He told me he loved me.

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Millie's pov

It was Monday, and I did not want to go to school today.

Finn helped me with my problem yesterday, but it hasn't gone away yet.

I felt safe in his arms. I felt like he was never going to let go, and I felt like I meant the world to him.

I mean, at least this week is the last week of school. Then summer.


I'm at my locker, when I hear Finn say my name.

"Hey Millie." He said, and I smiled.

"Hey Finn." I said, and he smiled at me. The bell rang, and we walked to English class, and he sat down across from me.

Finn and I are hanging out after school today. At his house.

Sadie sits down next to me, and we start talking. She's mostly talking about Caleb. I don't mind, though. It's not like I have anything to talk about.

"He told me he loved me last night." She said, and I smiled. (Got you didn't I)

"That's awesome!! Do you love him??" I asked her, and she smiled.

"Yeah." She said, and we both laughed. The bell rang, and I looked across from me, and Finn was opening his binder.

He hasn't told me he loves me.

Maybe it's because he doesn't. I mean, we haven't been together for that long. But we've known each other since we were little.

Maybe he does, but he hasn't told me.



I get to lunch, and it's pretty normal, we are all just talking about stuff and eating. I was on my phone, scrolling through my Instagram explore page, the usual.

The bell finally rang for my study hall, and I went to it. I had nothing to do, since we aren't given any homework because it's the last week of school. So, I went to my locker, to grab some of my binders to clean out.

After I got them, I closed my locker, to see a oh-so-familiar face.

"Go away, Romeo." I said, and he smiled.

"Why? I haven't seen you in a while. Are you hiding from me?" He asked, stepping closer. I tried to calm myself the best I could, and I stepped back, my heart pounding out of its chest.

"You need to walk away, and stay away from me." I said, trying to calm down my breathing.

"Millie, I told you we were gonna have to do it the hard way." He said, coming closer to me. The girls bathroom was right behind me, so I quickly opened the door then closed it, locking it.

"Millie, if you don't open this door right now, you're going to be in a lot of trouble with me." Romeo said, from outside of the door.

I didn't open it, I just sat down, back against the door, waiting for this class period to be over, since it's the last period of the day.


The bell rang, and I walked out of the bathroom, to my locker. I quickly got my stuff, and closed it, to see someone walk up to my locker.

"Hey Mills." Sadie said, and smiled at me.

"Hey." I said, and she could tell something was off.

"What's wrong?" She asked me, as we walked to the doors of the school.

"Romeo talked to me today at my locker. He was trying to touch me or something, but I kept backing away and telling him to leave. I hid in the bathroom the rest of the period." I said, and she gasped.

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