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Hey I haven't updated any of my books recently besides benefits and I'm sorry about that I'm just in major writers block for all of them and also I've been super busy but summer is 2 weeks away so I'll be updating more regularly

Enjoy <3

Millie's pov

It's Thursday. Two days till summer.

The whole friend group is planning on going on a trip, they are saying Florida or something like that.

I get to my locker, and I heard Finn talking to someone behind me. After he was talking to them, I saw him leak against the locker next to mine.

"Hey Millie." He said, and I smiled.

"Hey." I said, and he gave me a smile back. I reached down and held his hand, and we walked to language. The past few days, I've gradually been getting better, and I feel better than I did last week. I can actually hold Finns hand. And cuddle. But only in some positions. I don't feel comfortable in doing others yet.

We get into class and sit down, ready for our second to last day in this class. Sadie was sitting next to me, talking.

"Are you excited for our double date?" Sadie asked, and I smiled.

"Yes, for the 100th time." I said, and she laughed a little.

"It's gonna be great!!! And then the week after we are all going to Florida!!" Sadie said, and I smiled and nodded, then looked over to Finn. He was on his phone, and looked really tired. Super tired.

I lightly kicked his foot from under the table, and he looked up at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, and he sighed.

"I didn't get any sleep last night, I'm sick if you couldn't tell." He said, jokingly.

"Well did you take any medicine?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it didn't help though." He said, looking back down at his phone. The bell rang, and we got started with Language class.


"Finn, seriously. I think you should go home." I said, as he was leaning against the locker next to mine, looking at me.

"I don't want to." He said, with the same dead eyes as this morning.

"Why?" I asked him, shutting my locker.

"Because I won't get to see you, and I have to make sure Romeo doesn't do anything stupid." He said, and then started coughing.

"Finn, I don't want to be the reason you're here and sick. You should go home and get some sleep, I'll come over right after school." I said, and he was actually debating it.

"Fine. But if you need anything, call me please." Finn said, and I nodded. He walked to the nurses office, and I walked to lunch.

I got to lunch, and I sat down.

"Where's Finn?" Haley asked.

"I made him go home because he's sick, and he looks terrible." I said, and she nodded.

"Thank you for making him go home, he wouldn't stay home when I told him to." Haley said, and I nodded.

"So, have you guys found a house to stay at in Florida yet?" Caleb asked everyone.

"My older sister found a beach house online. We are gonna rent it for the week." Sadie said, and I nodded. Of course we aren't going there by ourselves, we at least have to have an adult there, and Sadie's sister loves Florida, and she's 23. She's chill, so she won't bother us much either.

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