Phone call.

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Hey, this is one of my favorite chapters. You're welcome for posting, probably won't post for a while after this. Enjoy

Millie's pov

It was Monday already, and I wasn't looking forward to going back to school. It's still a little weird and distant between Finn and I, I just can't get that dream out of my mind. Romeo is gonna be at school, too.

I put on some light washed jeans, and a light pink long sleeve shirt, and get ready for the day.


"Millie, want a ride?" I heard Haley yell. I said yeah, because I don't feel like driving. I walk over to her house, and lean against Finns car, as we waited for him to come outside. I saw the front door open, and he walked outside, with a smile on his face.

Atleast someone is happy today.

He walked to the driver seat door, and he stopped when he saw me.

"Morning Mills." He said, going in for a kiss. I turned my head to the side, and he realized, so he stood back up straight.

"Sorry." I said, and he nodded, obviously confused. Haley knew why I didn't kiss him. But I don't know how to tell him.

I got in the car, and we all drove to school, in silence.

We got to the school, and Finn parked the car. Haley got out and grabbed her lacrosse bag, heading to put it inside the locker room, leaving us there. We walked side by side, into the school, in silence.

He walked with me to my locker, and leaned his back against the lockers next to mine, and stared straight ahead, I don't know what at though, and I didn't bother to look. He's probably just staring off into space.

"Finn, I need to tell you something." I said, and he turned his head to face me, as I got books from my locker.

"Ever since the sleepover we all had, you know I've been acting weird. It's just....I had this really weird and bad dream, and it won't leave my mind." I said, and he faced his whole body to me now.

"Was it about me?? Whatever I did Millie, I swear I wouldn't do it in real life. I promise." He said, and I looked down to his shoes.

"It wasn't you." I said, closing my locker, putting my book bag on my shoulders.

"Then who?" He asked.

"It was Romeo." I said, as we got to his locker.

"What did he do?" He asked me, opening his locker.

"I don't feel comfortable telling this to you at school." I said, and he turned to me and met my eyes. He finally gets it. He knows it was something bad, if I don't wanna talk about it at school.

His dark brown eyes didn't look away from mine, for about a good minute. It looks like his eyes are full of sympathy and sorryness.

"Millie, I want to hug you." He said, and my heart dropped. Do I hug him?? I don't know what my reaction is gonna be. I don't want to scream.

"I want to hug you too." I said, and he closed his locker, both of us just facing each other now, not saying anything. I moved toward him and put my arms out to hug him, and put them under his arms, and he put his around my back. I put my head in his chest, and it smelled like him, I love his smell. I felt him put his head on top of mine, resting it. I don't know if I feel comfortable doing this, but might as well test it.

I pull away from the hug, and my breathing is starting to get really weird.

"Millie??" Finn asked.

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