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"Who took this video?" I asked her.

"I don't know, some kid who didn't mean to see it. Now tell us, tell the whole school! You're dating, and you just can't get over the fact that your dad is dead and you need to make out with Finn to recover from it!" She yelled, and everyone heard her. It got quiet, really quiet. I was about to get up, but Finn put a hand on my arm to stop me. I took it off me and got up anyway. I walk up to her, so we're face to face, and everyone can see us. Were in the center of the cafeteria.

"Excuse me, did you forget who I am?" I said, and there were "ooooo"'s coming from the cafeteria.

"No, you're just the slutty bitch who thinks she's popular, and liked Romeo for 6 years. And never ended up getting him, and when you did, he only wanted you for your fucking body, lame. And now you've moved onto the next guy, like you always do." She said, and there were "ooos" in the cafeteria.

"Says the slutty bitch who cheated on her fucking boyfriend, you fucking selfish baby. And now, you're arguing with me about kissing him, which I have a right to do, since you guys broke up. You cheated on him. I can kiss him if I want, which I'm not!" I said, and there were louder "ooos" coming from the students. People know me as this type of person. I don't take anyone's bullshit, especially hers.

"You took advantage of him, he was the drunk one, not you!!! And now, he's just too blinded to realize who you really are. What you're not telling us. Please, tell us, Millie. I know that you are hiding things, even from your closest friends. Like Ava. You were always the least favorite child. And what about your dad? Was he really that nice?" She said, and people started to gasp.

"You fucking BITCH!" I said, and was about to go at her and throw a punch, but I felt someone grab me and stop me, it was Finn.

"Millie, don't." He said, and I snapped towards him.

"So you're taking the girl who has cheated on yous' side??" I yelled at him, and he let go of me.

"And you!! You are such a fucking stalker. My dad was one of the best people that was in my life. And you, saying things about him, is just making yourself look bad." I said, and she crossed her arms.

"You forgot to mention the other thing I said, Ava?" She said, and I looked at her.

"Get away from me before I kill you, you fucking bitch." I said, and people started oooing.

"Should I be afraid? Because I've heard you've actually killed someone before. Hear that? One of Millie Browns secrets everyone!! One that's too big not to share." She said.

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I don't know an Ava." I said, and she laughed.

"Wow, I guess you really were the least favorite child if you can't even remember your own sister." She said.

"Okay, since Millie here isn't saying who she is, I will. Ava is-

She got cut off by Finn.

"Iris, I bet they are dying to hear one of your secrets. So if you say Millie's, I'll say yours." He said, and Iris looked at him.

"Ugh, I hate you guys." She said, and walked away. The room started to get louder, and I felt tears coming to my eyes. I started to walk out of lunch, and I felt someone grab my arm.


"Leave me alone!! All of you leave me the FUCK alone!!" I yelled, and he let go of my arm. I walked out of the lunch, and out of the school. Finn drove us here. I walked over to the passenger seat and sat in it, luckily it was open. I sat in there and cried for gosh knows how long, and then I finally started to stop a little. Who the fuck does Iris think she is? How does she even know about Ava? I hear the car door open, and I look to see Finn. He sits down in the drivers seat, then closes the door. I wipe the tears from my face, and he's just sitting there, not saying anything. That's all I really need. I grab his hand, and rest my head on his shoulder, and we stay like that for a while. I take my head off his shoulder, and see that people are hearing back to their cars. The bell rang. I saw Maddie walking to the car, and she gets in and smiles at me.

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