

"Millie, wake up, it's not the weekend!!" I heard my mom say, and I groaned. I got off my bed, and got dressed. I put on some light washed ripped jeans and a light pink v-neck shirt. I got ready for the day after that, and I headed out. Haley was right outside my door.

"Haley, what are you doing outside of my door?" I asked, and she smiled.

"I'm taking you to school today, remember? Your parents took away your car privileges because you went to that party." Haley said, and I nodded. I walked with her to her house, and I saw the one person I didn't wanna see today, Finn.

"Wait, Finn is driving us?" I asked her.

"Well yeah, he has to go to school too, and we didn't wanna bring 2 cars." Haley said, and I groaned. I got into the car, as did Haley.

"Haley, can you tell me why Millie is in the backseat of my car?" Finn said, obviously pissed off.

"I was gonna take her to school, but since you're taking me, then you're taking her." Haley said, and he groaned. I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window until we got to school. Just gotta make it through today and tomorrow, then it's the weekend. I got out of the car and walked into the school with Haley and we saw Sadie.

"Hey Sadie!!!!" Haley said, and Sadie smiled and said hi back. We walked to our lockers, and then the bell rang. I left and went to mine, then went to my first class, language. Oh yeah, by the way, I have classes with Finn, which sucks. I have him in my math class, my Spanish class, and my Biology class. But at least I have classes with my friends. I have language and math with Sadie, and history and biology with Haley. I walk into language class, and sit down next to Sadie. She talked for a while, but I didn't really care what she had to say, I just wanted to sleep.


"Okay, that's the lesson for today, you have 10 minutes to do whatever." My biology teacher said. Haley walks over to where I sit, and sits across from me. Of course, Finn has to be my table partner.

"So, do you wanna come over and study at my house for the test?" Haley said. I saw Finns head look up from his phone up at Haley then turn to me, which I didn't care.

"Sure." I said, and then she continued to talk.

"Finn, do you wanna study with us?" She asked him, and I almost laughed. I don't think Finn would want to study with us, especially me.

"Study? No thanks, I'm good. Especially with Millie." He said, and I nodded.

"Come on, you guys love each other!!" Haley said, and everyone's head turned our way.

"No, Haley, we don't." I said, and I saw Finns head nod. One thing that we agree on.

"Whatever you guys say." Haley said, and Finn went back on his phone. Everyone went back to what they were doing, and then the bell rang. I got out of the room and walked to Spanish, then sat down. God, I hate this class.

"I actually need to get a schedule change, I think I see enough of you already in one day." Finn said, as he walked over to my desk to sit behind me.

"Me too." I said, and then grabbed my phone. Then, I got a text.

Romeo- Hey, what's up?

Romeo. I've liked him since however long I can remember. I've gotten him to text me, which is nice. Brooke said not to trust him, but what is there not to trust? Whatever.

Millie- In Spanish, boring. What about you?

I sent it, then I immediately got a reply.

Romeo- Study hall.

Millie- I wish I was in study hall.

Romeo- Yeah. Well, I'm assuming you have to go, so I'll text you later?

Millie- Yeah, bye.

I put my phone in my backpack behind me, and then faced forward again, even though class hasn't started.

"You're talking to Romeo?" Finn said, which made me turn around to face him. He had my phone in his hand.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, you shouldn't." Finn said, and I took my phone back from him.

"Why?" I asked, and rolled my eyes.

"Because he's bad news, didn't Sadie tell you what he did to his last girlfriend?" Finn said.

"No. And I don't want to talk to you." I said, turning back around.


"Millie, there you are!!!" Haley said, and I nodded. We walked to Finns car, and we stood there and waited for him.

"Finn talked to me today." I said.

"Awwwwwweeee" Haley said, and I hit her arm.

"Shut up. You know we hate each other." I said, and she laughed a little.

"Yeah, but come on, you guys would be cute together." Haley said.

"No!!" I said, and then Finn approached us.

"What is Mille yelling at now?" Finn said, as he unlocked the car doors.

"Something you would agree with her on." Haley said, and I just got out my phone. We eventually got back and I went into my house, to hear my parents yelling. Like they always are. I didn't even bother to say hi, I just went upstairs to my room. I went into my bed, and went on my phone, and that's when I heard something hit my window. I looked over, and I saw Haley, in the other window at their house. I walk over to it and open my window, and see hers is already open. I sat down and put my arms on where the windows shut.

"Haley, that's Finns room. He's gonna kill you if he sees you in there." I said. Yeah, and I can see Finn from my window, and he can see me. It sucks.

"Whatever. When do you want to come over and study?" Haley asked, and I looked at the time. It was like 3:00.

"How about 5:00?" I asked, then I saw her nod. Then, I saw Finn come in his room behind her.

"Haley, get the fuck out of my room!!" I heard Finn yell.

"I was trying to talk to Millie!!" She yelled back at him, and I laughed, watching their argument.

"You could of just texted her, not come into my room." Finn yelled at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry for taking your spot at the window where you can look at Millie, you can have it back, if you wanna stare at her." Haley said, and I laughed.

"Just- get the fuck out of my room!!!" Finn yelled again.

"Okay, bye Millie." She said, and walked out of his room. Finn went out of vision from his window, but went back to it.

"Did you ask Sadie?" Finn asked, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"About Romeo?" Finn asked.

"No, I don't need to. Finn, I know everything about Romeo. He's not a bad person." I said, and I saw him look to the side for a couple seconds, then look back over to me.

"You don't know everything about him." Finn said.

"Why are you even talking to me? To annoy me even more?" I asked.

"If you want to think of it like that, go ahead." He said, and shut the window. I shut mine too, but I don't have any curtains on mine, and neither does he, so he can constantly see me, if he looked, which he doesn't. I laid down on my bed, and went on my phone. I heard yelling downstairs, so I went down there. I saw my mom and my dad, bickering about something stupid. I love them, even though they annoy the fuck out of me. One time, my dad hit me, I don't know why, he just did. I try to stay out of his way since then. But now, I need to go see what's going on. I walk into the room, and I see them in the kitchen, my dad standing, and my mom sitting in a chair.

Okay, the first chapter was pretty boring, whatever lol.

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