You're making me feel feelings.

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Millie's pov

"Wake up wake up wake up!!" I heard a guys voice yelling, and I opened my eyes a little. It was Gaten. Only him, Caleb and Grace were up, so he was waking everyone else up. I felt Finns hand was still with mine, intertwined fingers and all. I felt his grip tighten, and then it loosened. I gently let go and put his hand back to him, and then took my hand out from under the blankets. I looked at Finns face, and he was already up, looking at me.

"Guys, it's Thursday. Only 4 more days of break." Gaten said, and everyone groaned. I really don't want to go back to school. I leaned over and grabbed my glasses, and put them on. Everyone started talking about stuff, people at school, and a bunch of things I didn't want to listen to. We all eventually got up, and everyone went to go get ready. I went into the shower, because I felt dirty. I got out and wapped a towel around myself, and I went to Finns room to get clothes. I walked in, and he was sitting on his bed, on his phone. He looked up at me, and I looked at him.

"Get out pervert, I don't have clothes on." I said, holding onto the towel wrapped around my tighter.

"Okay, princess." He said, mimicking my English accent. I rolled my eyes, and he got up and left the room. I grabbed some black leggings, and then I saw I wore all my clothes that I brought, except Finns sweatshirt. I just put that on and zipped my bag up. I'm gonna have to go back to my house to get clothes tonight.

I brush my hair out, and it's still a little damp. I put my glasses on again, because I need to get new contacts back home too. I put on some socks and walked to the door and opened it, and Finn was still standing there. He eyed me up and down, and smiled.

"You look nice today." He said, and I felt my cheeks get warm.

"I don't know, I mean it's your sweatshirt after all." I said, and he walked into the room, making me back up as he walked towards me.

"Are you criticizing my style?" He asked me, and I smiled. I hit my back against the wall, and I couldn't back up any further.

"Am I?" I asked him, and he stood there in front of me, close. This boy is making me feel too many things at once.

"You never answered my question yesterday." He said, changing the subject.

"Sorry, I didn't know if that was you last night, you seemed different." I said, and he smirked at me.

"It was me. I just felt like I had to do that, to show you." He said, getting closer to me.

"Show me what?" I said, and crossed my arms, in a comfortable way.

"You know." He said, inching closer to my face. I had to look up to him, because he was taller.

"I really don't." I said, and he smiled, and looked down further than my face.

"I guess I'll have to show you again." He whispered, and I got the chills.

"It started out like this," he said, and kissed my cheek gently. "Then this," he said, trailing down to my jawline, his lips grazing the side of my cheek while going there, leaving me with butterflies in my stomach. "Then here," he whispered, barely audible, going down to my neck and kissing it. I gasped, and he took notice. God dammit. He started to go in all different places around my neck, leaving me with butterflies erupting in my stomach, and goosebumps. "And all around here." He said, kissing the the other side of my neck. I lifted my head up a little for him to reach it easier, and he did, right away. He stopped kissing my neck a few seconds later, and brought his face close to mine, really close.

"And then you almost kissed me, like this." He said, and leaned into my lips, and they grazed the top of my lip, him not kissing me because someone opened the door. Finn backed a few feet away from me, and I looked over to the door, and it was the guys.

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