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Finns pov

I woke up to the sound of people talking. But it was from a distance away.

I was holding Millie in my arms, and she started to shift awake. I heard her groan, and she let go of me and stretched.

She turned over to me again, and smiled at me.

"Morning." She said, and I smiled.

"Morning." I said back.

We didn't make out last night. I'm not upset that we didn't, it's just unusual, because we always do.

She moved over to me and put her arm around me again, and her head on my chest. Then, I heard a bunch of running footsteps, coming towards our room.

The door opened, and I looked to see all the guy and all the girls. They jumped onto our bed and laid down on it, next to us.

Millie's pov

"Come on, its already 10:00!" Maddie said, and I groaned.

"You're soft, Finn." Caleb said, and I laughed a little.

"Tell me that one more time, and you don't want to see what I can do to you." Finn said. I saw Sadie smile.

"You're soft." Caleb said, and I felt Finn quickly move out of my arms, to get Caleb. But before anything could happen, I sat up and grabbed Finn, pushing him back into the bed.

"Boys!!" Sadie said, and Finn groaned.

"Now get dressed. Nobody wants to see you without a shirt on, Finn. Millie probably doesn't want us seeing you either." Sadie said, as they all laughed and walked out of our room, shutting the door.

"I'm gonna fight Caleb today." Finn said.

"No, you're not." I said, laying on my stomach, my face above him.

"He called me soft." Finn said, and I smiled.

"Finn, you are soft." I said, and I felt Finn grab my arms, and flip me over, him on top of me.

"Take it back." He said, and I laughed.

"No. Remember the phone call you gave me the night I was at Sadie's? And remember when my dad passed away and you cuddled me to make me feel better? Remember when you carried me in from the trampoline place and thought I was asleep, so you kissed my forehead and told me goodnight? Remember when-

I got cut off by his lips placed against mine.

I opened my mouth, and he opened his too, and my hands made my way to his hair. I felt his hands go to my sides, and he pushed them in, ticking me. I accidentally kicked him, somewhere where a guy shouldn't be kicked.

"Fuck!!" He yelled, falling off the bed, and I gasped.

The door opened, to Haley, Noah, Gaten, and Grace.

"What happened?" Haley asked.

"She fucking kicked my dick!!!" Finn yelled, and they all started laughing. I got up to shut the door.

"Fuck you guys!" Finn yelled, and I laughed a little and shut the door. I walked over to Finn, and I grabbed his hands, and helped him up.

"Is it okay?" I asked, looking down, then back up at him.

"Yes." He said, and I looked away from him.

"Sorry." I said, smiling.

"You're right. I'm soft." Finn said, and I smiled.

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