More drama.

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Millie's pov

It was Friday, finally. The week went by fast, and I'm glad it did. Maddie and Grade have gotten closer with Haley and Sadie, which is nice. Finn and I have rarely talked since the bathroom incident, and I don't really want to talk about that. That was just pure electricity in the moment, nothing else. He's really damn attractive, but that's all I like about him. Right?

It was towards the end of the day, which was nice. I got to lunch and saw Maddie, Grace, Sadie, and Haley all talking. I sat down and greeted them.

"What's up." I said, as I sat down.

"A lot, actually. Jacob broke up with me. Well, I found him cheating on me, and then he broke up with me. I'm mad at him for cheating on me, but I'm not that sad about the breakup. He's a cheater." She said.

"That sucks, Haley." I said, and she nodded.

"Anyone else?" I asked.

"Well, there's this guy that I'm kinda interested in." Grace said, and we turned to her, smiling.

"Who?" We all asked.

"He has dark brown hair, he talks sometimes, popular..." She said, and we all were lost.

"He's short." Grace said.

"Noah!!" We all said, and she shushed us.

"Yeah. He's been talking to me, he's pretty nice." Grace said.

"Guys, What is this, all of you have guys or guy problems, yet I'm here with no guys at all." Maddie said.

"Same." I said.

"No, you have Finn." Maddie said, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Finn?" I asked her.

"Well Yeah, you guys almost kissed in the bathroom." She said, and I looked over to Haley.

"Haha, sorry." Haley said, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Maddie, I have the perfect guy for you." Haley said, and Maddie smiled.

"Who?" She asked.

"Gaten!!" She said and Maddie looked at her like she was crazy.

"No way, ever, will I date Gaten Matarazzo." Maddie said, and we all laughed at her.

"Come on, you guys both make jokes, you guys are both looking for someone, you guys would be so cute together!!" Haley said.

"How do you know all this about the guys?" Grace asked her.

"Because Finn has them over, and they all hang out in the living room." Haley said.

"Ohhh" we said, and she nodded. Well, that sucks.

"So, I was thinking we could have a sleepover at my place after the party." Haley said.

"I'm down." I said, obviously going, because I have nowhere better to be.

"Same, I just have to ask my parents." Grace said, and Haley nodded at her. We all turned to Maddie.

"I probably can go." Maddie said, and we all smiled.

"Do you guys wanna meet up at my place before the party? You can drop you bags off, too." Haley said.

"Yeah, what time should we go?" Maddie asked.

"Well since the party starts at 9:00, just come over at around 8:00." She said, and we nodded.


"We're here!!" Grace yelled, as Haley opened the door for them. I was already there, since I live right next to her. Maddie and her walked in and set their bags down, and then we all sat in the living room and talked. I noticed Finn was in the kitchen, but brought my focus back to Haley and the girls. Sadie arrived when I did, too.

"So, Haley, are you gonna try and find a new guy tonight?" Sadie asked.

"I don't know, maybe to just try and help me get over Jacob." She said, and I nodded. We didn't have school next week, because it was break for us. Just a week break, for fall.


We walked into the party, and I immediately smelled the alcohol and smoke. The music was blasting, and Haley actually stayed with me, but all the girls drifted off. We walked in the kitchen, and we sat down.

"Okay, what about that guy?" I asked her. His name was Josh, and he was pretty popular. He was nice, too.

"Eh." She said.

"What about him?" I asked her.

"No. How about I just don't look for a guy tonight, and hang out with my friend, that I haven't gotten to hang out with in forever?" She said, and I smiled. I took her hand and we went to the dance floor, and we danced. I was really happy, I felt more happy than I've felt in forever, for some reason. I'm not that kind of girl that's all happy and sugary. I'm that girl who shows her emotions, but nobody really knows what I'm feeling.


"We should grab the girls, and head back home." Haley said, and I nodded. She went to get Sadie, and I went to get Grace and Maddie.

I found Maddie talking to a guy, I knew him. His name was Jack, he was the really tall one.

(Not the one from IT lol) I grabbed her and then we went to go grab Grace, who was talking to Noah. We got her, and I saw Sadie and Haley already in the car. Good thing, nobody got drunk tonight.


"So, I saw you talking to Jack at the party." I said to Maddie, as we were all sitting in the living room.

"Yeah, he's nice." Maddie said.

"Grace, I saw you talking to Noah. What happened?" I asked her.

"Nothing, unfortunately." She said, and sighed.

"He'll get there, don't worry." I said, and she laughed. We continued to talk, and laugh. This has honestly been one of the best nights ever.

But good times don't last.

We put on a movie and started to watch it. I checked the time and it was about 10:30, so I called my dad. No answer, weird. Usually he's in the living room at 10:30. I just shrugged it off and put my phone down. I went upstairs to brush my teeth, and someone walked into the bathroom. Finn.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Just gonna brush my teeth." He said.

"Right when I'm doing it? Convenient." I said. And he just rolled his eyes.

"So are you okay, after the Romeo thing?" He asked me.

"How did you know it was about Romeo in the first place?" I asked him.

"Well I watched him leave the classroom, and watched him from then on." He said.

"So you saw everything." I said, and he nodded.

"Great!" I said sarcastically.

"But are you okay?" Finn asked me.

"If you ask me that one more fucking time- and yeah, I'm fine. I'm over it already." I said and he laughed and nodded.

We finished brushing our teeth, then he followed me downstairs. That's when I saw red and blue cop lights at my house. But they didn't open the door, they knocked on Haley's door. I looked at Finn, and he shrugged his shoulders. Everyone watched me walk towards the door, and open it.

Everything was going slow, like time stopped. I got the news from the cop. I saw everyone's faces go into shock, and I couldn't comprehend what was going on. All I knew was what the cop told me.

Which made me fall to the ground.

Oh shoot, what did the cop say, lol. Read the next chapter to find out.

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